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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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Why they are bastards ? The people who are eating cows are insulting my religious feelings . So what do you call them ?
when muslims eat cows they don't mean to offend you.. thats why u can't call them names… but when people made those cartoons they only wanted to offend muslims so thats why they are bastards.
We Hindus need to learn scripture. Satsangh is equally important to love for God. Knowing the word of God makes you a good Hindu, not just emulating what your neighbor as a Hindu does. We have become a remote control religion by just doing what everybody else does and not verifying for ourselves what our religion requires of us :undecided:

There comes advise from a deracinated Hindu who does everything possible to kill Hinduism. Practice everything adharmic and call yourself a Hindu. Shame.
i don't tell people not eat pork or i don't say let do azan on loud speakers… we all have to make sacrifices to live together peacefully.

You can't because you live in a non-Muslim country.

Try telling me about living in Islamic country and respecting minority laws.

Since you said sacrifices, why not make this one and set an example? Slaughter something else.
when muslims eat cows they don't mean to offend you.. thats why u can't call them names… but when people made those cartoons they only wanted to offend muslims so thats why they are bastards.
And how do you say so ? But I am offended. Its not mandatory to eat cows. Is not it ?
We Hindus need to learn scripture. Satsangh is equally important to love for God. Knowing the word of God makes you a good Hindu, not just emulating what your neighbor as a Hindu does. We have become a remote control religion by just doing what everybody else does and not verifying for ourselves what our religion requires of us :undecided:

Actually you are a remote control person because you just want to emulate what Christians and Muslims do without applying thought and logic. Born of your inferiority complex perhaps?
We Hindus need to learn scripture. Satsangh is equally important to love for God. Knowing the word of God makes you a good Hindu, not just emulating what your neighbor as a Hindu does. We have become a remote control religion by just doing what everybody else does and not verifying for ourselves what our religion requires of us :undecided:
so ?
Which chapter of Srimad Bhagvad Gita prohibits beef consumption exactly ?

Srimad Bhagavatam,

namo brahmanya devaya, go brahmaṇa hitaya ca,
jagad dhitaya krsnaya, govindaya namo namah,

Translation : I salute the supreme truth that is god, I salute krishna the protector of the cow and the brahman too,

From the Bhagvat Gita,

karmanah sukṛtasyahuh, sattvikam nirmalam phalam,
rajasas tu phalam duhkham, ajnanam tamasah phalam,

The result of pious action is pure and will give you fruit of peace and goodness.
Action done in greed and passion gives misery, and action performed in the mode of ignorance results in foolishness.

Killing of the cow by a hindu is that act of Tamas that give the fruit of ignorance.

But for some ignorance is Bliss.
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because their intention is to simple offend thats why… but us eating cows is not us trying to offend you.
But I am offended. So I am requesting them to stop it. If they dont stop, then i feel that they are doing it intentionally. is not it ?
You can't because you live in a non-Muslim country.

Try telling me about living in Islamic country and respecting minority laws.

Since you said sacrifices, why not make this one and set an example? Slaughter something else.
its your country… ask indian muslims… in pakistan we don't care about what people eat… our christians eat pork if they want.
Cultural reasons as well as its vitality to our environment. Plus to remain human and not turn into a psycho.
psycho??? U mean non vegetarians are psychos?

I get offended. My family get offended. we worship cows. so people must respect my sentiment ?
Im not a much religious person but at as a hindu it should not offend us unless we are brainwashed by rss agenda.
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