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India: Muslim Share in Government Jobs crosses 10%

its unfortunate that after reading my long post still u feel that i support him.let me tell u clearly this time..i condemn his hate speech and i equally condemn the hate speeches of other extremists aswell.he was arrested and the issue must be left to the law.national media created hype of this incident and the person who is not completely known in ap itself became popular overnight in india.and hindu extreamists retaliated after which he again replied.and this would see no end.the situation further deteriorates.i've seen communal clashes and peace also and i know well how his works.hope atleast this time i made my self clear

My dear friend, I am not derogating you in any way.

Trust me, what I am saying is what generally happens. Please don't take my words otherwise.

You are much more are than me about Hyderabad as I have only visited the city occasionally and not lived there.

But can you tell me what gave rise to Hindu right wing?

No one has been able to answer that till now.

I was also against these right wing types for a long time.

But tell me, what actions caused problems with my community vs the muslims?

Can you answer that? :)

Even I cannot except to believe what ALL other communities are saying not just from India but from other parts of the world too.

If this is not proof enough for you, I don't know what is.
RSS mandir - Maybe in Pakistan you read in RSS mandirs. In India RSS does not teach in Mandirs at all, let alone world war history.
Suicide ... - That is my point. Suicide attacks happened before. We can't take the credit. :)

This is what they teach u in RSS mandir?

The Americans against whom they did that nvr called them Suicide Bombers but a random Guy in PDF claims it.

They were just Suicide attackers from Military aviators

Even a simple wikipedia read can clear this.

Kamikaze - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Friend, it is impossible to awaken a person who pretends to sleep. :police:
My dear friend, I am not derogating you in any way.

Trust me, what I am saying is what generally happens. Please don't take my words otherwise.

You are much more are than me about Hyderabad as I have only visited the city occasionally and not lived there.

But can you tell me what gave rise to Hindu right wing?

No one has been able to answer that till now.

I was also against these right wing types for a long time.

But tell me, what actions caused problems with my community vs the muslims?

Can you answer that? :)

Even I cannot except to believe what ALL other communities are saying not just from India but from other parts of the world too.

If this is not proof enough for you, I don't know what is.
that's what i am saying only 2 times in last 25 years , and Pakistan only in 2011 - 2000 non-Muslim girls got Victimized. Even supreme court are with Rapist for "Islam" ,
Where we did that 2 times and all got locked up in jail why we should free them and give some competition to Pakistan .

Our Media is our Problem too you know all Gujrat Drama Created by Our Sikular Media , I agree with u on this issue Our Media should Shut the FuXk like your media .


Repeating yr state propaganda will not help u here.

The percentage of Muslims in India has risen from about 9.91% in 1951 to 13.4% in 2011.

You really need to read something beyond your school books.

LOL kiddo according to yr own countryman here the population was 25% after Independence of Pakistan. Now u say that its just close to 14% shows that its u who is living in yr school text books.

If such are the speeches ,looking at the rapidly expanding sunni population ,chances are a lot of fighting will break out. And this time even Shia muslims,Christians will side with Hindus against the sunnis as sunnis are worldwide committing genocide on them. Its a matter of time.
Absolutely. It has already happened. The process has begun. But not all Muslims think like that. I have many Kashmiri friends here in Bangalore as well. Most of them are Muslims. They also agree. In fact they don't even live in the Muslim locality(but I do :laughcry:) We have some biriyani in the weekends. :bounce: I have egg, they chicken :D .

If such are the speeches ,looking at the rapidly expanding sunni population ,chances are a lot of fighting will break out. And this time even Shia muslims,Christians will side with Hindus against the sunnis as sunnis are worldwide committing genocide on them. Its a matter of time.
RSS mandir - Maybe in Pakistan you read in RSS mandirs. In India RSS does not teach in Mandirs at all, let alone world war history.
Suicide ... - That is my point. Suicide attacks happened before. We can't take the credit. :)

Friend, it is impossible to awaken a person who pretends to sleep. :police:


why r u embarrassing yrself kiddo read yr previous posts in this subject in this thread with me. U used the word 'Suicide Bomber/bombing'.
To bring up Muslims, dalits, schedule tribes a lot needs to be done in India, I still remember when I had passed my 10th standard exams, a Muslim girl got first rank in our school and the the complete strength of Muslims in my class of 60 students was around 5, when I was doing my engineering there was only 1 Muslim girl in my class and same was the situation in other branches of the institute and finally when I did my masters there was only 1 Muslim student, and if you go further ahead for admissions into institutes which are niche such as IIT,s, IIM,s then the presence of Muslim in this colleges is very very less.

Some people say that reservations are for lazy people and that it should be cancelled, but what about the reservation we had in hindu samaj four varnas, namely Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras for thousand of years, a brahmin can only be a brahmin, a kshatriya can only be a kshatria and a shudra can only be a shudra should we not consider these as reservation, when it comes to reservation for the SC's, ST's, OBC's which has been in force for more than 50 plus years it was also present during the struggle for freedom example the poona act between Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R Ambedkar, we see a lot is said against the reservation, I stay in Mumbai (Bombay) where I daily see people from different religion and background my observation is that if you go to slums of dharavi or any other slums in mumbai you will find majority population muslims. Lack of opportunity for good education, good working conditions and having inhumane conditions to live has developed a feeling in them of being left behind and exploited.

The above reason which I think has allowed other powers to divert their mind to illegal activities, terrorism and other criminal activities

My recent conversation with a muslim auto rickshaw driver where he confidently said “Anewale 10 salo mein muslim pad likhkar age badne wale hai” , what we need is to support this confidence of the muslims and for this to happen giving Muslims reservation there is nothing wrong as there was nothing wrong in the practice of reservation which was followed in Hindu samaj such as the four varnas.
The other thing which we need to do as Indians, is that we need to share our knowledge with the muslim population, by coaching them, by providing them the required support including financial, knowledge, training and any other support to bring them at par with the other sections of the society.

And for those who have said that reservation produces 3rd grade candidates on this post, It disheartens people like me who belong to schedule caste but to tell them that I am proud that what I am today because of the support I had received due to reservations and at present working in India's no 1 IT firm as a Business process lead and contributing to the company and the country

Please let us stop critizing about reservations and unite to see what we can do to give equal and fair oppurtunities to the different sections of the society.
U did not get my point.
It regional phenomena . In Kerala most of the people working in gulf irrespective to religion, so most of the people are prosperous.
in Up in bihar most of the people are poor whether it is hindu or muslims.

bcoz Majority of them are working in gulf states... :coffee:
If someone explodes one's stomach and blows up women and children he is a suicide bomber. But if someone flies and bombs into a ship in an aircraft laden with bombs, he is not? :hitwall:

why r u embarrassing yrself kiddo read yr previous posts in this subject in this thread with me. U used the word 'Suicide Bomber/bombing'.

All is well and good. But remember reservation comes only when there is a need to prioritize.
And the need to prioritize comes only when there are not sufficient resources. Like in this example if there were enough schools for everyone there would have been no need of any reservation. Instead of creating more schools we will be just faking an uniform distribution of people. What this means is that a new class of uneducated people will be create. Lack of education will remain. Only now the ratio of 'so called higher castes to lower castes' will go down.

I would call that votebank politics. It is harder but more rewarding to create more schools so that there is no requirement for reservations.
To bring up Muslims, dalits, schedule tribes a lot needs to be done in India, I still remember when I had passed my 10th standard exams, a Muslim girl got first rank in our school and the the complete strength of Muslims in my class of 60 students was around 5, when I was doing my engineering there was only 1 Muslim girl in my class and same was the situation in other branches of the institute and finally when I did my masters there was only 1 Muslim student, and if you go further ahead for admissions into institutes which are niche such as IIT,s, IIM,s then the presence of Muslim in this colleges is very very less.

Some people say that reservations are for lazy people and that it should be cancelled, but what about the reservation we had in hindu samaj four varnas, namely Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras for thousand of years, a brahmin can only be a brahmin, a kshatriya can only be a kshatria and a shudra can only be a shudra should we not consider these as reservation, when it comes to reservation for the SC's, ST's, OBC's which has been in force for more than 50 plus years it was also present during the struggle for freedom example the poona act between Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R Ambedkar, we see a lot is said against the reservation, I stay in Mumbai (Bombay) where I daily see people from different religion and background my observation is that if you go to slums of dharavi or any other slums in mumbai you will find majority population muslims. Lack of opportunity for good education, good working conditions and having inhumane conditions to live has developed a feeling in them of being left behind and exploited.

The above reason which I think has allowed other powers to divert their mind to illegal activities, terrorism and other criminal activities

My recent conversation with a muslim auto rickshaw driver where he confidently said “Anewale 10 salo mein muslim pad likhkar age badne wale hai” , what we need is to support this confidence of the muslims and for this to happen giving Muslims reservation there is nothing wrong as there was nothing wrong in the practice of reservation which was followed in Hindu samaj such as the four varnas.
The other thing which we need to do as Indians, is that we need to share our knowledge with the muslim population, by coaching them, by providing them the required support including financial, knowledge, training and any other support to bring them at par with the other sections of the society.

And for those who have said that reservation produces 3rd grade candidates on this post, It disheartens people like me who belong to schedule caste but to tell them that I am proud that what I am today because of the support I had received due to reservations and at present working in India's no 1 IT firm as a Business process lead and contributing to the company and the country

Please let us stop critizing about reservations and unite to see what we can do to give equal and fair oppurtunities to the different sections of the society.
Your examples are valid. But this is not the first time in the history of the world that inequalities exist.

The yawning gap is there in our countries because the governments in both your and my nation are corrupt to the core and bag in all the money meant for public welfare.

Look at the number of scams done by MMS & Co. in the last 5 years.

Now multiply this 11 times (55 years of their rule in 66 years of total independent Indian rule).

Think how much of improvement could all this money made to the lives of poor.

If we had put this in a proper social security system like Sweden, Norway, Finland or even Canada etc think how many poor would have benefited and utilized facilities.

What Marx said or did not say, never got applied did it?

Instead, all communist countries became tyrannical madhouses, collapsing like dry leaves on a stormy evening.

China took the communist collapse as a warning and turned to authoritarian state capitalism which benefited them.

But those who followed true communism, failed miserably just like how our big Red friend failed.

I will definitely read your suggestions. Thanks.

But tell me, was this all not evident since the days of cold war? The domino collapse of communist countries one after another?

Because of unrealistic economic planning.

Utopia looks good only in imagination my friend.

In reality, one has to understand and work around the circumstances prevalent in the country.
look im not advocating any system ok let me make it very clear. Capitalism or Communism not r man made laws and r bound to have mistakes according to me.

I follow Islamic System, the Socio Economic System of Islam.

But still i will say in this regard that when it comes to people then Communism is better viz a viz capitalism. that was my point and thats why i advised u to read the books of people of respective systems.

The Karl Marxist theory in its classic form is obviously impossible to implement and is capitalism in its classic form called feudalism
is also impossible to implement in todays modern age when world have became global village. So different countries do amendments in their constitution time to time to survive in different ages of time.

Like the communism today in Russia is not that of 1917 or Stalin's era nor is Capitalism in west of 1800s or WW1 or WW2 era nor is of Cold war era.

They have also done changes in their system to survive.

If u will read the books of Adam Smith and specially Xavier when will only u will come to knw abt it.

The basic reason for me to share these Personalities and their books was to let u know the basics of capitalism and communism.

The crust/gist of philosophies given by Karl Marxs and Adam Smith and Xavier r still followed by Communism and Capitalism even in this modern day.
My dear friend, I am not derogating you in any way.

Trust me, what I am saying is what generally happens. Please don't take my words otherwise.

You are much more are than me about Hyderabad as I have only visited the city occasionally and not lived there.

But can you tell me what gave rise to Hindu right wing?

No one has been able to answer that till now.

I was also against these right wing types for a long time.

But tell me, what actions caused problems with my community vs the muslims?

Can you answer that? :)

Even I cannot except to believe what ALL other communities are saying not just from India but from other parts of the world too.

If this is not proof enough for you, I don't know what is.

the answer lies in the rrots of creation of pakistan. aligarh school which later includes initially secular jinnah at later stages became paraniod that if india was created the interests of muslims would be compromised and believed that muslims would be happier in british india.by 1930s when the concept of swarajya was in lime light muslims were not yet completely politically or socially ahead.and so their leaders asked them not to participate in the freedom movement.this further goes back in to partition when the king of bengal asked muslims not to participate in the anti partition movement of 1905.and can be dated back further from 1857 sepoy mutiny when british found that united hindus and muslims are not in the interest of them and stronger muslims would be a danger to them as the famous leaders and participants are muslims right from bhakt khan or bahadurshah.so they started the famous divide and rule making muslims weaker.admininstration was largely given to hindus.and when congress became increasingly against them they started to appease muslim fundamentalists and kept congress away.this policy gave rise to right wing extreamists like the hindu maha sabha. and this communalism transformed into political nature after independence..its a long history and i can not explain to u in a single comment..there are three typs of communal ideologies the liberal,moderate and extreme communal ideologies.indian national congress thought that if they appease liberal communalists problems will be solved but it worsened..as when demand is met a new demand will come in to picture bacuse there are no demands their entire existence becomes menaingless..this is beautifully explained in bipin chandra's "india's struggle for independence" and "india since independence" please read the two books..all the details are given clearly and there is a seperate chapter on communalism
1. Undue publicity? The other alternative was to ignore and let him speak and continue to spew venom. Sorry I can't agree to such ****** POVs.
2. National celebrity - That is media's job.
3. Togadias started... - So what do you expect him to do. Send a garland of flowers? In spite of that he targeted only the man and not the entire community.
4. national hindu muslim issue now - He did not say he will kill the Hindus of AP only. He said 100 crore Hindus. He did not talk only about some temple in AP, but about the Ram Janmabhoomi temple (on which the hon'ble courts have decided). etc etc
5. "publicity provided gave further leash to the hindu wing extreamists" - if by opposing him somebody becomes hindu extremists, then the entire country is Hindu extremist.
6. About the videos -
I. One video he is abusing Akbar Owaisi - I don't know how would a sane person speak about an elected MLA who threatened genocide in a public gathering. May be he should have congratulated him to satisfy you.
II. Second video he speaks about Prophet Muhammad - Criticism of religion in India is allowed. Akbar Owaisi also picked up this topic. He questioned many 'Ram and Sita and Yashoda' stuff. But the nation's problem is not with that. The problem is while Togadia criticized certain actions Akbar threatened with genocide.

But in my opinion you won't see that. You can go ahead and celebrate your 'Sher-e-Deccan'. :D
Oh btw, even after being released he said that 'remove the na mard police and 100 crore will be exterminated'. A real secular face of Indian politics. Thanks :)

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...rnment-jobs-crosses-10-a-8.html#ixzz2cPvWgdo7

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...rnment-jobs-crosses-10-a-8.html#ixzz2cPubI2Xk

as i said he was arrested and the case is subjudice.he was not left just like that.what do u suggest??kill him or further escalate the situation like the opposite group did??both will increase the problems.and this would be the cause of next communal riots if it takes place at all..thanks to some one whos 1000s of kms away hindus and muslims in hyd must face teh consequences.theres a way to do things.u dont do them as u wish.when there is law the process must be followed.
If someone explodes one's stomach and blows up women and children he is a suicide bomber. But if someone flies and bombs into a ship in an aircraft laden with bombs, he is not? :hitwall:


Why dont u ask this to American who have named them both as Suicide attackers and bombers.........I dont make rules
It is not in my hands in any case. May be it is in yours. Besides 'kill him' is not a solution. I have not forgotten the 'Narah e Takbeer' calls from the Adilabad and other audiences of his. The way the general supporters of Owaisi cheered him (especially when he abuses Hindus) shows what we are facing.
as i said he was arrested and the case is subjudice.he was not left just like that.what do u suggest??kill him or further escalate the situation like the opposite group did??both will increase the problems.and this would be the cause of next communal riots if it takes place at all..thanks to some one whos 1000s of kms away hindus and muslims in hyd must face teh consequences.theres a way to do things.u dont do them as u wish.when there is law the process must be followed.
So let me get this straight, there are nearly as many Muslims in India than in Pakistan and they only hold 10% of govt jobs.

So out of 160 million Muslims in India, 16 million of them are involved in jobs which influence the politics of their country.

Absolutely absurd, the Muslims in India are getting f**ked.

Data below:


· 94.9% Muslims live below the poverty line.

· Monthly per capita expenditure of Muslims is much lower than the national average.

· Majority of Muslim families in rural areas do not receive food grain.

· One out of every three Muslim family in rural areas survives on less than US $6 per month.


· Socio-Economic status of Muslim is worse than Dalits.

· 25% Muslim children belonging to the 6-14 year age groups either drop out or never attend school in their locality.

· Drop out rates are higher at primary, middle and higher secondary levels.

· In premier colleges only 1 out of 25 under graduate and 1 out of 50 for post- graduates is a Muslim.

· Only 3% of Muslim children among the school going age go to Madarsas.

· Access to Govt. school for Muslim girls is limited.


· 3% or less in army forces, 10% in public administration, 5% in railways and 3.5% in banking.

This is a direct result of two main tendencies in the Muslim community: (A) Denial of a good education to girls after puberty and (b) preponderance of Madrassa education. I am reminded of a protest march in my home state of Assam carried out by Madrassa students that they were discriminated against by institutes of higher learning. In a TV interview, one of the protesters carrying a banner saying that no one from his Madrassa has ever got admission into a Medical College was asked a few basic questions on Science. One could only see utter confusion on the kids face. When asked if he ever studied science, he answered in the affirmative. He was then asked for some examples of topics covered in his science class. He answered with all conviction that he could state the number of days from / to the new moon by looking at the moon phase, or that he could predict the next day's weather by looking at the sky at night and whether the moon and the starts were clearly or hazy. He was convinced that he had studies science and that he deserved admission into Medical colleges based on that level of village science.
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