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India: Muslim Share in Government Jobs crosses 10%

You need to come to India once. You will feel ashamed about Indian Mainstream Media. For example if you slap an Indian and he slaps you back - you will surely see something like 'Hindu assaults Muslim on the street - Rise and Rise of Hindu intolerance' or something like that. :woot:
who says that?

in Gujrat not once but twice in 92 and 2002 Muslim massacre u did that!

only if yr state control media has not broadcast that doesnt mean it nvr happened.
Why do you think only RSS is Hindu?

You can hide behind covers like oh that was done by Congress but they were HINDUS right

There was NO proof that Christians killed the Hindu seer still Christians were burnt alive by Hindus

Gujrat incident and train incident were discussed to death and it never created any reason for Hindus to kill hundreds of own Indian Muslims .

And oh whats the difference if a terrorist kills you with bomb or a terrorist kill you by shooting you with a weapon?

Godse killed Gandhi and no justification can be brought in for that killing

Congress is the most anti-Indian faith party in the whole country.

Each time they favour a community, they end up ravaging it. Now they are doing with Muslims and Christians. The day they find their use is over, they will do with them the same thing they did with Sikhs.

A Congressi has no religion or faith. Only money, power and prestige.

As for Godse, if he had not done what he did, Pakistan would have been the size of what India is today.
who says that?

in Gujrat not once but twice in 92 and 2002 Muslim massacre u did that!

only if yr state control media has not broadcast that doesnt mean it nvr happened.

that's what i am saying only 2 times in last 25 years , and Pakistan only in 2011 - 2000 non-Muslim girls got Victimized. Even supreme court are with Rapist for "Islam" ,
Where we did that 2 times and all got locked up in jail why we should free them and give some competition to Pakistan .

Our Media is our Problem too you know all Gujrat Drama Created by Our Sikular Media , I agree with u on this issue Our Media should Shut the FuXk like your media .
what abt Rajiv Gandhi?

u started this technique long before anyone in Muslim world knew abt it.:lol:

He was killed by Khalistanis with the help of Chandraswami research Justice Jain's Report,not LTTE.In 1996 ,majority of Khalistani movement disbanded itself once BJP achieved power,though it is currently involved in drug trade alongside RAW,ISI and certain NATO affliated agencies .
www .scribd.com /doc/91989474/Rajiv-Assassination-A-Report-and-an-Agenda-1998

Capitalism is not wrong in real sense.

Actually, Socialism is the culprit.

The reservation problem comes from the Socialist mentality of the government that followed this model from the USSR days.

No body would get anything extra for their effort while everybody would get the same.

Even the USSR did not have reservation quotas , yet india has it . India is a total joke these days.
This is what is missing.

This is what they don't want to do.

Those who are honest among them, are suppressed by their families and elders who are of the old mindset.
Many in the younger generation want to work and get things on merit.

But sadly because of the divide that the secoolarists create by favouring one community over the other and call it 'equality', the tension continues to simmer between those who want 'free ka maal' versus those who struggle hard for their rights.

To be fair, and before the Pakistanis blame us for being anti Muslim or something, what you say is solah aane sach for ALL reservations in India. The way it is done simply fosters mediocrity and resentment
Capitalism is not wrong in real sense.

Actually, Socialism is the culprit.

The reservation problem comes from the Socialist mentality of the government that followed this model from the USSR days.

No body would get anything extra for their effort while everybody would get the same.

It is a flawed model because then there is no incentive to perform.

Tell me, if you are working extra hard, taking extra initiatives for your company to benefit or to excel in your studies, how would you feel if you got the same 'guaranteed' salary that a lazy-@$$ joker got in your office?

This is the same thing.

While no profession is easy and trivial (Even a sweeper does useful job and is respectable), there is a reason why professions are categorized with specific levels of rewards.

A doctor earns more than a mechanic because while the mechanic repairs a non-living automobile, a doctor saves the lives of ailing people.

A pilot earns more than a ticket counter checker because in the air when there is no support, hundreds of lives are balancing on his shoulders and it is his responsibility to get them back in one piece on earth.

These are just small examples.

I know there is exploitation of the poor and it is very evident in India especially when I visit to good countries like Nordic nations and see the difference in labour pay etc.

But that is not because of Capitalism: it is because there is no labour law to protect the lower sections's rights.

A labourer may get half the salary he is promised; if he protests they will fire him. But the unscrupulous manager knows that if he leaves, in a country like India, 100 more will try to get his place.

That is because there is NO labour law. And India's labour laws are a joke. They can never be implemented on private firms because everyone is a sell-out here.

Forget labourers, even ambitious young executives are given pathetic treatment by seniors.

The culture to bully because of seniority is a problem in entire South Asia, compared to Western countries where these things are there, but nowhere in the proportion found in our countries.

im no advocate of Socialism but Im a Student of International Relations and to study different types of systems is in our curriculum. What i have learnt in all those years is that when it comes to benefit of People then Communism is better viz a viz Capitalism.

In Capitalism the core is Wealth and it revolves around it for example if i have Rs 4000/-and u have Rs 2000/-Now if u invest/put them in a bank yr 2000 and by the time u will make 4000 to come on level with me i would have already made 8000 on same way. Either by investing or putting them in bank.

This was just one example i gave u from its investment/banking system which ultimately runs the financial and economic system.
As u can see its a nvr ending race between a rich and poor.

Read books of Adam Smith and Xavier abt Economics and Finances.

Adam Smith and Xavier r the founders of modern day capitalism.

Now Communism came in the reaction of Capitalism in europe in which labors rebelled against the factories run by investors/Rich class.

The formed a new system based on Karl Marx theory called Marxist Theory. In which the core of the distribution of wealth was '' Effort''. that who ever does work will be paid more or in simple words u ever does more effort wins the race.

Read the Books called 'Dos Capital' by Karl Marx in this book he for the first time present Marxist Theory and talked in great detail abt it.

All this im telling u so that u can do yr own research first then to believe in rumors and brainwash yourself.

Remember the ones who get misguided r those who dont have a first hand knowledge or lack awareness. But those who have knowledge and awareness cant be brainwashed or misguided.
"does considers himself to be an indian"
If even after threatening with the slaughter of 100 crore non Muslims, he considers himself Indian, then seriously speaking I must be a Kimbuktuan.

Besides it is good to see you could not breathe without bringing in Togadia and Thakeray. This despite the fact that regionalism and teaching lesson is nowhere near the shout to exterminate an entire population, destroy temples(starting with Bhagyalakshmi) and still standing for election in India!

I am not surprised to see you though. Only remember one thing, when things change from bad to worse(Muslim non Muslim riots are common in ultra secular Hyderabad) don't come crying to some RSS camp for protection. They would welcome you in but it would be hypocritical - don't you think?

i lived in this city for over 25 years now and perhaps i know better about my city than anybody else. riots u mentioned are a history now except some small groups that to with political objectives.people in hyd do not take him so seriously neither he is so popular here except for old city.he must be condemned and so should be other extremists.i did not get what part of my statement so ambiguous to u.people like him will become worse when they were given undue publicty..the national broadcast of his hate speeches was unwarranted for.the person whos name was not known to many in ap itself then beacame a national celebrity and togadias started to give the counter which further escalates the situation.a local incident was made into a national hindu muslim issue now.he was arrested and prosecuted in court for his hate speech it must be left at that.the publicity provided gave further leash to the hindu wing extreamists.it has no end. further no case was appropriated against the togadia which further escalates this issue.

dont u call this a hate speech??
Praveen Togadia Hate Speech Against Akbaruddin Owaisi And Indian Muslims On FEB 1 2013 - YouTube
VHP Praveen Togadia talking Prophet Mohammed PBUH & his Ancestors Muslims Islam Quran & minorities - YouTube
Not we. I can remember many such incidents of suicide bombings.
Kamikazes were very famous in their times.
I will not deny that the person who killed Rajiv Gandhi was not a Hindu. She was and she is. But one important consideration is that she killed not in the name of religion. Neither did the kamikazes. There was no tinge of faith in their attacks. It was entirely and undeniably a politically motivated attack.
u dont know what r u talking abt.

Kamikazes were no suicide bombers.

Get Knowledge first before opening yr mouth.
Kamikazes were suicide bombers in the true sense of the term.
Kamikazes(lit. Divine wind) did something like this - they would get into a plane/fighter/bomber and stuff it with explosives. Then ram it into some American ship. Especially being used from the Battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944 to the end of the war.

There are plenty of books written and documentaries on this topic - including live videos of Kamikaze attacks. :)

No need to be so hyper :)

u dont know what r u talking abt.

Kamikazes were no suicide bombers.

Get Knowledge first before opening yr mouth.
Well that is your opinion and you have a right to it.

But this man is a nuisance and while I appreciate your background and your perspective, a lot of Hindu Andhraites who were my batchmates, despise him and have told me. Even Christian Andhraites dislike him, not to mention the tiny population from my community over there.

Thackeray follows a regionalist politics and I condemn it.

As for Praveen Togadia, yes he has also said fiery statements but he doesn't call for slaughter of entire faith of people OF that country. While Owaisi does that.

Bottomline is, as a Secularist no matter how much you equate him with VHP or other Hindu groups, he is still a problem and a nuisance for others.

Most of the people following Secularist mentality don't understand that they are intentionally not seeing the dangers of such lunatics as this man and promote him in the name of 'equality'.

I tell you; many people actually found it very shocking as to how I being a Buddhist speak like this and many thought I was a fake ID.

However, the reasons that were confusing some of these people opened as proof soon in the form of Myanmar issue and the blasts at our holiest place; the Mahabodhi Shrine.

its unfortunate that after reading my long post still u feel that i support him.let me tell u clearly this time..i condemn his hate speech and i equally condemn the hate speeches of other extremists aswell.he was arrested and the issue must be left to the law.national media created hype of this incident and the person who is not completely known in ap itself became popular overnight in india.and hindu extreamists retaliated after which he again replied.and this would see no end.the situation further deteriorates.i've seen communal clashes and peace also and i know well how his works.hope atleast this time i made my self clear
im no advocate of Socialism but Im a Student of International Relations and to study different types of systems is in our curriculum. What i have learnt in all those years is that when it comes to benefit of People then Communism is better viz a viz Capitalism.

In Capitalism the core is Wealth and it revolves around it for example if i have Rs 4000/-and u have Rs 2000/-Now if u invest/put them in a bank yr 2000 and by the time u will make 4000 to come on level with me i would have already made 8000 on same way. Either by investing or putting them in bank.

This was just one example i gave u from its investment/banking system which ultimately runs the financial and economic system.
As u can see its a nvr ending race between a rich and poor.

Read books of Adam Smith and Xavier abt Economics and Finances.

Adam Smith and Xavier r the founders of modern day capitalism.

Your examples are valid. But this is not the first time in the history of the world that inequalities exist.

The yawning gap is there in our countries because the governments in both your and my nation are corrupt to the core and bag in all the money meant for public welfare.

Look at the number of scams done by MMS & Co. in the last 5 years.

Now multiply this 11 times (55 years of their rule in 66 years of total independent Indian rule).

Think how much of improvement could all this money made to the lives of poor.

If we had put this in a proper social security system like Sweden, Norway, Finland or even Canada etc think how many poor would have benefited and utilized facilities.

Now Communism came in the reaction of Capitalism in europe in which labors rebelled against the factories run by investors/Rich class.

The formed a new system based on Karl Marx theory called Marxist Theory. In which the core of the distribution of wealth was '' Effort''. that who ever does work will be paid more or in simple words u ever does more effort wins the race.

Read the Books called 'Dos Capital' by Karl Marx in this book he for the first time present Marxist Theory and talked in great detail abt it.

What Marx said or did not say, never got applied did it?

Instead, all communist countries became tyrannical madhouses, collapsing like dry leaves on a stormy evening.

China took the communist collapse as a warning and turned to authoritarian state capitalism which benefited them.

But those who followed true communism, failed miserably just like how our big Red friend failed.

All this im telling u so that u can do yr own research first then to believe in rumors and brainwash yourself.

Remember the ones who get misguided r those who dont have a first hand knowledge or lack awareness. But those who have knowledge and awareness cant be brainwashed or misguided.

I will definitely read your suggestions. Thanks.

But tell me, was this all not evident since the days of cold war? The domino collapse of communist countries one after another?

Because of unrealistic economic planning.

Utopia looks good only in imagination my friend.

In reality, one has to understand and work around the circumstances prevalent in the country.
bwahahahah as peaceful as Hindu militants from saffron?

Who killed Sikhs in 84

Who burnt Christians in orrissa

Who had mascaraed Muslims in Gujrat

And who had killed peaceful Gandhi.

Oh yeh peaceful Indian Hindus

there will be extremists in every religion and the main purpose is more political than ideological.its unfortunate that people fall into their traps.but not whole religion must be blamed for it.there are equal or more incidence where other religions have attacked hindus.but by and large compared to the population of our country compared to the diversities we have the skirmishes u've mentioned are negligible in the history of independent india.further the consciousness in the people is increasing and people are becoming increasingly tolerant.
Kamikazes were suicide bombers in the true sense of the term.
Kamikazes(lit. Divine wind) did something like this - they would get into a plane/fighter/bomber and stuff it with explosives. Then ram it into some American ship. Especially being used from the Battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944 to the end of the war.

There are plenty of books written and documentaries on this topic - including live videos of Kamikaze attacks. :)

No need to be so hyper :)


This is what they teach u in RSS mandir?

The Americans against whom they did that nvr called them Suicide Bombers but a random Guy in PDF claims it.

They were just Suicide attackers from Military aviators

Even a simple wikipedia read can clear this.

Kamikaze - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. Undue publicity? The other alternative was to ignore and let him speak and continue to spew venom. Sorry I can't agree to such ****** POVs.
2. National celebrity - That is media's job.
3. Togadias started... - So what do you expect him to do. Send a garland of flowers? In spite of that he targeted only the man and not the entire community.
4. national hindu muslim issue now - He did not say he will kill the Hindus of AP only. He said 100 crore Hindus. He did not talk only about some temple in AP, but about the Ram Janmabhoomi temple (on which the hon'ble courts have decided). etc etc
5. "publicity provided gave further leash to the hindu wing extreamists" - if by opposing him somebody becomes hindu extremists, then the entire country is Hindu extremist.
6. About the videos -
I. One video he is abusing Akbar Owaisi - I don't know how would a sane person speak about an elected MLA who threatened genocide in a public gathering. May be he should have congratulated him to satisfy you.
II. Second video he speaks about Prophet Muhammad - Criticism of religion in India is allowed. Akbar Owaisi also picked up this topic. He questioned many 'Ram and Sita and Yashoda' stuff. But the nation's problem is not with that. The problem is while Togadia criticized certain actions Akbar threatened with genocide.

But in my opinion you won't see that. You can go ahead and celebrate your 'Sher-e-Deccan'. :D
Oh btw, even after being released he said that 'remove the na mard police and 100 crore will be exterminated'. A real secular face of Indian politics. Thanks :)

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...rnment-jobs-crosses-10-a-8.html#ixzz2cPvWgdo7

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...rnment-jobs-crosses-10-a-8.html#ixzz2cPubI2Xk
i lived in this city for over 25 years now and perhaps i know better about my city than anybody else. riots u mentioned are a history now except some small groups that to with political objectives.people in hyd do not take him so seriously neither he is so popular here except for old city.he must be condemned and so should be other extremists.i did not get what part of my statement so ambiguous to u.people like him will become worse when they were given undue publicty..the national broadcast of his hate speeches was unwarranted for.the person whos name was not known to many in ap itself then beacame a national celebrity and togadias started to give the counter which further escalates the situation.a local incident was made into a national hindu muslim issue now.he was arrested and prosecuted in court for his hate speech it must be left at that.the publicity provided gave further leash to the hindu wing extreamists.it has no end. further no case was appropriated against the togadia which further escalates this issue.

dont u call this a hate speech??
Praveen Togadia Hate Speech Against Akbaruddin Owaisi And Indian Muslims On FEB 1 2013 - YouTube
VHP Praveen Togadia talking Prophet Mohammed PBUH & his Ancestors Muslims Islam Quran & minorities - YouTube

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