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India moves Fighter Jets and ITBP guerrilla unit for possible confrontation

If only we had Modi in power. Diplomacy would not have been an only option. Sad state of bureaucracy in India.

Diplomacy is always good to resolve issues. However, other nations would respect our diplomatic overtures only if they know that we have other ways to resole the situation, should diplomacy fail. Diplomatic clout comes from other strengths, economic or military. For example, when diplomacy fails USA has the marines. Or B-52s.

India is not stupid enough to fight the PLA because they know Indian military is no match for the PLA. Indian military is about media hype more than actual capabilities.

We are strong when we are defending and we know our strengths and weaknesses.
Diplomacy is always good to resolve issues. However, other nations would respect our diplomatic overtures only if they know that we have other ways to resole the situation, should diplomacy fail. Diplomatic clout comes from other strengths, economic or military. For example, when diplomacy fails USA has the marines. Or B-52s.


With our present govt, the diplomacy never fails as it is never allowed to end. We cannot have double standards. We were in a similar situation in 1999 in the western border, we did not waste our time on diplomacy, what is stopping us here? The answer to it, is our govt.

This would not even escalate into a war if we show a bit of anger, it would end up in minor skirmish with both the parties going back to status quo.
With our present govt, the diplomacy never fails as it is never allowed to end. We cannot have double standards. We were in a similar situation in 1999 in the western border, we did not waste our time on diplomacy, what is stopping us here? The answer to it, is our govt.

This would not even escalate into a war if we show a bit of anger, it would end up in minor skirmish with both the parties going back to status quo.

Well to be fair, our western neighbour is nowhere as strong as our eastern one. We had enough superiority over pakistan to ensure that they will not dare to escalate the conflict, when we blasted the infiltrators. But can we say the same about China? Can we be sure that if we respond in anger, it would remain limited to border skirmishes? What is the situation on the eastern front, would it be possible for us to initiate military action against these infiltrators and hold any other Chinese forces at bay? Are we in a position to give them a dose of 1987?
Never understood the logic of calling soldiers guerrillas. Calling them special forces might be a better choice of word.
Well to be fair, our western neighbour is nowhere as strong as our eastern one. We had enough superiority over pakistan to ensure that they will not dare to escalate the conflict, when we blasted the infiltrators. But can we say the same about China? Can we be sure that if we respond in anger, it would remain limited to border skirmishes? What is the situation on the eastern front, would it be possible for us to initiate military action against these infiltrators and hold any other Chinese forces at bay? Are we in a position to give them a dose of 1987?

Our western ally at that time was in a suicidal mode and India in a state of emerging economic powerhouse. We had manythin things to take care of before taking on the target. In this cases, both China and India are a direct competitors in every field and If we have anything more than a skirmish it would end up as a loss for both the parties.

China at this stage is just projecting power, it is our responsibility that we dont act as a platform to it. Even if we arrest those soldiers, it would only end up diplomatically.
Our western ally at that time was in a suicidal mode and India in a state of emerging economic powerhouse. We had manythin things to take care of before taking on the target. In this cases, both China and India are a direct competitors in every field and If we have anything more than a skirmish it would end up as a loss for both the parties.

China at this stage is just projecting power, it is our responsibility that we dont act as a platform to it. Even if we arrest those soldiers, it would only end up diplomatically.

Exactly. That seems to be the rational response. We should simply surround them and arrest them, and then let the diplomats do their work. I don't think China would go to war in such a situation. We have to call their bluff. In any case, what is the point of maintaining the largest army in the world, if we are afraid of a few skirmishes? What was the point of raising two new divisions along that border recently, if we can't give a rational response to such moves?

For the first time, I feel that our government's response is too tame. Well it isn't over yet.

Never understood the logic of calling soldiers guerrillas. Calling them special forces might be a better choice of word.

They are neither soldiers, nor special forces, nor guerillas. To be precise, the ITBP is a central armed POLICE force, tasked with guarding some parts of the eastern border. Some of them do undergo training in guerilla and counter guerilla warfare, to handle internal issues like naxals. But AFAIK, they don't have a guerilla unit. It is merely hyperbole by somebody in the media.

Those are not even regular soldiers, they are policemen. (But units of Ladakh scouts have also been moved close to them, and they are soldiers, highly trained in mountain warfare.)
We shouldn't escalate and hopefully all will be well.But if it isn't,nothing to be too grim about..
High tech gadgets of the PLA of little use in the mountains.Plain old infantry slugfest if it comes down to it.And we got far more practice at mountanous combat and PLA and our troops are battle hardened from the insurgency under such conditions where small unit infantry fighting is all important rather than grand set piece combined arms battles.Besides as far as airpower is concerned they haven't got anything as good as the mki and the height of the tibetian plateau only allows limited deployment and limited range so plaaf can't deploy its full strength.
As a bonus we also have the gurkha,and the chinese don't.:)
We shouldn't escalate and hopefully all will be well.But if it isn't,nothing to be too grim about..
High tech gadgets of the PLA of little use in the mountains.Plain old infantry slugfest if it comes down to it.And we got far more practice at mountanous combat and PLA and our troops are battle hardened from the insurgency under such conditions where small unit infantry fighting is all important rather than grand set piece combined arms battles.Besides as far as airpower is concerned they haven't got anything as good as the mki and the height of the tibetian plateau only allows limited deployment and limited range so plaaf can't deploy its full strength.
As a bonus we also have the gurkha,and the chinese don't.:)

Don't think the Chinese even dreamt that it will escalate to the level that India will be planning on a minor skirmish - :lol:
Those are not even regular soldiers, they
are policemen. (But units of Ladakh scouts
have also been moved close to them, and
they are soldiers, highly trained in
mountain warfare.)

They are like BSF..They getting training like Army and the Same ITBP as the Same CRPF
while BSF Is a Security force and CRPF and ITBP ( Indo Tibet Border Police) they are also have lethal weapons same like CRPF

ITBP only to guarding the Frontier if anyone provoked they calls Army's specop team to handle if they get order to shoot they will
India is not stupid enough to fight the PLA because they know Indian military is no match for the PLA. Indian military is about media hype more than actual capabilities.

IA is no match of PLA ...you can't match your Third grade Army to us...you're like Match box thousand of PLA ..But we are Just a Lighter enough to burn total Match box ..but you can't burn the Lighter
You sound frustrated and desperate。

Little India is crying for help?

Good way to show that you are not a pushover。:omghaha:

We huh..

Is we lodge compliant to UN ..or we might asks to US to resolve this issue neither we call Russia for quick re supply ..nothing

If India under military controlled govt. those fifty ITBP man are enough to teach a lesson

So shut up and keep watch the political Game
China at this stage is just projecting power, it is our responsibility that we dont act as a platform to it. Even if we arrest those soldiers, it would only end up diplomatically.

AND HOW WILL YOU DO THAT, WHEN YOU WENT ON TO ARREST THEM ,THEY MIGHT FEEL FEAR AND START FIRING.........and put blame on INDIANS that they are coming to kill us. Than what will you say ,,,,,NO WE ARE NOT GOING TO KILL TEM JUST ARRESTING?????
Chinese incursion a localized problem, can be resolved: PM

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday said India does not want to "accentuate" the situation in the wake of the recent Chinese incursion in Ladakh and is working on a plan to resolve it.

"We do have a plan. We do not want to accentuate the situation. We do believe that it is possible to resolve this problem. It is a localised problem. I think the talks are going on," he said when asked if the government had any plans to resolve the issue.
The Prime Minister was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the defence investiture ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan here.

On April 15, a platoon-strength contingent of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) had come inside the Indian territory in Burthe in the DBO sector and established a tented post there.

The government had on Saturday told a parliamentary committee that Chinese troops have pitched tents 19 kms deep inside the Indian territory in Ladakh region.

The Army has given its inputs to the government and the national security adviser-headed China study group, which is handling the present situation in Ladakh.

The Army has also given various options to the government on the issue including the aggressive use of military to handle the present situation.

All the options suggested to the China study group are being looked at carefully and other stakeholders in the situation have also given their inputs.

The Army had rushed its troops from the 5 Ladakh Scouts battalion to the DBO area and they are camping there. The force is also considering the option of dispatching additional troops if the need arises.

source: Chinese incursion a localized problem, can be resolved: PM - The Times of India
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