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India moves Fighter Jets and ITBP guerrilla unit for possible confrontation


Nov 10, 2012
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India moves Fighter Jets and ITBP guerrilla unit for possible confrontation with Chinese forces


Army chief Gen Bikram Singh on Thursday briefed defence minister A K Antony on the Chinese incursion issue in Ladakh and the present situation there.After reviewing the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and the Ladakh area with military commanders in the Northern Command, Gen Singh briefed the defence minister on the incursion issue today, Army officials said.

The Army has also given various options to the Government on the issue including the aggressive use of military to handle the present situation.

The Indian armed forces have commissioned over guerilla unit to send over a tough message to Beijing. The latest act of Beijing came after troops from the Chinese army alleged intruded into Indian border. Troops of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China intruded 10-km inside the Indian territory and set up a camp at Raki Nala, 30 km south of Daulat Beg Oldi in north Ladakh. China have refused to back down, instead alleging India of aggression.
Meanwhile, media reports (supported by visuals) have nailed the lie presented by Beijing. Video footage claim that Chinese forces which intruded into the Indian side were backed by helicopters, thus establishing the fact that Chinese air force also intruded into Indian air space.
Following such brazen provocations by China, the government has ordered the army near the border with China. Defence Minister AK Antony has sanctioned the immediate deployment of troops near Shok River, who on intruction will move to Daulat Beg Oldi, reports said. The government has ordered mid-size fighter jets, along with a unit of the ITBP guerrilla unit for better preparedness while fighting the Chinese forces. Ten units of ITBP guerrilla unit have already been stationed in Daulat Beg Oldi.
Antony’s second flag meet with China at Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) sector in Ladakh failed to resolve the incursion issue.
The defence minister said New Delhi will take all necessary steps to diffuse the tension at the Actual Line of Control (LAC).
“We will take all required steps to protect our integrity,” Antony told reporters today.
“Negotiations are underway at every level to resolve the differences with China peacefully,” he said.
Despite the strife, India has stepped up displomatic pressure on China as New Delhi does not wish the Beijing’s provocation to cloud the efforts to improve bilateral ties.
External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid will visit Beijing next month to defuse the worst standoff between the neighbours since 1986.
India moves Fighter Jets and ITBP guerrilla unit for possible confrontation with Chinese forces | idrw.org
This is getting interesting day by day, let's see which side blinks first.
But I firmly believe escalation should not be the option.

Hail to Indian Media Houses !!
still,no signs of descalating tensions...
new reports suggest that more than 90%chinese using chinese type of twitter want to have war with india and teach india a lesson ...looks like china is more intersted than us

source:times of india newspaper
Could be a CHinese tactic of forcing India into war. They could be wel prepared to fight a prolonged conflict to achieve certain aims. Make sure we have bukes ready to lob on their soldiers who enter our land. Of course, make sure the world knows it was a DEFENSIVE Response to an procative attack.
It's not going to end soon, we are going to see a lot of posturing from both the sides before things get back to normal. China will be very carefull here more than India to see that things dont get out of hand.
It's not going to end soon, we are going to see a lot of posturing from both the sides before things get back to normal. China will be very carefull here more than India to see that things dont get out of hand.

Same thing happened earlier when china pulled a similar stunt - IA massed 10 divisions surrounding them and when they felt that war was imminent they went back home.
This is going to end soon.... War is not gonna be option for both countries. Lets see, with UPA at center and election around the corner we may expect some stupidity..... lets hope for the best . I think the Chinese are counting on that as well.
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