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India mourning shameful defeat in Afghanistan: Rashid

ummmmm.... why u voted for modi then?
Coz he really did a number on you folks. So much that IK has turned into tweetusultan. RSS- Modi-RSS
I always said that about modi .... India economically is pooped
Ay man, Modi is begging to IMF for that 22nd IMF bailout. In another situation, Modi is also saying "Biden saaab please call me"
i think there is a new game being planned in Afghanistan, and i am thinking on the lines of this indian diplomat

ummmmm.... why u voted for modi then?

I don't like Modi , did not vote for Modi or his candidate Maneka Gandhi , I voted opposition party BSP in Uttar Pradesh , but I like his master stroke of abrogating art 370 and 35 A . He will be remembered for that .
Agfgans love india , 22000 Afghan refugees are living in india . India developed Afghan infrastructure , dams , telecom, rail network , education hub , civil service . We showed them that they can run civilian institutions . Game spoilers will be sorry one day when taliban will bite them.

You are welcome .

Mr. Joker why u Indians always twist facts, just 22000 Afghan refugee don't mean they love you as it's not even 1% of their population, Pakistan have hosted 4 million Afghan refugee since 1979 now do the math.
@GHALIB @Chhatrapati Ok! Keep on voting for Modi! He seems to keep both Indians & Pakistanis happy :) Win Win situation for all.

I did not vote for Modi nor I like his govt , but I like his decision of abrogation of article 370 , 35A .
Mr. Joker why u Indians always twist facts, just 22000 Afghan refugee don't mean they love you as it's not even 1% of their population, Pakistan have hosted 4 million Afghan refugee since 1979 now do the math.

You did afghan jihad , got lot of benefits along with billions of dollars it was in your interest to accept refugees , we spent from our pocket to build infrastructure , helped Afghan gov to restructure their institutions . We were not in game of supporting taliban who destroyed Buddhist statues in the name of religion.
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