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India Meets Pakistan ... At a Fashion Show in New Delhi

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Rape per capita is still way higher in Pakistan than India . Pakistan is the real rape capital . India has more rapes only in absolute numbers.
ok false flagger :lol:
Oh come on suicide bombing the the national sport of Pakistan, that is why its called the terrorist capital of the world.

You want me to post the rape happening in Pakistan? I dunno if you are blind or just trolling. Pakistan equally has rape problem like India, its just that Pakistan media do not blow it out of proportion cause they have other news which literally blow people up.
Terrorism which you sponsored in our country is now wiped out but you still organize annual assam rape festival :lol:
No dude. Pakistan has high rape rate. Only because of daily bomb blasts and terrorism, it's not highlighted that much in media and also, you have a policy of 3 witnesses to prove a rape. Pakistan is not only dangerous for women but also for Young boys and journalists and it has been proven time and again.
:lol: From where you indians get such a audacity to compare indian rape situation with pakistan is beyond my imagination.
Now the suicide attacks etc in pakistan are much much less as compared to the past and if we assume you are saying right then rapes can be reported if there are any.
Yes rapes happen in pakistan just like any other country but india made an example in the history of mankind.
India is not just tamilnadu and Bengal . It's way bigger than your puny nation . I have never been to those two states anyway so can't say what they look like . But I am sure better than pakistanis

Funny because every time I see India on the news or in any documentaries, i see folks who look very similar to tamils and bengalis, now if you want to see folks in pakistan who look like typical indians (your definition of beauty) i suggest you go to a PATA a place full of mussalis and marasis and you will be in your Shangrilla. kudos fella.
On the other hand, Hinduism is probably the most liberal religion on earth. The oldest documented Fashion Show (Soundarya Pradarshan) could be found in the epic Shiv Puran as part of the Vasanthotsav (spring celebrations).
Lol you dont get sarcasm do you haha

No dude. Pakistan has high rape rate. Only because of daily bomb blasts and terrorism, it's not highlighted that much in media and also, you have a policy of 3 witnesses to prove a rape. Pakistan is not only dangerous for women but also for Young boys and journalists and it has been proven time and again.
3 witness wut that law got dumped in 2006 puhleaze stop posting bs

No dude. Pakistan has high rape rate. Only because of daily bomb blasts and terrorism, it's not highlighted that much in media and also, you have a policy of 3 witnesses to prove a rape. Pakistan is not only dangerous for women but also for Young boys and journalists and it has been proven time and again.
3 witness wut that law got dumped in 2006 puhleaze stop posting bs
Your this post is rubbish. Don't show your family upbringing here. learn some manners.

in your posts since you joined day before yesterday, you have been aggressive... why??
Dude, If you tell someone Rubbish, what kind of reply you expect?

1. i was talking about your general attitude with others too.

2. that particular statement of yours was obviously unscientific and derived more from religious revisionism than fact... there is not much known about ivc.
What a pity . these Tamils and bengalis still win beauty pageants but self proclaimed beautiful Pakistanis ( repulsive in reality ) don't . I guess the definition of beauty in Pakistan is different from rest of the world . You only see India in news and documentaries but I have visited Pakistan and I know what 99% of you look like . marassis and mussalis are everywhere in Pakistan because that's what you are - low caste converts . Only good looking Pakistanis are Indian migrants from Punjab ,haryana etc and Urdu muhajirs . Rest are just funny looking because of their baboon looks and neanderthal features because of being products of rape by Muslim invaders .
You have no idea what beauty really means . Even Delhi alone has more good looking people than whole Pakistan .

I'll be frank with you, 80 percent of Indian members here have visited Pakistan. You can do the maths.
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