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India may plan airstrikes in Muridkay

Begging your pardon, but where did you get the figure of minutes from?

EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), the team which deals with bomb related material and send it to a forensic lab to study the type (C4, Plastic Explosives) or others used and the quantity used based on blast radius. This takes time - a lot.

If it took minutes, the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) would just outsource the Indian Authorities to solve all incidents.

So please don't give out false information.

You only need minutes to figure out how many Kgs of explosives were used. The type typically defaults to RDX. This is obviously not accurate, but it helps out a lot in conducting investigations.

CRPF's initial guess was 80Kg, which is close to the official 60Kg.
It is all being done systematically. Trying to overreact dramatically .. No worries here at all.

They are trying to impress us...They will fail
It appears to be more like India vs India for they have an election coming...

India is like a fat cowardly bully

He's just been given a tight slap and his too cowardly to hit back

So he's jumping about trying to psyche himself up and get some spunk in his tiny balls
He keeps threatening
"Im gonna hit you"
"Im gonna hit you"
Whilst at the same time looking for others (other countries) to give him permission or words of support or to help him because his own balls are too tiny to do it himself

Now the fat fcuk will eventually do something because his ego has been burnt and he dosent want everybody seeing him for the fat sack of shit that he is

Now is the time to get ready for tubby's attack
He will probably look for somewhere soft where he can strike at alleged fighters so he can get his *** out as quickly as possible shouting "I did it, im so brave"

Strikes across international border is very very unlikely

So indians are looking for surgical strike 2 type dramabazi and we got to be ready for the counter punch

At the same time it is UNFORGIVABLE that india cries across the world without response or rebuke from Pakistani government
Maybe Pak also desperately wants Modi to win!!

India doesn’t have the balls to make any moves. They are begging their usual allies for support.

I do hope Modi does something crazy. Whether that really happens is unlikely.
Modi is run by 50 folks (Marwari, Parsi, Jain etc.), who control 70% of India’s wealth. The last time they sold her to the East India Company to grow their wealth...
Initially 4 targets been visualised by indian army and airforce 2 of them in azad kashmir and 2 pakistani punjab , muridkey and kartarpur
While targets in azad kashmir still sorted out by indian army ?
Targets in azad kashmir will be soften up by air raids then soilders would jumped in for a limited time special israeli instructor hve been called in for commando rehearsals on the targets on azad kashmir while pak punjab targets would taken by indian airforce both actions will take at same time thts whts been under consideration right now but indian army chief isnt sure about what kind of response pakarmy would be taking after tht ?
Cause wht indian army chief is afraid of is the use of tactical weaponry by pakarmy on very limited scale and going in the occupied jummu and kashmir and cutting it from india until , india respond with nuclear attacks on rest of pakistan?
All this can be stopped by just putting a bullet in the head of modi jee , I gss
More innocent ppls who are already in indian armys custudy would be killed in fake encounters
While kashmiri youth and students been targeted all over india
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but indian army chief isnt sure about what kind of response pakarmy would be taking after tht

200 cruise missiles will neutralise all your forward air bases... Targets inside delhi will b hit by another 50
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200 cruise missiles will neutralise all your forward air bases... Targets inside delhi will b hut by another 50
No thy are planing for a limited war type situation , fast hits and then dialoge ?
All thy are trying now is to diplomaticly bring more countries in favour of indian military action in pakistan ?
Pakistan has the knowledge about these devlopments and is quitly prepared itself at all levels and any action at this time will only cut indian kashmir from it while china will launch its offensive against india , actully stupid modi je and his stupid advisors are cutting thier hands by themselves attacking pak at this time when most of the world powers hve thier intersts with pakistan
According to some defense sources Indian Airforce is planning a retaliatory strikes in Muridkay bahawalpur on training camps of militants
Indian DGMO knows full well what the Pak response will be. Its will be big and by battle hardened troops..india will win the information war. It will be brought to a standstill on the battlefield. The fact a smaller force can exhaust a larher force to a standstill means victory for the smaller force.
It wont go nuclear. India know the rest of the world knows as well.
Personally i think it wont come to a war between india and pakistan as the military men know what will happen on botj sides. No one will win
In my personal opinion any such scenario that will get a publically visible military response from Pakistan will not b considered for a simple fact... Downed aircrafts and burning airfields are not going to look good for modi re election bid...

They may try some thing funny rather than serious...

But we shud not let our guard down.... Give a 10 times escalated response to any joje and pre program strike packages as need be
Indian DGMO knows full well what the Pak response will be. Its will be big and by battle hardened troops..india will win the information war. It will be brought to a standstill on the battlefield. The fact a smaller force can exhaust a larher force to a standstill means victory for the smaller force.
It wont go nuclear. India know the rest of the world knows as well.
Personally i think it wont come to a war between india and pakistan as the military men know what will happen on botj sides. No one will win
If india does tht it will be a sandwich between china and pakistan who both ill take wht part thy like , joint pak china exercises already been done in tht regurds since a long time
In my personal opinion any such scenario that will get a publically visible military response from Pakistan will not b considered for a simple fact... Downed aircrafts and burning airfields are not going to look good for modi re election bid...

They may try some thing funny rather than serious...

But we shud not let our guard down.... Give a 10 times escalated response to any joje and pre program strike packages as need be

Indra Ghandi used to do this. Election time and border tension. Old indian trick

I think the indian know what the response will be. Just like the ICC 2017 final that have won before 1st bullet is fired but matters is what happens at the end.
The next war will be fast and deadly. Both militaries have cruise missiles which will be used against airfields. The difference is Pak will move rapidly to smaller motorway runways. The indians are pretty limited here and but war is way way away as there is no movement of troops onthe indian side. That will take weeks and Pak moves much much quicker.

If india does tht it will be a sandwich between china and pakistan who both ill take wht part thy like , joint pak china exercises already been done in tht regurds since a long time
No one will help Pakistan but Pakistanis and God almighty. But do we need anyone. Personally i dont think so. Our civilians are nuts when it comes to guns. Why didnt america dare invade. They knew. They did their homework.
India does not have any blind spots to take advantage off nor can it ask China to actually convince Pakistan to let it happen because China will never. As for the US even India knows US has little leverage with Pakistan and is actually dependent on Pakistan for Afghanistan. So in the absence of all of this any Indian attack will first be countered and no plane will be able to reach its destination targets unless they use stand off munition and than will come Pakistani response using the same stand off munition against Indian targets. An attack will only cause India more embarrassment which is why it hasnt taken place. Otherwise the whole purpose of cold start was do it within first 48 hours.
India does not have any blind spots to take advantage off nor can it ask China to actually convince Pakistan to let it happen because China will never. As for the US even India knows US has little leverage with Pakistan and is actually dependent on Pakistan for Afghanistan. So in the absence of all of this any Indian attack will first be countered and no plane will be able to reach its destination targets unless they use stand off munition and than will come Pakistani response using the same stand off munition against Indian targets. An attack will only cause India more embarrassment which is why it hasnt taken place. Otherwise the whole purpose of cold start was do it within first 48 hours.
Your are right, But things will remain serious till the middle of March.
What is your opinion, will they try something militarily?

They have no option but to try something.

They have taken the ante to such a point,
My guess is a standoff weapon. their problem is if the weapon goes awry .. then the aftermath will be too disastrous.
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