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India may never be a super power: LSE study

India is a unique country that has the most ethnically, religious, linguistically and culturally diverse populations on this planet. The laws and unique models of governance and inclusiveness that India develops in the next century will be because of this very important. It will proove or show how such a diverse people can not only live together but thrive together.

One of the reasons why a german who had settled in Calcutta in the 1960s said that if there ever will be a world government which will solve all the worlds problem, it will be based on the Indian model. That alone would be unique identiy as compared to the super power status.

And the authors are challenging precisely this claim. All this talk of superpowers and permanent seats is secondary; their main focus is on the social issues.

India should instead focus on reforming its institutions and repairing the social fabric that seems to be coming off its seams.

“We need to repair, one by one, the institutions that have safeguarded our unity amidst diversity, and to forge the new institutions that can help us. It will be hard, patient, slow work,” he writes.

The authors' contention, echoed by others elsewhere, is that India's rise is not equally shared. That, far from improving the social condition, India's rise is asymmetric within and is exacerbating social divisions. Also, Modi's popularity gives disturbing evidence that religious extremism has found acceptance in mainstream Indian society, hiding behind fancy euphemisms like "vote bank politics".
Read the report. Its their opinion, just like "India may never be a superpower".

Did you see the rest of my post?

Deserves it for what? For having the largest number of starving people in the world?

"Deserving it" is not relevant. The current P5, got their seats just because they were the major independent powers on the victorious side of WW2. That's it.... it had nothing to do with "deserving it" at all.

And in any case, India most certainly does not deserve it either. Germany and Brazil are the real contenders, but even they won't get veto power unless every single P5 member voluntarily decides to give it up (unlikely).
india ranked #4 militarily? are you smoking ?
I don't even think india is stronger than australia.

nope india is definitely #4 militarily. their imported weapons are very powerful in the short (less than 1 year) run. Chinese think that all wars are going to be like 八年抗战. well in reality most wars take a few months so if we're presently weak, before our war machine can get up to speed, we might have already lost. that's why we need a large standing army.
And the authors are challenging precisely this claim. All this talk of superpowers and permanent seats is secondary; their main focus is on the social issues.

The authors' contention, echoed by others elsewhere, is that India's rise is not equally shared. That, far from improving the social condition, India's rise is asymmetric within and is exacerbating social divisions. Also, Modi's popularity gives disturbing evidence that religious extremism has found acceptance in mainstream Indian society, hiding behind fancy euphemisms like "vote bank politics".

You didnt' understand my post. I prefaced it that India will have to develop in the next century to that model of governance. India is still a work in progress but already, the level of violence is much less than what we have seen in say Pakistan and what later became Bangladesh. It is also much less than the millions that dies in China or the USSR.

There are still many challenges and another 4-5 decades are required but at the end of it, that will be India unique contribution to the world community. a model that other countries can implement. Already, Arab countries like Egypt for example are asking India to help out in their elections as well as looking to India on how to develop their political models. These are all encouraging signs but there are still 4-5 deacdes left to become a dicisive force in world affairs.
You didnt' understand my post. I prefaced it that India will have to develop in the next century to that model of governance. India is still a work in progress but already, the level of violence is much less than what we have seen in say Pakistan and what later became Bangladesh. It is also much less than the millions that dies in China or the USSR.

There are still many challenges and another 4-5 decades are required but at the end of it, that will be India unique contribution to the world community. a model that other countries can implement. Already, Arab countries like Egypt for example are asking India to help out in their elections as well as looking to India on how to develop their political models. These are all encouraging signs but there are still 4-5 deacdes left to become a dicisive force in world affairs.

wrong. More people have died in India in the past 65 years than every other country combined in the last 80.

6000 Indians starve to death every day, which is a holocaust by any means.
Did you see the rest of my post?

No I don't need to, cause am not debating if India can get it or not. As I said I was merely quoting what the authors of the report have opined

- They think India may never become a super power

- They also think that India deserves a Security Council permanent membership.
nope india is definitely #4 militarily. their imported weapons are very powerful in the short (less than 1 year) run. Chinese think that all wars are going to be like 八年抗战. well in reality most wars take a few months so if we're presently weak, before our war machine can get up to speed, we might have already lost. that's why we need a large standing army.

Well weapons imports do give short term advantage I will agree. But its incorporation into indigenous arsenal would equally boost our capabilities in medium and long run. Simply put, if everyone starts manufacturing their own weapons, how would there be sales or even strategic partnerships?

Think about it.

india ranked #4 militarily? are you smoking ?
I don't even think india is stronger than australia.

What you think is immaterial. Simply because you cannot think independently out of the CCP box. If you can rank number 2 just without even a scrap of experience in modern unconventional warfare, why can't we rank number 4, thanks to the tonnes of experience provided to us by your new puppet? :D
nope india is definitely #4 militarily. their imported weapons are very powerful in the short (less than 1 year) run. Chinese think that all wars are going to be like 八年抗战. well in reality most wars take a few months so if we're presently weak, before our war machine can get up to speed, we might have already lost. that's why we need a large standing army.
weapons are not the most important thing in war.
I don't even want to argue with you,most of your post just makes non-sense.
how could a military force with only two day ammunition defeat australia?
You didnt' understand my post. I prefaced it that India will have to develop in the next century to that model of governance. India is still a work in progress but already, the level of violence is much less than what we have seen in say Pakistan and what later became Bangladesh. It is also much less than the millions that dies in China or the USSR.

We are talking about trends of extremism here. As I noted, BJP makes no bones about playing the politics of religious scapegoating, couching it in euphemisms, of course. In addition to the OP's claims, there's this

India: ethnic violence and religious extremism on the rise, in five years over 3800 cases - WorldWide Religious News

India: ethnic violence and religious extremism on the rise, in five years over 3800 cases
("AsiaNews," December 15, 2009)

Bhubaneswar, India - In the last five years, India has seen a sharp increase in violence provoked by religious and ethnic diversity. These are the findings from a report submitted by Ajay Maken, Minister of State for Home Affairs, to the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of Parliament in New Delhi.

There are still many challenges and another 4-5 decades are required but at the end of it, that will be India unique contribution to the world community. a model that other countries can implement.

I won't address projections 50 years in the future.

Already, Arab countries like Egypt for example are asking India to help out in their elections as well as looking to India on how to develop their political models.

Nobody's denying that India has experience in administering democracy. That is not the issue here.
weapons are not the most important thing in war.
I don't even want to argue with you,most of your post just makes non-sense.

He is kinda of right, The Soviets were poorly armed compared to Germans.

The Japanese navy was far superior to American navy yet, the results we know are the opposite.
What is this. Some craze going around Indians head? Even China don't have superpower craze. Once India's economic growth hits 8%, then the theories from Indians sprout up. :lol:

where India anounced that they wanted to be super power. bunch of idiots making it a big arguements... i pitty on you mod's..... not for partiality but atleast try to improve quality of AN DEFENCE FORUM or else change the name Anti Indian forum...

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 PM ----------

mods close the thread....
Yoye! Chinese leave India to itself...control your economy,which has slowed down below expectations..your aspirations to overtake US by 2020 might go in drain!And then you have so many enemies to tackle...get your economy back on track!
Do you know what, even after being present so long in PDF, you have only managed to get a Premium Mmembership with money, but you were never promoted to the rank of opinionator or Think Tank, do you know why? because you troll a lot with taking cheap shot at some bodies poor. YOu might be all wealthy with all the material comfort but you are a poor when it comes to showing magnanimity.

What's with the personal attacks? I can assure you that many strong voices in the forum administration are very responsive to Indian complaints and concerns.
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