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India may never be a super power: LSE study

What's with the personal attacks? I can assure you that many strong voices in the forum administration are very responsive to Indian complaints and concerns.
I did not do a personal attact with out a reason, see at his posts so far, he takes cheap shots at the poor and needy and for that do you want me to praise him, i just said that his heart is not mighty enough. There are other areas where we can fight but not on the backs of poor.

I have no doubt that we have a good team that represents/manages the forum. but cheap shots on poor can not be tolerated.

Look at my signature, and Chinese - Dragon acts againts those word of Malcom X, with blind patriotism for his country he redicules the other countries poor.
With the left leamings so starkedly visible in the writeup, or the study that it oozes off, what is surprising is the very concept of India being a super power. That is because India has never aspired and truly will not aspire to be a super power for whatever that may be worth. That is clear from the Indian politics, culture and even strategic posturing. India woukd rather be places in a situation wherein it could make the potential adversary see the foolishness in encroaching up on India's territorial and strategic desires. That in itself is what Indians generally aspire as the nation's power projection and posturing. Any speculation beyond that is merely foolish and obfusciation of the reality. We have many battles to win over poverty, social issues, and quality of life to even start thinking of being a super power. Just that India needs to be strong enough to ensure that other "xuper powers" are honest enough and not foolishly adventurous.
I did not do a personal attact with out a reason, see at his posts so far, he takes cheap shots at the poor and needy and for that do you want me to praise him, i just said that his heart is not mighty enough. There are other areas where we can fight but not on the backs of poor.

I have no doubt that we have a good team that represents/manages the forum. but cheap shots on poor can not be tolerated.

Look at my signature, and Chinese - Dragon acts againts those word of Malcom X, with blind patriotism for his country he redicules the other countries poor.

I already told you several times. If you and your fellow Indians can stop calling us "chink faggots" for one month... I might start being more neutral on India.

Have you guys kept your side of the bargain? No, not for even one single day.

So go and cry somewhere else. :lol:
I already told you several times. If you and your fellow Indians can stop calling us "chink faggots" for one month... I might start being more neutral on India.

Have you guys kept your side of the bargain? No, not for even one single day.

So go and cry somewhere else. :lol:
what ever borther, but still you are poor when it comes to magnanimity.. and that you can not dispute.
When I joined the forum because I was nutral "I was even once called a traitor" for that did I change or I was even scolded by Chinese and Pakistani members, did I change and attack my neighbouring country members. This attitude of not changing is called as Consistancy and you my brother lag a lot of good qualities.

and for that I do not curse you, but pitty you.

and for your info, this is a testimony to the posts I write A testimony from one of the most respected Moderators
India will not become a superpower, says Ramachandra Guha, renowned historian and author of India after Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy.

Taking the lead in a special report by the London School of Economics, Mr Guha outlines seven reasons to support his thesis.

The challenges which will hold India back, he writes, are the Maoist insurgency, the "insidious presence" of the Hindu right wing, degradation of the "once liberal and upright" centre, the increasing gap between the rich and the poor, trivialisation of media, the sustainability of "present patterns of resource consumption" and the instability and policy incoherence caused by multi-party governments.

More importantly, Mr Guha believes that India should not even attempt to become a superpower.

"In my view, international relations cannot be made analogous to a competitive examination. The question is not who comes first or second or third, whether judged in terms of Gross National Product, number of billionaires in the Forbes or Fortune lists, number of Olympic gold medals won, size of largest aircraft carrier operated, or power of most deadly nuclear weapon owned," he writes.

"We should judge ourselves not against the achievements, real or imagined, of other countries, but in the light of our own norms and ideals... We are a unique nation, unique for refusing to reduce Indian-ness to a single language, religion, or ideology, unique in affirming and celebrating the staggering diversity found within our borders (and beyond them)."

In fact, as Mr Guha's teacher, the late historian Dharma Kumar, once said, Indians should applaud the lack of homogeneity.

"Instead of regarding India as a failed or deformed nation-state we should see it as a new political form, perhaps even as a forerunner of the future. We are in some ways where Europe wants to be, but we have a tremendous job of reform, of repairing our damaged institutions, and of inventing new ones," Ms Kumar had once written.

India, as the participants in the LSE study say, should strive to become a more inclusive and efficient society, rebuild its broken institutions and engage with the egregious problem of state corruption. Superpowerdom can wait.

BBC News - Why India will not become a superpower
Hey we do not want to become super power, I don't remember the number of threads that are opened with the same title.
Please leave us, we do not want to be in this race which has no meaning. we will remain Non Alligned even if we become a SUper Power
Hey we do not want to become super power, I don't remember the number of threads that are opened with the same title.
Please leave us, we do not want to be in this race which has no meaning. we will remain Non Alligned even if we become a SUper Power

Unfortuantely you are only yourself: one person. Your many fellow Indian citizens plus others say no to your point:
Nostradamus is No Hoax....India is bound to be a Superpower

'India will be a superpower in 20 years' - The Times of India

India will be superpower, says astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Letter from India: India can't wait to put the 'super' before 'power' - Asia - Pacific - International Herald Tribune

India may become a superpower by 2025 - The Economic Times
As of now.. i only consider the U.S a "Superpower" India and many other countries have a long way to go.
India has great potential. But it must solve its border issues. Only then will it realise it's true potential
any one who wishes to make money with propaganda are being taken seriously but true patriots who work for the betterment are not even considered neither by our media nor by forigners like you.
I see one thing common in human behavior, and that is easy attraction towards any thing that is inviting a debate or argument or a tug of war.
The above thread is already posted, debated to death.

Its a personal opinion of a known anti India communist pig ramchanda guha.
The above thread is already posted, debated to death.

Its a personal opinion of a known anti India communist pig ramchanda guha.

So what you are calling him a pig because he don't think India will become a superpower??
India has great potential. But it must solve its border issues. Only then will it realise it's true potential
As far as the border issue is considered, its dead, Pakistan has its share of Kashmir(Azad Kashmir + Gligt Baltistan), China has its share(Aksai Chin) and INDIA has its share (Jammu and Kashmir)
as far as Arunachal is considered, China knows its INDIAN territory and its just playing the card for INDIA to giveup its claim on Aksai Chin.
Its a polital game of who blinks first and one blinks the settlements will be in place, but until then the status quo will be the best to preseve every ones interest.
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