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India may never be a super power: LSE study

Gosh, Why do you even need a Think Tank to figure out India will not be a superpower.

Even I can figure out by using this simple criteria table.


cos they want this superpower so badly that is why
Last year, Indian writer, diplomat and politician Sashi Tharoor said "India is superpoor, not superpower". More recently, Indian historian Ramachandra Guha went a step further and suggested that "India can not and must not become a superpower". Guha added that “India should not try to be a dominant and powerful country, but a less discontented nation.”

How poor is India? An Oxford study found last year that India has more poor than the poor population of all of sub-Saharan Africa. The latest World Bank data shows that India's poverty rate of 27.5%, based on India's current poverty line of $1.03 per person per day, is more than 10 percentage points higher than Pakistan's 17.2%. Assam (urban), Punjab and Himachal Pradesh are the only three Indian states with similar or lower poverty rates than Pakistan's.

Haq's Musings: Can Superpoor India Become a Superpower?
Gosh, Why do you even need a Think Tank to figure out India will not be a superpower.

Even I can figure out by using this simple criteria table.


India is now number 3 economic power (by GDP PPP). Additionally, you conveniently neglected to have top 3 military power, (which India probably is). Finally, USA is not top 3 in per capita GDP.
India is now number 3 economic power (by GDP PPP). Additionally, you conveniently neglected to have top 3 military power, (which India probably is). Finally, USA is not top 3 in per capita GDP.

I don't know, I think India is ranked #4 militarily.

There should also be criteria for "short burst" militaries ("sprinters") vs. "long haul" militaries ("marathon runners").

India, North Korea and Israel all have "sprinter" militaries. Because of either old weapons or high tech, but imported, weapons, they must defeat the opponent very quickly before logistics, maintainence and spare part shortages catch up to them. They usually have more "bang for the buck" but the problem is once each "bang" is used, it will never come back.

China, Russia and USA in 1940's-1980's have "marathon" militaries due to being able to manufacture every important system independently. While it takes a while for their war machines to get fully mobilized, once fully mobilized they can turn out tanks, aircraft, ships, missiles, etc. like bicycles. Against weak enemies, they can crush them fast just like "sprinters" but against other strong enemies, they can go for the long haul and fight wars of logistics and attrition.

USA after 1980's is in a league of its own. Its a sprinting marathon runner.
What is this. Some craze going around Indians head? Even China don't have superpower craze. Once India's economic growth hits 8%, then the theories from Indians sprout up. :lol:
India/Indians never said anything about superpower stuff, but if it's coming our then why should we complain.
But one thing is clear, China is an illusion.
What is this. Some craze going around Indians head? Even China don't have superpower craze. Once India's economic growth hits 8%, then the theories from Indians sprout up. :lol:

Well, India's economic growth is currently at 6.1%.

But if it ever returns to 8%, then don't worry, you'll see a lot more articles like this coming out:

India 2025: What kind of superpower? - Economic Times

By Anil K Gupta.

Thanks to its functional institutions of democracy, India will become a very desirable kind of superpower, free of corruption; entrepreneurial and resource and energy efficient.

Within two decades or less, a rapidly rising India will very likely become the world's third largest economy - after China and the US. It would be appropriate to start speculating now on what kind of a superpower India will be or could be when it becomes one.

Of course, they always seem to forget that China has been growing at 10%+ for three decades already. Yet we are still nowhere close to being a superpower. But India, despite never having been able to sustain double-digit growth in the first place, will supposedly become a superpower instead.
Forgot superpower not in several decades, first concern is developing country, improving standards, increase Science & Tech for our betterment, Modernize military. China should never try any Nation building like the USA or USSR did nor foreign interventions. no way china will be a superpower for a very long time.
We should first try to eradicate all the diseases and poverty...there should be job for everyone....we should limit population and try to provide best education to everyone...we do not want to be superpower like USA or USSR...lets just become a nation that everyone can look up to..
I don't know, I think India is ranked #4 militarily.

There should also be criteria for "short burst" militaries ("sprinters") vs. "long haul" militaries ("marathon runners").

India, North Korea and Israel all have "sprinter" militaries. Because of either old weapons or high tech, but imported, weapons, they must defeat the opponent very quickly before logistics, maintainence and spare part shortages catch up to them. They usually have more "bang for the buck" but the problem is once each "bang" is used, it will never come back.

China, Russia and USA in 1940's-1980's have "marathon" militaries due to being able to manufacture every important system independently. While it takes a while for their war machines to get fully mobilized, once fully mobilized they can turn out tanks, aircraft, ships, missiles, etc. like bicycles. Against weak enemies, they can crush them fast just like "sprinters" but against other strong enemies, they can go for the long haul and fight wars of logistics and attrition.

USA after 1980's is in a league of its own. Its a sprinting marathon runner.

india ranked #4 militarily? are you smoking ?
I don't even think india is stronger than australia.
I don't know, I think India is ranked #4 militarily.

There should also be criteria for "short burst" militaries ("sprinters") vs. "long haul" militaries ("marathon runners").

India, North Korea and Israel all have "sprinter" militaries. Because of either old weapons or high tech, but imported, weapons, they must defeat the opponent very quickly before logistics, maintainence and spare part shortages catch up to them. They usually have more "bang for the buck" but the problem is once each "bang" is used, it will never come back.

China, Russia and USA in 1940's-1980's have "marathon" militaries due to being able to manufacture every important system independently. While it takes a while for their war machines to get fully mobilized, once fully mobilized they can turn out tanks, aircraft, ships, missiles, etc. like bicycles. Against weak enemies, they can crush them fast just like "sprinters" but against other strong enemies, they can go for the long haul and fight wars of logistics and attrition.

USA after 1980's is in a league of its own. Its a sprinting marathon runner.

Nice Title for the US, but at what price!
15 trillion dollars, a destroyed economy, a very bad reputation, this really shows insanity to acquire a capacity unparalleled in the world, while Russia even stripped from any title can still destroy the US many times over.
Instead of being super power,we need 0% poverty and 100% literacy rate or 100% educated people...that is all we need
India/Indians never said anything about superpower stuff, but if it's coming our then why should we complain.
But one thing is clear, China is an illusion.

That how China wants you to see them, its called stealth and you see only illusions when you look at china.
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