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'India may have competitive edge over China'

Hoping for someone's collapse is one way to "propser". Another is to try fixing the problems that is plaguing the country. Seems most like the first "solution":azn:
I mean this is not something we haven't heard before from people here. Usually carried with it a double dose of schadenfreude and seething hatred.

Schadenfreude, that is some word.

I learned that word where I was watching American TV show "Boston Legal", good show by the way, the super lawyer Alan Show in the show quoted that word and made an insightful analysis of such phenomenon when he was defending his client.
Schadenfreude, that is some word.

I learned that word where I was watching American TV show "Boston Legal", good show by the way, the super lawyer Alan Show in the show quoted that word and made an insightful analysis of such phenomenon when he was defending his client.

It is German and it is not a commonly used word in English, but it fits the situation of this thread.
I forsee an Arab Spring in China.

LOL, check the forum history.

You Indians were so excited during the actual Arab revolutions, and you were SO sure that it would happen in China too. What happened? :azn:

Anyway, a change in government is not really a big deal. Egypt is still Egypt, Tunisia is still Tunisia. None of these countries collapsed.

And throughout all of our many revolutions in history, China has always been China.

For true Schadenfraude, you guys should probably continue to hope for your rivals to "totally collapse", even while India gets eaten from the inside by its own terrorists.
Obsession dude quit trolling if u don't want to read it dont

---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

China comes out ahead in the science and technology field, with more full-time science and engineering researchers, more people with science and engineering doctorates, and more patents and academic journal publications, it said.

However, the quality (measured as employability) of graduate engineers from China is 60 per cent lower than those from India, according to a survey of multinational businesses.

Quality not quantity, just imagine if India up's it's education and R&D budget

guess from some private blogs as usual? but the figures and annual reports from PCT, WIPO, thomson rueters and WEF shows totally opposite that inida lies at the bottom of either technology quantity and quality of any major players```and saidly sometime cant even find a position for India`
Keep going bankrupt and begging :agree:

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

While India's prime working-age population will overtake that of China in 2028, China has advantages in science and technology, as well as in developing its national defence capabilities, according to the report.

But India's more open and flexible political structure may allow it to move nimbly in making adjustments to its policies and thereby improve its relative performance, perhaps providing it with an advantage over China

all i hear is bla bla bla old big words theory````reality is Chinese system is way more flexible than india's, in terms of technology, innovation, production, R&D, construction and economy the space between is widing not narrowing.

The same old story and your arguments are week…First, just because Chinese media is selective doesn’t mean terrorist attacks and other disturbances are not happening in China. Just go to the west of China, you will know how discontent these Chinese are

Arab Springs are not caused by Inflation and corruption but by oppressive regimes that don’t give people their basic rights. Comparing Anna’s campaign with Arab springs is not appropriate. Anna’s campaign shows the strength of Indian democracy and inclusiveness. Try Anna’s campaign in China and you will be killed ruthlessly. Anyway China is not doing well on both corruption and inflation either

Chinese government is just delaying the ‘eventual’ by dangling the carrot of economic development before the helpless Chinese people. Once the Chinese people are out of this drama of ‘economic development’, I foresee an Arab spring in China

Nothing is more sacrosanct than human rights and democracy, not even economic growth rates and development

Nope in China there are 80000 protests every year, you cite that as evidence all the time and say we are going to break up like the Soviet Union but the only fact is, that the country has been stable as a rock and it is India where terrorists kill hundreds at once, not China.

Arab springs are indeed caused by corruption and inflation. There's not going to be an Arab spring in Singapore or Kuwait, but there's an Arab Spring going on in India as we speak. Operation Blue Star too, we don't have that in China.

In China, 1 protestor can stop a multibillion dollar subway line. In India, they'll be bulldozed.

Protests planned in Nanjing as historic trees are cleared for subway | China News Watch | Latest Hong Kong, China & World News | SCMP.com

India razes slums, leaves poor homeless - CNN

That's right, nothing is more sarcosanct than human rights and democracy.

Indians need freedom more than anything else.

Freedom from hunger, poverty, and terror.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hunger critical' in South Asia

The report said India contributed to about 5.6 million child deaths per year, more than half the world's total.

Hunger, poverty, terror = SUDAN. Breaking up like the Soviet Union is inevitable. Republic of India, 1947-2020?

as i suspected an irrelevant blog``lol

this is what called reliable source (one of them)
The most recent annual report available from the Indian Intellectual Property Office covers the fiscal year 2006/07. The report shows that during 06/07, the office received 28,940 patent applications; while 14,119 were examined and 7,539 were granted. On the face of it, the only really noteworthy thing about these figures is that the amounts have grown so rapidly over recent times. In fiscal year 2002/03, for example, there were just 11,466 applications, 9,538 examinations and 1,379 grants. Of course, since that time there has been a change in Indian law (on January 1 2005), meaning that product patents can now be protected in the country.

Given that the number of patent examiners in India has remained relatively static, it does not take much of a mathematician to work out that during the last fiscal year examiners granted an average of well over 100 of the applications they reviewed. Of course, this raises significant questions about the quality of what is coming out of the Indian IP Office. At the end of 2008, it was announced that 414 new examiner posts would be created by 2012. But with application numbers growing rapidly (there were over 35,000 during 07/08), that still may not prove enough.
Quality is not the only issue that the new head of the IP Office, PH Kurian, will have to deal with. During 2008, questions were also raised about potentially unhealthily close relationships between some private practice attorneys and some office staff. In October, the Livemint website reported on allegations that patent examiners are employed by some firms to write applications, and that some senior officials at the office have instructed examiners not to reject applications from certain attorney firms. While there is no proof that anything illegal has taken place, applicants and broader civil society in India will need reassurance that the IP Office—which will be so crucial to India’s continued development over the coming years—is operating transparently and completely ethically if confidence in the country’s patent system is to be fostered and then maintained.

As things stand, it does seem as if Indian companies are reluctant to embrace the patent system at home or abroad. According to research published in May, just 20 per cent of applications at the IP Office came from Indian entities, while very few Indian Organizations seek protection outside the country. By contrast, in China, over 60 per cent of applications come from local companies. This state of affairs is something that seems to have registered with the Indian government, which has begun to devote resources to educating Indian businesses about the benefits of intellectual property. In one concrete move, it has introduced a Bayh-Dole style bill into the country’s parliament. If passed, this will allow academic institutions to patent the results of federally-funded research. Up to now, only the government has been able to do this. The proposed legislation is controversial, however, and it is not yet clear whether it will make it to the statute books.
much of india's quality isnt it?
and check the rest reports about China
Thomson Reuters Patent Focus Report 2009 - Science - Thomson Reuters
Luckily we have Tibet so even if India breaks up like the Soviet Union they can't crawl to China. But Pakistan may face significant inflows of illegal immigration.
As usual, the discussion between Indians and Chinese ends in Chinese members highlighting India's child deaths and poverty !
Luckily we have Tibet so even if India breaks up like the Soviet Union they can't crawl to China. But Pakistan may face significant inflows of illegal immigration.

You mean Indians will migrate to Pakistan ?? LOL !!
Thats why you wont find reports like this in Chinese State media :lol: being state controlled they only print what they want,

do you know why people laughing at news come out of india not China? because clueless rantings are laughable, but 'selective' truth is not``heck how many chinese here even read government news? but i believe those ignorant indians they believe`lol
As usual, the discussion between Indians and Chinese ends in Chinese members highlighting India's child deaths and poverty !

As usual, the Indians sought to lecture us on human rights, while forgetting the most important human right of all. The right to have food and water.
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