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India may bailout Eurozone

I agree, this is wrong move. Don't hurt Indians, they always want to please White Masters as they want to please them. They feel their home country is not important than White Masters. Wasting moneys...

In fact, India is really Super-Power, happy?

India should concentrate on poverty of his own people then if they have enough money left then think of bailing out someone else

@ all wise guys.

india is not bailing out for charity. its for many other reasons such as to get our investment back.

:hitwall: i cant believe these idiots think that india will bail out european countries for purely humanitarian purposes
originally posted by precious_maj
You're right India is a service provider, the West has transferred a lot of it's call centres and offices to India because it's cheap labour. Indians are educated and can handle this type of work very easily. However it's the emerging European Countries like Poland who will take over from India after they become part of the Eurozone, it's only a matter of time. So why would India aid that?

call centres are in dying phase in india.But its now moving to KPO and ITIS(IT infrastructure services)-more technical oriented(like datbase,datawarehousing,server management,application management etc and many more) india is not oly about call centres u know
and plus indian software market is growing too tats wy i said india needs them around for a while then india will have enough demand back home(lots of companies with IT support requirement) and in other countries

and also 1 more factor poland is small enough in population to bring in the manpower
and also as u said about cheap labour can the poland provide cheap labour(u might know better as ur flag shows england)
originally posted by precious_maj

call centres are in dying phase in india.But its now moving to KPO and ITIS(IT infrastructure services)-more technical oriented
and plus indian software market is growing too tats wy i said india needs them around for a while then india will have enough demand back home(lots of companies with IT support requirement) and in other countries

and also 1 more factor poland is small enough in population to bring in the manpower
and also as u said about cheap labour can the poland provide cheap labour(u might know better as ur flag shows england)

The amount of money that is being pumped into Eastern Europe, not just Poland is incredible. They will most definitely be able to compete on a like by like basis. The problem for India is that it's free trade in Europe and there are no real boundaries, anyone can cross borders from one country to another so it's all inter-connected. The investments in Eastern Europe will have direct benefits for the rest of Europe as the money will not leave the continent.

Re cheap labour it's difficult to say, currently Poland is not part of the Eurozone. Poland has it's own currency but will most likely join after the Eurozone clear the current Economic mess out so it will not be cheap labour as such as there is a minimum wage.
We all know India's nuclear weapons are not as sophisticated as the rest, that's a known fact so why would they boast. Israel is hiding it's nuclear programme with the help of the west. That leaves Russia and China who are both communist nations that like to keep things close to their heart, who have very strong military power hence the reason why Pakistan is aligning itself very close to these nations.

Yes you're right India is not the same as Pakistan. Pakistan is not reliant on the investments of the west and never will be. The sooner you Indians realise that you are being used the sooner you can start rebuilding relations with your neighbours but denial will increase the size of the hole you are currently building.

somebody should learn from him how to derail thread EXCELLENT!
you r so good at IT
India is being run in the same way as the West. Capitalist societies enable monopolies where only the people at the real top level do well like the big corporations in the US. India has it's real top level also, people like Vijay Malia and Mukesh Ambesh are part of monopolies like reliance industries where all the wealth is taken from the real people and given to the wealthy. Currently India is growing so nobody is complaining, people are getting wages like they were never getting before, the Government is happy with the income tax it receives.
The amount of money that is being pumped into Eastern Europe, not just Poland is incredible. They will most definitely be able to compete on a like by like basis. The problem for India is that it's free trade in Europe and there are no real boundaries, anyone can cross borders from one country to another so it's all inter-connected. The investments in Eastern Europe will have direct benefits for the rest of Europe as the money will not leave the continent.

Again lot of speculations. It has to be seen how Poland fares with already major players china and India.Plus how come no boundary thing is gonna void india from getting lots of buisness i didn get that(coz its aint new, europe has been like tat- interconnected and still india got buisness from them).Plus i dono how much man resource really can the poland provide and cheap labour is a major factor if it joins eurozone it wont be cheap labour.and at what time will the poland will be ready to compete on like by like basis,u see buisness don run like tat buisness runs who can handle the job now and in near future the ans is india atleast for now
Indian Govt won't give its money to them without any return....our govt knows how to place their card at right Place...and At last that's what we call International Diplomacy....
U know what the indian politicions are going to buy luxury estates within Europe thats their goal...these politicians never care about their public, cuz public could be made fool all the time.....:lol:
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