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India may bailout Eurozone

Paan Singh

Sep 8, 2010
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New Delhi: Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Wednesday hinted at financing for sorting out Eurozone crisis after a credible assessment of solvency problem is made.
"Our assessment of the situation is let them (Eurozone) make a credible assessment of solvency issue, try to sort out those problems and then after supplementary financing could be considered. Let us see what the leaders decide," he told.
He was replying to a query on the Greece government's decision to seek referendum on a proposed EU rescue package which has created a fresh turmoil in the financial markets.
The European solvency issue should be sorted out by the European nations themselves, Pranab Mukherjee said.
Mukherjee said even at the G-20 finance ministers meeting in Paris, India had maintained that the European solvency issue should be sorted out by the European nations themselves.
"Let us see what the leaders decide (at the Cannes G20 meeting beginning tomorrow)," he said.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has left for France to participate in the two-day Summit of world's 20 leading economies (G20) to signal a "strong and coordinated approach" to put the global economy back on track, while addressing medium term structural issues.
Several European nations, including Greece, Portugal and Spain, are facing financial problems and a sovereign default is expected to have a severe impact on the whole region.

India may consider financing bailout of Eurozone: FM - India News - IBNLive
With HOW MUCH MONEY is India going to bail out Europe ?
these are small european countries with not much gdp.i think india can bail out 2-3 of them completely.

Since you are not going to tell us the amount of money India is going to fork out to help the EU then I assume it is a VERY SMALL AMOUNT.
Haha what a ridiculous idea.

How can India bailout anyone, India is being propped up by the west to counter the military might of Pakistan and the economical and technological might of China. India is being used, the day the west get they dollars worth they will pull out the billions of dollars they have invested in India.

India is being used by Israel too, the only country that Israel fears is Pakistan and it's nuclear power. India will be used to counter this power. It's a very clever game the west and Israel are playing.
Haha what a ridiculous idea.

How can India bailout anyone, India is being propped up by the west to counter the military might of Pakistan and the economical and technological might of China. India is being used, the day the west get they dollars worth they will pull out the billions of dollars they have invested in India.

India is being used by Israel too, the only country that Israel fears is Pakistan and it's nuclear power. India will be used to counter this power. It's a very clever game the west and Israel are playing.

India is Uncle SAM's Britain in Asia.
This is stupid, India should concentrating on getting people out of poverty and improving the country, why give money to these morons? they will simply ask for more and more and still go bankrupt

To some extent i might agree wiith you but please remeber that economies are so interconnected that it benefits Indian businesses, trade in the end. I would want some preconditions set on these countries by India while giving money...like employing Indian companies for public infra development etc etc.. Our politicians should be smart enough to think of what conditions we can set.. Ultimately as of now we have a upeer hand as we are a growing economy.. But in the long term if we do not help them then it will affect our own growth.. So we have to be careful
Haha what a ridiculous idea.

How can India bailout anyone, India is being propped up by the west to counter the military might of Pakistan and the economical and technological might of China. India is being used, the day the west get they dollars worth they will pull out the billions of dollars they have invested in India.

India is being used by Israel too, the only country that Israel fears is Pakistan and it's nuclear power. India will be used to counter this power. It's a very clever game the west and Israel are playing.

Self importance much. :lol:
This is stupid, India should concentrating on getting people out of poverty and improving the country, why give money to these morons? they will simply ask for more and more and still go bankrupt

Same thing applies to China as well. China giving all her hard earned money to USA and EU.
India should concentrate on poverty of his own people then if they have enough money left then think of bailing out someone else
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