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India may bailout Eurozone

poors exist in almost every country..should i post of pics of another country too or american,european nation or chinese??

I know every country has poor people, but we have to aware of percentage.
As if srilanka is ****** rich, please care for your country's poor first.

There's nothing to get angry, I just posted the blog post which I read few mins ago. Why you guys are ignoring this ground level situation?
I would prefer Indian bailout over Chinese..

1. They don't steal our tech.
2. Are a democracy.
3. Are a weaker economy which puts us in a better negotiating position.

Although given how f*cked up the situation is we will probably end up taking bailouts $$$ from both.

Good,Chinese would prefer Indian bailout over Chinese.......

1.China remains a developing country with a low per-capita income,save your own ***
we have 1 trillion dollars in foreign banks as black money,we can easily bailout china too:lol:
I think we can all agree that in a perfect world we would say "f*ck you banks, cancel your greedy debt claims you had enough of our moneys" so no one needed to bail out anyone.. :(

Germany not Greece, Portugal, Ireland and maybe Italy and China/India not the EU..
buying bonds is a investment, not a bailout

Yes, when you buy bonds of any Eurozone countries that are in trouble such as Greece or Italy meaning you are injecting liquidity into their system, while assuming high risks that are not properly compensated by their returns. In other words, you are sharing the risks associated with defaults with those debt ridden Eurozone countries. That is the reason they are called bailouts.
U know what the Indian politicians are going to buy luxury estates within Europe thats their goal...these politicians never care about their public, cuz public could be made fool all the time.....:lol:

NO one can deny that we had, have and will have a no. of corrupt politicians and they did make a no of bad decisions and they could be in corruption from head to toe, but they are not traitors i.e. they did corruption with our money i.e. in Rs. and converted that in to Dollars or Pounds, but not vice-versa. If they wanted to sell our country, they would had done so in fifties, when populace was illiterate and western countries were at their peak of wealth & development. Then Pakistan was in bed with westerns aka America and enjoying the western fruits aka financial aid. If our politicians choose that way, India would be in greater mess than Pakistan right now, as we have very large no. of complicated problems like multi-ethnic, multi-religion, multilingual and diverse society and ofcourse worlds 1/5th population.

Its their long term policies instead of their short personal benefits which kept us moving during bad times or when our economy was trembling. Also if they had done so, we might also enjoyed the marshal laws i.e army might taken over to save the country couple of times till now:woot:. If today our country is progressing & developing, they also deserve fair share of praises.
India ready to support faltering Europe under IMF umbrella

CANNES: The big emerging economies, Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC), are likely to meet ahead of the G20 summit beginning Thursday to chalk out a joint strategy as the leaders of the world's biggest economies confront two surprise developments.

Embattled Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou called a referendum to approve the October 27 bailout package hammered out by European leaders even before the realisation of its inadequacy had sunk in.

The other development emanated outside Europe, when Japan intervened earlier this week to stem the rise of yen, effectively saying it had no faith in the G20 to offer a co-ordinated solution.

The referendum, a call on Greece's continuance in the Euro zone, and the simmering currency issue has completely altered the agenda of the G20, leaving it with the difficult task of assuring the global financial markets that it has the firepower to prevent the world from slipping into another recession. "We are not sure of the outcome because the nature of the crisis has changed," said a government official.

The official is accompanying Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on his visit to the French resort to attend the meeting of heads of countries that together command over 85% of the world's GDP.

Global equities gave up a chunk of their October gains, crude retreated, euro dropped and Italian bond yields firmed as financial markets came to grips with the fact that the $130-billion third bailout package for Greece may not help contain the European debt crisis. "We don't know whether the G20 will be able to deliver," said the Indian official, indicating the summit declaration could well be a general statement of intent that would be short on ways to address specific issues.

India co-chairs G20's mutual assessment process, or MAP, which lays down what each country needs to do. China and Russia, in particular, and to a lesser extent India and Brazil, are likely to come under pressure to contribute to Europe's bailout efforts.

[B]India has said it may consider joining an IMF effort if Europe's own rescue efforts fail to stem the crisis. Unlike China, India's reserves are borrowed money that it must maintain in view of its current account deficit that stands at over 2.7% of GDP. "So far no European country has approached us for support," the government official said. [/B]

The principal agency responsible for bringing about international stability is the IMF, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman and India's sherpa at G20 Montek Singh Ahluwalia said last week. "We will certainly support the International Monetary Fund (in) providing resource support to Europe."

The emerging economies will certainly consider the volatility in the currency market. Japan's intervention has undermined demands for China to allow its currency to appreciate. India and many other countries will also not support such a demand as a depreciation in their currencies has addressed concerns over China's competitiveness in exports. Officials indicate India will focus more on protecting its interests, as they are vastly different from those of the developed world.
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India ready to support faltering Europe under IMF umbrella - The Economic Times
@ China today

Why are getting the jitters ? It just says "India may bailout Eurozone ". If they approach us India may help. It looks like you dont want India to help. May I ask why ??
The Europeans are financially inadequate and dumb enough to invite a country like Greece. They are financially raped and havent touched the tip of the iceberg looking at Italy Portugal and Spains balance books. India should simply concentrate on looking after their own issues and remove more of their own citizens out of poverty. Why help people and nations that wont help themselves?
The Europeans are financially inadequate and dumb enough to invite a country like Greece. They are financially raped and havent touched the tip of the iceberg looking at Italy Portugal and Spains balance books. India should simply concentrate on looking after their own issues and remove more of their own citizens out of poverty. Why help people and nations that wont help themselves?

because India is incredible and has arrived in Europe
Same thing applies to China as well. China giving all her hard owned money to USA and EU.

Its called making allies. When you help a person , he/she owes you something. Our 8% growth isn't going to continue indefinetely. Perhaps when harsh times come for us , these countries will bail us out.
how can india help when india is not much behind greece.

india has a very high debt to gdp ratio.
india runs a very high budget deficit.
india has a very high trade deficit.
india is still a debtor nation.

debtor nations dont bailout debtor nations.

creditor nations like china bails out debtor nations.

indian media once again over exaggerating indian position in the world.

indian forex reserves are tiny.

india will need those reserves to bailout india when the indian ponzi scheme debt based economy comes to a crashing end soon.

india saying they will bailout eurozone is like greece telling zimbabwe we will bail u out.
its beyond laughable.

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