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India may award Chinook and Apache contracts this year

Actually we Indians are emotional lot. US said a few nice words and we got flattered. In response we showered US with defence deals. Uncle SAM must have been laughing at us. No surprise that they decided to treat our diplomat like dirt.

So what did you do.. Did you boycot american products? or led ppl to boycot amercian mechandise. What you eat daily, walk wear electronics many things are via USA or US friendly nation. Did u boycott it or stopped using those things


Diplomacy, my foot. The IFS lobby did not open a mouth for anything including kargil. Devyani mess was avoidable when preet did serve them notice in September end. Its our government who slept over it.Ask government or your local block officer why they dont have balls to give it back to them in the same way. Let me see what they say.

You vent your anger for one country specific whereas we are buyers from the worlds every market. Are we only depndent on US for everything? the answer is NO

Paranoid and delusional. You sound more like a moron who feels world will come to an end as USA will rule the roost. Pathetic.. grow up.. nobody will ever rule us again... we are not iraq or afganistan... But then who knows a paranoid nazi hitler also thot same way the way you think about the world coming to an end over so called 22 helo deal

check your flags.. may be you are hiding behind an indian flag trying to incite ppl for divide and rule strategy


You are breaking your head .. That guy will not understand anythin.. his loyalty and love for the nation means we fly our migs and old transport birds for next 100 years even if we lose our own ppl or if the equipment stop working. Only bcz its from US. Since GE engines are from US, we shd ground LCA too.thats his style of thinkin
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LOL said sumone who does not even know me.. HAHA

Your mad fixation of sanctions and quoting of my loyalty does put you in a superb limelight. But then as i had explained before in other threads, i do the same.. I am a IIT IIM passout and pls for god sake i did not take up a US consultancy offer to reap in a crore a year. I am working happily in a private bank with mediocre salary whereas my peers are raking more than 7 figures every year. So you don need to know my loyalty.

Secondly, a few weapon systems makes you burn so much then why you have not raised your voice in either rafales, or any military system or subsystem

The fact of the matter is your heart is burning simply bcz you believe we are slaves. that mentality is there bcz of your inferiority complex syndrome which you are suffering from childhood (yes m exacttly giving you back for asking my LOYALTY). You need mental conditioning for sure.

Sanctions, China, HAHA - nobody cares for what we have or what we are looking.. lunatics with useless mindcrap who question everydeal for everything.

A bunch of 22 helos does heartburn whereas our LCA GE engine is american. Don you think Sanction will hit them first rather than 22 apaches. See here i showed your selective hypocrisy.

I advocated HAL Tejas over the overpriced French bird, it is just that you failed to hear my voice. We need the engines for Tejas, we do not need the helos.

We will purchase enough number of engines and spares for any contingency. Besides, these spares can be procured from "other" sources. That is not true for the whole machine.

And yes, I stand by my stand that you are irrationally inclined towards the US. It is proven when you said that the corrupt Indian politicians made up the story to frame the US in weapons haul.
we have just 99 GE engines as of date as per the contract. Pls tell me what other routes GE engine can be procured from which nation?
if we fit sumthn else do you even consider the time taken to make changes and optimise LCA again. Pls throw some light on that too
What are you taking about? This was not a move to hurt India but further the US's own interests (see sale of Javelin to India).

I advocated HAL Tejas over the overpriced French bird, it is just that you failed to hear my voice. We need the engines for Tejas, we do not need the helos.
And why doesn't India need attack or heavy lift helos?

You sir, don't know what you're talking about.
What are you taking about? This was not a move to hurt India but further the US's own interests (see sale of Javelin to India).

My point is if US can do that to Israel "to further US' own interest" then what might stop the US from doing something which might "hurt India's interest" "to further the US' interest" in future?

What will happen if China and US become the best buddies again and start seeing a common enemy in India?
Besides those aircrafts are among best in their class and with less maintenance than any other comparable aircrafts in world.

helicopters are the most maintenance extensive machines. US parts may have longer life limit when compared to the Russians, but they still require A LOT of maintenance.

Hope the US won't block Israel from supplying Barak missiles to India, or else Kolkata destroyer would be in trouble. :bad:

What will happen if China and US become the best buddies again and start seeing a common enemy in India?

I suppose if India becomes the world's most populous country, it would become the target, and America and China would gang up against India, like what they did to the USSR in the 1980s. :patsak:
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