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India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China

Geneticallydefected guy,

Could you comprehend the fact that," BBC is not India's bítch" or has your small cranial capacity due to genetic factors regarding size condemned you to be a retard.

The reporter is an Indian and wrote only from the Indian perspective. And this is clearly an Indian style China obsessive article you would read in TOI or any other Indian news.
BBC News - India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China


China is the current high achiever in the Asian space race


India's space programme has moved on significantly since its early days.

The upcoming launch of a spacecraft to Mars by India is likely to stoke the fires of a burgeoning Asian space race.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is making its final preparations to send an orbiter to the Red Planet.

The principal aim is to test out India's space technology to see if this emerging space-faring nation is capable of interplanetary missions.

The spacecraft will also collect scientific information about the planet's atmosphere and surface.

The Mangalyaan probe was to have been launched as early as 28 October, but rough weather in the Pacific forced officials to delay the launch by a week. The unmanned mission has a launch window lasting until 19 November.

If the mission succeeds, ISRO will become only the fourth space agency, after those in the US, Europe and Russia to have successfully sent a spacecraft to Mars.

According to Pallava Bagla, science editor of New Delhi television news and author of a book about India's space efforts, Destination Moon, the country's public are especially excited about the possibility of beating China to the Red Planet.

"If India does beat China to Mars you can imagine the national pride," he told BBC News.

The mission was announced in August last year by India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during his independence day speech, delivered from the ramparts of one of New Delhi's most iconic buildings - the Red Fort.

"Anything said from the ramparts of the Red Fort is always replete with national pride and national pride is written very largely and boldly on this mission," according to Mr Bagla.

In 2011, a Chinese attempt to send a spacecraft named Yinghou-1 to Mars was aborted because of a technical problem. The Indian space agency then fast-tracked its Mars mission, called Mangalyaan, readying it in just 15 months.

India has had a space programme for more than 30 years. Until recently, its priority has been to develop technologies that would directly help its poor population, such as improving its telecommunications infrastructure and environmental monitoring with satellites.

But in 2008, ISRO translated its formidable capability to build and launch satellites toward exploration and send a probe to the Moon, Chandrayaan-1. The lunar mission cost more than £55m. Now the government has spent a further £60m to go to Mars.

Some have questioned the government's shift away from building infrastructure towards exploration, and wonder whether the money could have been better spent. It is a point that draws this robust response from Mr Bagla:

"You can't bring the 400 million people who live in poverty in India out of poverty with this £60 million," he says.

The shift towards exploration is also a hard-headed one by officials in the hope that it will have clear economic benefits, according to Prof Andrew Coates, who rejoices in the impressive title of "Head of the Solar System" at the Mullard Space Sciences Laboratory in Surrey, part of University College London.

"The exploration programme gives them something very high to aim for. If they can show the world they have what it takes to send spacecraft to other planets they can begin to sell launches and space on its launch vehicles to scientific organisations. It also brings India to the table of international space science exploration," Prof Coates explained.

Developing satellites and developing launchers is now big business. If India, or for that matter China, ease up on their investments in space exploration there is a risk that they could lose out, not least on the vital expertise that this cutting edge endeavour brings to their respective countries.
Big business

Sandeep Chachra, executive director of the poverty eradication charity Action Aid in India believes that investment in space exploration could potentially benefit the country's poorest.

"Investing in new technology, including space technology is an important part of the aspirations for an economy such as India. Developing a sophisticated technological base in a country with this level of poverty is not a simplistic contradiction " he told BBC News.

"What is important is to harness the advances that science and technology bring for the greater good and to use those advances to overcome ingrained poverty and build hope for future generations".

China though remains the greater power in space. The China National Space Administration (CNSA) has a well developed astronaut programme and an orbiting laboratory called Tiangong-1. The CNSA is planning to send its Chang'e-3 spacecraft and accompanying rover to the Moon in December.

The mission is part of an ambitious plan to send more robotic probes to the Moon with a view to eventually sending astronauts to the lunar surface.

The Japanese Space Agency (Jaxa) is also a major force in the region. It is by far the most experienced Asian space agency, with numerous unmanned scientific interplanetary missions under its belt.

"India, China and Japan are certainly eyeing each other up," says Prof Coates.

The growing rivalry is likely to see a new boom in space exploration - one that will eventually lead to more collaborative missions between the emerging space-faring nations in Asia. That might eventually lead to a truly global effort to send astronauts to Mars.

Like the second Pic :omghaha:
Can somebody give a spec of Indian space probe? I heard its so small that the payload is quite insignificant.

The MOM weights 1,350 kg. It is small comparing to US MRO, however I won't call it insignificant. Consider the objectives of this mars mission is not mainly for scientific study of mars but to test te following(Design and realisation of a Mars orbiter with a capability to perform Earth bound manoeuvres, cruise phase of 300 days, Mars orbit insertion / capture, and on-orbit phase around Mars; Deep space communication, navigation, mission planning and management; Incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency situations.) It is well suited for the mission. Also the Chinese Yinghuo-1 mars probe is much smaller at 115 kilograms as its mission was only study the environmental surrounding of Mars.
The MOM weights 1,350 kg. It is small comparing to US MRO, however I won't call it insignificant. Consider the objectives of this mars mission is not mainly for scientific study of mars but to test te following(Design and realisation of a Mars orbiter with a capability to perform Earth bound manoeuvres, cruise phase of 300 days, Mars orbit insertion / capture, and on-orbit phase around Mars; Deep space communication, navigation, mission planning and management; Incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency situations.) It is well suited for the mission. Also the Chinese Yinghuo-1 mars probe is much smaller at 115 kilograms as its mission was only study the environmental surrounding of Mars.

The probe that is going to orbit the Mars weighs about 15 kgs. 1350 kgs is the weight of the whole pakage at launch. Please double check.
The probe that is going to orbit the Mars weighs about 15 kgs. 1350 kgs is the weight of the whole pakage at launch. Please double check.

Which means its not going to do any scientific study, data collection or analysis but rather just a flag waking by India attempt to fool the masses that of the significant that she achieved?
The probe that is going to orbit the Mars weighs about 15 kgs. 1350 kgs is the weight of the whole pakage at launch. Please double check.

15 kgs is its scientific payload, its dry mass is 500 kg. As I mentioned before scientific study is just a secondry objective for this mission. Most of other equipments are devoted to communication, navigation and etc.
Which means its not going to do any scientific study, data collection or analysis but rather just a flag waking by India attempt to fool the masses that of the significant that she achieved?

You don't have to put down other people's achievement. If this mission is successful the experiences IRSO gain from its primary objectives are more significant than some mere scientific study which has been done many times by other space agencies.
Meh, should have sent a probe to one of Mars' moons which is currently unexplored. :coffee:
Looks like the BBC admins are recruiting English Tabloid writers. Since when did competition in academics/scientific feats etc become bad, as akin to an arms race ?

Ridiculous article by some juvenile wanna be sensationalist. :thumbsdown:
Like the second Pic :omghaha:

I think it's a 70's Pic .... It makes me really proud when i see that picture, regardless of what they have they pushed their limits and did more than what they could .... :tup:

BTW: Gud to see you too like the pic :agree:

This image became pretty famous as a metaphor as to how the high-tech Indian space program coexists with general impoverishment but the reality was quite different - Contrary to the general belief that India’s didn’t have trucks in 1980s, this is a classic example of the supposedly unique Indian concept of Jugaad. The day when the photo was taken they were taking the satellite out for an antenna-range test. With a basic understanding of physics, it is well-known that testing an antenna by placing it, in the bed of a truck isn’t the best since the truck is metallic. The simplest work-around was to use a wooden bullock cart.
You don't have to put down other people's achievement. If this mission is successful the experiences IRSO gain from its primary objectives are more significant than some mere scientific study which has been done many times by other space agencies.

Not say I am trying to put down India Mars achievement. In fact, China could have done the same but what is the purpose of this mission with a mediocre 15kg payload? What kind of data and analyse can do collect with 15kg equipment payload?

Remember India boast about being the 4th nation to set their presence on Moon by crashing its flag onto the surface of Moon. Ask yourself, can China do that too? But it serves no purpose rather than using a cheap hard crash tactic to try prove something. I can be sure the India flag is properly blow into pieces.

Now in coming Dec, China is going to do a soft landing with a Moon rovers to achieve the more technically difficult method. If India do a real major breakthru in the scientific means , sure I will be happy and admire their success. But India is too obsesses with trying to catch up with China and using those cheap shot means trying to fool the masses that their space agency is ahead with China is not going to prove anything with those intellectual.
All propagandas.

India doesn't have technoliges to have a shot at Mars.

Deep space communication techs of Indians are of the stone age.

India lost contact with its moon launch only after a few months in the sky...

NASA, instead of ISRO, is responsible for communications & navigation of this mission. ISRO is responsible for the paint job and press conferences.
Na chinese are not at all good at space tech and research..................not even indians are good at it..........its SUPARCO which leads the space race in asia....all hail SUPARCO

All propagandas.

India doesn't have technoliges to have a shot at Mars.

Deep space communication techs of Indians are of the stone age.

India lost contact with its moon launch only after a few months in the sky...

NASA, instead of ISRO, is responsible for communications & navigation of this mission. ISRO is responsible for the paint job and press conferences.

yeah right .....now get a gf....get a life...its a shame tat u waste ur time on these silly indians...
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