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India maintains presence in South China Sea

Because your arrogance is inhuman!! and your afraid to bring this to international forums because you have no real evidence to show at all! what you people are doing are all threats do it then and see what happens?

Because your arrogance is inhuman!! and your afraid to bring this to international forums because you have no real evidence to show at all! what you people are doing are all threats do it then and see what happens?

That's silly. You are the arrogant ones for thinking that you can illegally claim our territories and then use another country to threaten us.
You had show your reaction now!

You are sovereign country, they of course can visite you!! And I had heard that the four ships't another destination is Shanghai, Does that mean they piss you off? In peace time, they can be tough, The question is in war time, Now the standoff in Huangyan is going on, If they really have ball, they can visit Huangyan with phillippine!!

Yes, we have, but handle VIET and Phillippine, they don't have many ships and plane, and it doesn't worth expensive rockets and missiles, If you like them, I prefer indian warship If you have ball in war time!

No, you forget that? In 1962, we kick you ***, If you want it twice, we would love to it again!!

That's what you are working hard to do! Did you get it? what number do you count up to?

Yes, we are happy to hear these, you know, in china, the india presence is not ever viewed as something big. as china developing, we do even care about american presence here, Do we care about yours? it is not that we are arrogant, it is that you are conceited!

Hahahahaha - 1962? Only the Chinese nation could be proud of winning that skirmish and grandly calling it a war. LOL - if it was a war why did not the Chinese continue to fight as the Indians regrouped? hahaha - imagine the Nazis invading Russia - capturing some border outposts, going back to Berlin and declaring victory! hahahahahah - you Chinese never fail to amuse me with your peasant-like simple-minded understanding of history, war and economics.
Very good. Four Indian Navy vessels are welcome in all the countries surrounding the East Sea (south china sea), including China.
The next of the visit will be docked in Japan. Very good.
Hopefully, the Indian Navy will have many similar visits frequently.
indian military is in no position for a war with china.

our coast guards could fart and the indian navy would sink.

personally i would love to see china absolutely humiliate the indians like in 1962, i love seeing the indians living in fear of china.
they are like a scared rabbit that china will murder them again.

81'ers are all talk just like 1962, but when it comes to war, we have embarrassed these 81'ers every single time.

it must suck to be born as an 81'er.

we lost 1962, but quickly recovered and today China cant go to war against us without running the risk of suffering severe damage

we are not as much strong as china on our eastern border, but enough strong to make PLA suffer huge damage
There are problems with your post. First army don't to fight naval wars and secondly soldiers are trained to kill, so they always fire back.

forgive him he hasnt got the ability to debate with logic most of his post is purely trash ,and just wait he will soon post a few silly antique pics to prove his points and derail the thread
Problem for you is: Does China's army know how to Fight in Real Naval combat without US-Russia daddy support ?? If yes, then show it to the World in Naval battle with Phil or VietNam first.

We all know that your army are just only goot at Home parade and killing unfired back soldiers only:coffee:
Excuse, when did Russia and USA become our dady? and seems that you are specilist in NAVAL combat? As you logic, Without USA and Russia, No one know "REAL combat"? Russia have been you dady, so now you try your best to beg USA to be your another dady? Keep learning how to fight in "REAL" combat with the help from your dady USA-RUSSIA.
You know PLA? hehe, I know that, You viet always said these.
Hehe, then does your PLAN know how to Fight in Real Naval combat without US-Russia daddy support ?? We and Phillipine won't fire first, so PLAN won't have a chance to 'fight back'.

Fire first if PLAN has the guts, if not, so go Home and keep making your self happy with Cheap parade:coffee:
You don't fire first? of course, I don't think you have the gut!! We can, we just bide our time, it is not long, about 10 years, maybe you can see these, if you don't meet the unnatural death!!
How do you abuse yourself happy?
Ah! You my friend don't seem to be aware of the kicking you guys got at Nathula in 1967 when 400 of your 'robotic' looking Chinese soldiers were massacred by Indian troops. Dozens of Chinese artillery gun positions were destroyed as well as scores of bunkers and pill boxes that took the Chinese over two years to remake!!

Then in 1987, the Chinese quietly slithered away from their incursion in the Somdorongchu Valley in Arunachal Pradesh when they were warned by Gen Sundarjee, the then Army Chief to vacate or face the consequences of what happened at Nathula. The Chinese quietly withdrew without so much as a whimper! Probably crapped in their pants when they were warned of massive military retaliation by the Indian Army if they did not vacate.

1962 was an aberration. Trying anything stupid now ain't a good idea, and the Chinese know it!

So just shut the heck up about Indians living in 'fear' of the Chinese. That's moronic talk in the extreme that only a village idiot next door can spout. It's high time the Chinese woke up and stopped living in the past. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since 1962, the Nathula and Somdoronchu incidents being examples. (There's the Chola incident too when the Chinese quietly withdrew after they were warned by the Indian Army to get the heck out of areas they had illegally occupied).

This shows that the Chinese Army consists of straw men, robots famous only for their goose-march during those yearly Communist parades!

Nuff said!
I found that seems only you guys post the two "skirmishs" here and there? Do you have the source?
1962 is not aberration, I just reply to your compatriot with it!! Many people know 1962 war, If you really defeated china in that two skirmishs, With your indian character-big mouth, you would not hype them? that's the big surprise to me!!!
A blind barefeet man with heart of steel is enough to twist ur tail, so stop flexing muscles. Its of no use.:coffee:
you know, this world is small, we are doing excising every day, it is hot, so sometimes we will take off our upper cloths, we didn't ask for you eyes!! Don't peek at me, we are a little shy!!
Because your arrogance is inhuman!! and your afraid to bring this to international forums because you have no real evidence to show at all! what you people are doing are all threats do it then and see what happens?

Because your arrogance is inhuman!! and your afraid to bring this to international forums because you have no real evidence to show at all! what you people are doing are all threats do it then and see what happens?
HEHE, Some person deserve friendship, some just deserve "arrogance", Just like you!!
You want to bring Huangya island to ITLOS, Why don't do it now, it is too long, are you afraid of lack of real evidence? Don't just bark, and don't waste time here, go and beg help from USA!!
And don't post double, Does your hand tremble because of fear?
Hahahahaha - 1962? Only the Chinese nation could be proud of winning that skirmish and grandly calling it a war. LOL - if it was a war why did not the Chinese continue to fight as the Indians regrouped? hahaha - imagine the Nazis invading Russia - capturing some border outposts, going back to Berlin and declaring victory! hahahahahah - you Chinese never fail to amuse me with your peasant-like simple-minded understanding of history, war and economics.
At least the war in 1962 is known by many people, But the skirmishs that you post one by one is known by little people!! We are proud of winning the war, Of couse only me, Because, we do it alone, But you lose it even with the help from USA and Russia, What a shame!!
we lost 1962, but quickly recovered and today China cant go to war against us without running the risk of suffering severe damage

we are not as much strong as china on our eastern border, but enough strong to make PLA suffer huge damage
You are so funny? we didn't deny that you are strong! If the war break up between china and indian, the war will be comfined to border area, You have nuclear, we also have, what we want to is south tiebet, we will not attack india hinterland first, you too! And don't forget that the western of china is underpopulated, But you are different, yes, you have missile that can reach eastern of china, we also have such missile!!
We will assess the damage of war, It is inevitable to lose something in the war, The question is whether it is worth it? and which side will lose more? even USA lost more than 4K lives in the iraq!
Hahahahaha - 1962? Only the Chinese nation could be proud of winning that skirmish and grandly calling it a war. LOL - if it was a war why did not the Chinese continue to fight as the Indians regrouped? hahaha - imagine the Nazis invading Russia - capturing some border outposts, going back to Berlin and declaring victory! hahahahahah - you Chinese never fail to amuse me with your peasant-like simple-minded understanding of history, war and economics.

Oh no indian now dont even dare to admit 1962 is a war and called it a skirmish shame on you man, does it really matter so much for you to win a debate here :rofl:

Excuse, when did Russia and USA become our dady? and seems that you are specilist in NAVAL combat? As you logic, Without USA and Russia, No one know "REAL combat"? Russia have been you dady, so now you try your best to beg USA to be your another dady? Keep learning how to fight in "REAL" combat with the help from your dady USA-RUSSIA.
You know PLA? hehe, I know that, You viet always said these.

mate these indians and viets if they dont lies or make thing up they got nothing to argue with you have to understand that:rofl:
indian military is in no position for a war with china.

our coast guards could fart and the indian navy would sink.

personally i would love to see china absolutely humiliate the indians like in 1962, i love seeing the indians living in fear of china.
they are like a scared rabbit that china will murder them again.

81'ers are all talk just like 1962, but when it comes to war, we have embarrassed these 81'ers every single time.

it must suck to be born as an 81'er.

lets not get ahead of ourselves :lol:

your reality

Oh no indian now dont even dare to admit 1962 is a war and called it a skirmish shame on you man, does it really matter so much for you to win a debate here :rofl:

mate these indians and viets if they dont lies or make thing up they got nothing to argue with you have to understand that:rofl:

It is not a real war, because PLA "human wave" ran away quickly when Indian Army had just arrived.
80,000 chinese regular troops vs 10,000 local troops. What are you proud?
It is not a real war, because PLA "human wave" ran away quickly when Indian Army had just arrived.
80,000 chinese regular troops vs 10,000 local troops. What are you proud?

Ya other one the battle of Battle of Yultong Bridge and Battle of Hill Eerie which we kick some chinese @$$!

Battle of Yultong Bridge

In April 22-23, 1951, the Philippine 10th Battalion Combat Team fought one of its many battles and perhaps, the greatest battles that the Fighting 10th ever fought in the Korean War.

After the Operation Rugged and six days in the regimental reserves, the Philippine battalion returned to the frontline and relieved the 1st Battalion of the 65th United States Infantry. Colonel Dionisio S. Ojeda divided the battalion into separate units. Deploying the A and B Companies with the Tank Company (tank-less) on the frontline while, the Reconnaissance and C Companies remained in reserve. The Philippine battalion was flanked by the 2nd Battalion of the US 65th Infantry on the left and the 2nd Battalion of the Turkish Brigade on the right.

Here’s the account of the battle from South Korea’s Ministry of Defense (Vol. VI., pp. 313-315):

Just after the dusk, supported by the heavy bombardment of mortar and artillery, the hordes of Chinese Communist Forces (CCF) unleashed their First Spring Offensive toward Seoul, directing their main effort against the I US Corps along the Chorwon-Seoul corridor. The Turkish were the first to hit and their lines were penetrated as far as the reserve battalion position. This sudden situation caused to expose the right flank of the Philippine BCT’s B Company. The CCF forces shifted their assault toward B Company by a frontal attack 30 minutes after midnight and then another enemy wave hit the gap between B and Tank Company positions. The whole Battalion was soon subjected to intensive small arms and artillery fire. The left platoon (led by Lieutenant Jose Artiaga) of B Company was pushed back from their position at 0300 hours and, after four hours of furious combat, the enemy infiltrated as deeply as C Company in the reserve area. Each company was dispersed and fought in confusion without contact among and between units. The Battalion command post also became a target of small arms fire. Notwithstanding, battered B Company succeeded in closing the perimeter of C Company at dawnbreak of the 23rd. All of cooks, chaplain, medics and drivers came to pick up guns and committed into the last stand. C Company was ordered to withdraw at 0640 hours when it was counterattacking with the support of Reconnaissance Company.

Three rifle companies also pulled out from their positions under cover of Reconnaissance Company but Tank Company could not be contacted until the radio communication became operational at noon.

In the meantime, Tank Company desperately held its positions and made a counterattack to retake the position of Lieutenant Artiaga’s platoon in order to recover the dead and wounded. When the radio communication was restored at 1230 hours, Captain Conrado Yap, Commander of Tank Company, was ordered to withdraw. However, Captain Yap and his men were on their way to counterattack. When a hill was taken, they counted less than one squad was left of this platoon and found still missing Corporal Bengala. Captain Yap called for volunteers to further search. It was two hours before sunset. A burst of fire from concealed nest had caught Captain Yap squarely on the front. For this action, he was posthumously awarded the Philippine Medal of Valor.

During this action, the CCF losses were more than 500 killed and two captured, while the Philippine BCT suffered with 12 KIA, 38 WIA and 6 MIA.

The Philippine 10th Battalion Combat Team counter-attacking at Yultong on 23 April 1951

Battle of Hill Eerie

In May 18-21, 1952, the Philippine 20th Battalion Combat Team fought one of their greatest battles in the Peninsula. The Battle of Hill Eerie was a seven-part battle between the United Nations Forces and the CCP. The Filipinos fought and won the last two battles in the Outpost of Eerie Hill. One to take the outpost for the final time and another to successfully defended the outpost for the last time.

One particular historical figure that would play a major part in the Philippine history, Lieutenant Fidel V. Ramos, distinguished himself in this battle. [Exactly 365 members or more than half of the 669 West Point classmates (USMA Class of 1950) of Ramos saw action in the savage war that lasted three years. Forty-one of his classmates were killed and 84 others were wounded during the war, representing 34 percent casualty rate, the highest for any West Point class than those in both World War I and World War II.]

Here’s the account of the battle from South Korea’s Ministry of Defense (Vol. VI., pp. 319-320):

A series of raids began 0915 hours on 18 May when a patrol encountered with 8 CCF at Eerie. The enemy fled to the north, leaving one dead and two wounded caused by friendly fire. The same afternoon, a platoon led by Lieutenant Rodolfo Maestro raided the Eerie. There were 28 CCF dead on the hill after a torrid 30-minute fire fight. On the next day, two daylight patrols also raided the shank of T-bone ridge for 35 and 13 minutes respectively and killed 23 Reds before disengaging with the enemy, while tanks, air-strikes, mortar and artillery added more casualties.

The final raid on Hill Eerie was launched in the early morning of 21 May 1952. Lieutenant Fidel V. Ramos of the 2nd Reconnaissance Platoon, with 3 officers and 41 men, organized his men into four teams as scout, rifle, sniper, and forward observer teams. At 0407 hours, the raiders crossed their designated line of departure and reached the attacking position of an irrigation ditch, 400 meters from top of Eerie.

Hill Eerie, well fortified with bunkers and communication trenches, was then defended by an estimated reinforced CCF platoon. Immediately after the planned preparation fires pounded the hill, the Filipinos began to assault up to the crest at 0700 hours. Within 10 minutes they reached the barbed wire entanglements of Eerie. Lieutenant Ramos and Corporal Jose Palis’s scout team (11 men) attacked through right finger to the right of the hill and rushed into bunkers, killing 8 CCF defenders. Attached engineers blasted and sealed bunkers without delay. On the other hand, the rifle team led by Sergeant Cipriano Drapeza advanced its way on the left finger toward top and as soon as making the physical contact with the scout teamon the right, engaged in covering fire while the engineers busied themselves in blasting the bunkers.

Lieutenant Armando Dizon’s sniper team, being tasked to prevent enemy supporting fire from Hill 191 immediate northwest of Eerie, was on their designated position on the southwest saddle of the Eerie and neutralized the enemy machine gun fire. At 0728 hours, while engineers were demolishing the rest of the bunkers, the enemy mortar shells began to hit the hill. But this mortar fire was too late to be of any help to their beleaguered comrades. The CCF outwitted by this surprising raid that lasted for twenty minutes. Their mission was accomplished. Lieutenant Ramos fired the signal to withdraw at 0730 hours. All participants were returned to their base without casualty. With exceptional gallantry, they destroyed 6 bunkers, 7 more damaged and 76 CCF were killed during the period of 18-21 May.

Lieutenant Fidel V. Ramos (right) and his colleagues in the Philippine 20th Battalion Combat Team, Korean War
In a separate account of the battle.

In June 2005, Ben Cal of the Philippines News Agency interviewed Ramos and Felizardo Tanabe (who was the 20th BCT’s tactical operation officer). Here is the account of that interview about the Battle of Hill Eerie:

In Korea the young Ramos had his baptism of fire. In May 1952 he was assigned to lead a 44-man team in an assault on Eerie Hill, a heavily fortified Chinese position with a commanding view of the plains below.

Then Major Felizardo Tanabe, the 20th BCT’s operations officer, said the Chinese on Eerie Hill “prevented the United Nations forces from advancing farther without suffering heavy casualties.” Taking it was a crucial but dangerous mission.

Armed with heavy weapons—howitzers, bazookas, mortars and .50-caliber machine guns—the Chinese had repulsed previous assaults by United Nations forces. The barrage from the Chinese artillery prevented even tanks from penetrating the defense perimeter.

The landscape surrounding Eerie Hill is much like the plains of Central Luzon dominated by the imposing Mount Arayat. Although smaller than Arayat, Eerie Hill overlooks roadways on the slopes and the connecting roads spread over a one-mile radius.

Col. Salvador Abcede, 20th BCT commander, had tapped Tanabe to prepare the assault on the Chinese position. “The observation post and the bunkers must be destroyed,” Abcede told the major.

Abcede’s battalion had attacked Eerie Hill nine times during the first week of May 1952, killing over a hundred communist soldiers. But still the defenders held on. The tenacity of the Chinese only intensified Abcede’s resolve to take the hill.

Picking the second reconnaissance platoon to attack the hill anew, Abcede ordered Ramos to capture and destroy it. It was an elaborate plan which included UN air support and artillery fire. Tanabe, as tactical operations officer, coordinated with the allied forces and briefed Ramos and members of the assault team.

Jump-off time was before daybreak of May 21, 1952. The assault team was up at dawn doing a final check on its weapons. The M-1 Garand rifles, Browning Automatic Rifles (BAR), two .30-caliber machine guns, grenades, bayonets and other equipment were all in order.

Ramos had grouped his men into four units: a 13-man sniper team led by Sgt. Cipriano Drapeza; a scout team of 10 headed by Cpl. Jose Palis; and a forward observer team headed by Second Lt. Cosme Acoste with two men.

The platoon had a radio operator, a messenger and a medical aid.

At 4:07 a.m., the platoon moved toward its objective under cover of darkness.

Ramos and his men crawled for two hours through rice paddies, occasionally tipping their canteens to quench their thirst. The platoon reached an irrigation ditch some 400 meters from the top of Eerie Hill. Next to the ditch was a wide creek with knee-deep water. Intelligence had estimated the hill was defended by a well-entrenched platoon.

Seven F-86 Sabre jet fighters of the US Air Force pounded the enemy positions with napalm bombs. The jets dropped more bombs as the Chinese opened up with antiaircraft fire. The F-86s, however, proved to be elusive targets as they streaked across the sky at 600 miles an hour.

Ramos waved his hand for the platoon to stay put as he radioed BCT headquarters to start the artillery bombardment. In a few seconds the barrage began. Aimed at silencing the gun emplacements, the artillery attack was equally risky to the attacking platoon. Any miscalculation could result in friendly-fire casualties and doom the assault.

The simultaneous artillery fire and the napalm bombs created a deafening boom. Through binoculars, Ramos assessed the battlefield and searched for the best opening for the assault. He found a hole that had been blasted through a stack of barbed wire. He radioed headquarters to stop both air and land assault to allow his men to advance.

Tanabe recounted that as the platoon neared the top of the hill, he threw a smoke grenade “to signal the lifting of the aerial bombardment and artillery firing.”

As soon as some of the Chinese defenders retreated, Ramos’s platoon seized the front part of the trench. Close-quarters fighting raged as the retreating enemy fought back ferociously. Sensing that they had gained the upper hand, the Filipinos were unstoppable.

The Ministry of National Defense of Korea says in its historical account of the Eerie Hill assault:

“From 0700 to 0710, Lieutenant Ramos’ four teams [scout, rifle, sniper and forward observer], moved and maneuvered up to the crest of the Hill. As soon as the assault teams reached the barbed-wire entanglements of Eerie at 0719, two tanks lifted their fire.”

The 10-man scout team headed by Corporal Palis went into action and there was a wild exchange of gunfire. Grenades exploded all over the place. As the riflemen kept firing, Palis and two of his men ran toward bunker No. 2, dropped several grenades and fired their guns, killing four Chinese.

Enemy troops occupying bunker No. 3 retaliated. At this instance, Ramos joined Palis. Grenades exploded on their right flank, on the left and in front of them. Luckily, none of the Filipino soldiers were hit. Hitting the ground on all fours, two of Ramos’s men suddenly dashed toward the bunker and exploded it.

Two enemy soldiers got out of the bunker but Ramos, who was just four meters away, opened fire, and killed them instantly. His reflexes heightened, Ramos rolled away poised to fire again at the coming enemy but there was none.

Then Palis told Ramos that they were running out of grenades. The young lieutenant immediately ordered his two-man demolition team to move in and blast bunkers 2 and 3.

Then as Ramos and his men were clearing the bunkers, Chinese troops occupying a connecting trench some 200 meters away opened fire at them. They instantly dived for cover. By this time the sniper team led by Sergeant Drapeza worked its way on the left side of the hill toward the north portion.

Fighting broke out anew as the Filipinos attacked bunker No. 4. To stop the platoon’s offensive, four Chinese troops ran out of their bunkers to hurl grenades, but were stopped with bullets by the Filipinos.

A close-range gunbattle ensued when what was left of the Chinese troops fired at the advancing Filipinos. The distance was so close that, in some instances, their bayonets clashed. Ramos ordered his men to move cautiously and remain calm as the last of the enemy troops retreated. He remained unfazed and determined to accomplish his mission with the least casualty.

On reaching their objective, Ramos requested his home base to resume artillery firing at coordinates, which he specified.

The assault lasted two hours. His mission accomplished, Ramos and his men made sure that the hill was firmly secured. He accounted for his men and learned that they had one injury. The enemy had 16 casualties.

The Filipinos’ fighting spirit earned praise from UN forces who watched the deadly combat from a distance using binoculars.

“Two American battalions were watching the action, which was the only battle that morning. The Americans were cheering and clapping their hands as they witnessed the 20th BCT platoon attacking the hill,” Tanabe said.

To Ramos, it was his first hill and first kill, a soldier’s initial journey trek “to hell and back.”

The next day, the assault on Eerie Hill and the bravery of the Filipino soldiers landed prominently on the pages of Stars and Stripes, an American military publication.

See china hahahaha :laugh

lets not get ahead of ourselves :lol:

your reality


Hahaha everybody laugh at you people hahahahaha:laugh: so us weak?
That's silly. You are the arrogant ones for thinking that you can illegally claim our territories and then use another country to threaten us.

really and who would believe you people lairs! like your claim has basis one happy land? you can't even defend your illogical claim in the UN which was founded to help end disputes among nations? and my claim and words are unreal? hahahahaha and then blaming others for troubles you people made yourselves that's called being an idiot sir no amount of trolling can make up for what you are doing not just to the Philippines but to others like Vietnam/Japan/South Korea/India/Tibet and your own people too! Only a brainless meat puppet with no free will can call the 9 dot claim a legal one! because he was told to! China and you people are not gods YOUR NOT ABOVE US YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW WHAT WE AGREE UPON AND JUST BECAUSE ITS NOT WORKING FOR YOU IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN PAST IT AND DO THINGS LIKE THIS! so just shut it and don't tell me your crap! the point is your lairs lying to your own people lying to the world that's all you people and the mafia government of yours does so do yourself a favor and start reforming your country you people have not rights at all and you don't have the right's of tell other which is which and don't you dare spin this around we are free people all of us we should orient you on freedom its really up to you to do it yourselves but that's other question.

Start using you brain or do you need someone in china to tell you to think it over!
Excuse, when did Russia and USA become our dady? and seems that you are specilist in NAVAL combat? As you logic, Without USA and Russia, No one know "REAL combat"? Russia have been you dady, so now you try your best to beg USA to be your another dady? Keep learning how to fight in "REAL" combat with the help from your dady USA-RUSSIA.
You know PLA? hehe, I know that, You viet always said these.

You don't fire first? of course, I don't think you have the gut!! We can, we just bide our time, it is not long, about 10 years, maybe you can see these, if you don't meet the unnatural death!!
How do you make yourself happy?

I found that seems only you guys post the two "skirmishs" here and there? Do you have the source?
1962 is not aberration, I just reply to your compatriot with it!! Many people know 1962 war, If you really defeated china in that two skirmishs, With your indian character-big mouth, you would not hype them? that's the big surprise to me!!!

you know, this world is small, we are doing excising every day, it is hot, so sometimes we will take off our upper cloths, we didn't ask for you eyes!! Don't peek at me, we are a little shy!!

HEHE, Some person deserve friendship, some just deserve "arrogance", Just like you!!
You want to bring Huangya island to ITLOS, Why don't do it now, it is too long, are you afraid of lack of real evidence? Don't just bark, and don't waste time here, go and beg help from USA!!
And don't post double, Does your hand tremble because of fear?

At least the war in 1962 is known by many people, But the skirmishs that you post one by one is known by little people!! We are proud of winning the war, Of couse only me, Because, we do it alone, But you lose it even with the help from USA and Russia, What a shame!!

We told you with or without American we will face you American can help and they should the MDT obligates them to do so if you attack us! And i know you monsters love that! so you are welcome to try! second this an attack not only to the Philippines but to the UN because the UNCLOS gives us the framework to have jurisdiction over areas we are claiming and area we control as our national territory so attack us will make the UN a token organization and International Law a Joke? and no matter who many times you people said this and that its meaningless your insult your claims because you have nothing to show but force you don't even look at you neighbors as sovereign states just token states for you to play with you guys are particularly saying that to everyone since your an older country? That's not the basis to claim everything you monster! your not gods you just like the rest of us so why does the rules not apply to you people? And again why blame other? you don't even have REAL evidence to support your claims and your blaming others because they are defending themselves and calling them Names real civilized of you then.
It is not a real war, because PLA "human wave" ran away quickly when Indian Army had just arrived.
80,000 chinese regular troops vs 10,000 local troops. What are you proud?
Human wave!! HEHE, I don't know and I also don't want to know how many soldiers in the war!!
If the war happen, you can't deploy you "regular" force there in time and you can't perceive the break of war, That's whose fault? Seems that you also make such excuse for yourself! Is it, loser?
See china hahahaha :laugh

Hahaha everybody laugh at you people hahahahaha:laugh: so us weak?
The article is too long, hehe, The Korean war is large scale war, We join almost all of battle, you just one of many countries, we can't win every battle, and the best troop was deploied to face USA and Other western troops!! and don't forget that whatever attack of retreat, you also be protected by USAF and American artillery, Nothing to be proud!! What we care is the whole Korean battlefield. Only one or two failure can prove you are better than us? Kidding yourself!
We told you with or without American we will face you American can help and they should the MDT obligates them to do so if you attack us! And i know you monsters love that! so you are welcome to try! second this an attack not only to the Philippines but to the UN because the UNCLOS gives us the framework to have jurisdiction over areas we are claiming and area we control as our national territory so attack us will make the UN a token organization and International Law a Joke? and no matter who many times you people said this and that its meaningless your insult your claims because you have nothing to show but force you don't even look at you neighbors as sovereign states just token states for you to play with you guys are particularly saying that to everyone since your an older country? That's not the basis to claim everything you monster! your not gods you just like the rest of us so why does the rules not apply to you people? And again why blame other? you don't even have REAL evidence to support your claims and your blaming others because they are defending themselves and calling them Names real civilized of you then.
Through the comments, I found what you do is beg help from USA and UN? Don't talk too much, Babysite, don't waste time here, You had said that you will go to UNCOLS More than one mouth ago, Why don't do it, you know we are waiting the summon!! Keep begging, we don't care!
Human wave!! HEHE, I don't know and I also don't want to know how many soldiers in the war!!
If the war happen, you can't deploy you "regular" force there in time and you can't perceive the break of war, That's whose fault? Seems that you also make such excuse for yourself! Is it, loser?

The article is too long, hehe, The Korean war is large scale war, We join almost all of battle, you just one of many countries, we can't win every battle, and the best troop was deploied to face USA and Other western troops!! and don't forget that whatever attack of retreat, you also be protected by USAF and American artillery, Nothing to be proud!! What we care is the whole Korean battlefield. Only one or two failure can prove you are better than us? Kidding yourself!

Through the comments, I found what you do is beg help from USA and UN? Don't talk too much, Babysite, don't waste time here, You had said that you will go to UNCOLS More than one mouth ago, Why don't do it, you know we are waiting the summon!! Keep begging, we don't care!

Why can't read long articles our just don't want to and other thing again we are not begging for anything its up to you if you wouldn't yield your doing the illegal actions not us and that's a truth everybody agrees on.
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