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India maintains presence in South China Sea

I wonder, what will be reaction of our Chinese members.

Megatons, Caste, Naxalite etc etc will pop up now.
You had show your reaction now!
This time India pissed China off again and specially for the Chinese members was felt happiness when they are over heard "India back of in East Sea"

It was really nice moves from India and again India will shows to China that India also has real muscles.

P.S: India's navy ship stopped by Hai Phong - Viet Nam for visited.
You are sovereign country, they of course can visite you!! And I had heard that the four ships't another destination is Shanghai, Does that mean they piss you off? In peace time, they can be tough, The question is in war time, Now the standoff in Huangyan is going on, If they really have ball, they can visit Huangyan with phillippine!!
just get ready to see chinese muscle flexing in this thread. lots of rockets,missiles,war ships and jets r on the way.
Yes, we have, but handle VIET and Phillippine, they don't have many ships and plane, and it doesn't worth expensive rockets and missiles, If you like them, I prefer indian warship If you have ball in war time!
Indian big talk and Chinese empty talk - China can spend all it wants but the only thing their Armed Forces are going to do is kill a few Buddhist monks.

What does that even mean?
No, you forget that? In 1962, we kick you ***, If you want it twice, we would love to it again!!
Megaton fart :rofl:

That's what you are working hard to do! Did you get it? what number do you count up to?
Lol funny Chinese members.
Yes, we are happy to hear these, you know, in china, the india presence is not ever viewed as something big. as china developing, we do not even care about american presence here, Do we care about yours? it is not that we are arrogant, it is that you are conceited!
indian military is in no position for a war with china.

our coast guards could fart and the indian navy would sink.

personally i would love to see china absolutely humiliate the indians like in 1962, i love seeing the indians living in fear of china.
they are like a scared rabbit that china will murder them again.

81'ers are all talk just like 1962, but when it comes to war, we have embarrassed these 81'ers every single time.

it must suck to be born as an 81'er.

more indian big talk.

i give 6 months before india retreats again.

big talk on commonwealth games, big talk in retail FDI, big talk how shupa powah indian economy is, big talk about 5000 km IRBM agni v, etc

we are beefing up our navy too, hopefully more foreign countries interfere in south china sea, the more pressure it forces on our government to spend more on our military esp. navy.

this crisis in the south china sea is the best thing that happened to our navy development. it will speed up development.
we will also spend more money and speed up development on marine industry like our 6th generation oil rig and our first pipe laying crane vessel that was both depolyed into the SCS.

a crisis is always needed to make our government act in certain areas.
more to come.
oct605032048 said:
If a bi-week visit is a presence of IN then what about a dozen of anti-pirates fleets China has at the Gulf of Aden in the past 3-4 years?

Currently PLAN has DDG 113, FFG 538, supply ship 887 and training ship 81 in the operation.
Problem for you is: Does China's army know how to Fight in Real Naval combat without US-Russia daddy support ?? If yes, then show it to the World in Naval battle with Phil or VietNam first.

We all know that your army are just only goot at Home parade and killing unfired back soldiers only:coffee:
Problem for you is: Does China's army know how to Fight in Real Naval combat without US-Russia daddy support ?? If yes, then show it to the World in Naval battle with Phil or VietNam first.

We all know that your army are just only goot at Home parade and killing unfired back soldiers only:coffee:

There are problems with your post. First army don't to fight naval wars and secondly soldiers are trained to kill, so they always fire back.
There are problems with your post. First army don't to fight naval wars and secondly soldiers are trained to kill, so they always fire back.
Hehe, then does your PLAN know how to Fight in Real Naval combat without US-Russia daddy support ?? We and Phillipine won't fire first, so PLAN won't have a chance to 'fight back'.

Fire first if PLAN has the guts, if not, so go Home and keep making your self happy with Cheap parade:coffee:
Indian big talk and Chinese empty talk - China can spend all it wants but the only thing their Armed Forces are going to do is kill a few Buddhist monks.

What does that even mean?

...and all Indian forces can do is kill IOK Kashmiris?
indians like in 1962, i love seeing the indians living in fear of china.
they are like a scared rabbit that china will murder them again.
Ah! You my friend don't seem to be aware of the kicking you guys got at Nathula in 1967 when 400 of your 'robotic' looking Chinese soldiers were massacred by Indian troops. Dozens of Chinese artillery gun positions were destroyed as well as scores of bunkers and pill boxes that took the Chinese over two years to remake!!

Then in 1987, the Chinese quietly slithered away from their incursion in the Somdorongchu Valley in Arunachal Pradesh when they were warned by Gen Sundarjee, the then Army Chief to vacate or face the consequences of what happened at Nathula. The Chinese quietly withdrew without so much as a whimper! Probably crapped in their pants when they were warned of massive military retaliation by the Indian Army if they did not vacate.

1962 was an aberration. Trying anything stupid now ain't a good idea, and the Chinese know it!

So just shut the heck up about Indians living in 'fear' of the Chinese. That's moronic talk in the extreme that only a village idiot next door can spout. It's high time the Chinese woke up and stopped living in the past. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since 1962, the Nathula and Somdoronchu incidents being examples. (There's the Chola incident too when the Chinese quietly withdrew after they were warned by the Indian Army to get the heck out of areas they had illegally occupied).

This shows that the Chinese Army consists of straw men, robots famous only for their goose-march during those yearly Communist parades!

Nuff said!
Yet the unbeatable Indian Army was defeated by stewmen in a goose-march way.

A blind barefeet man with heart of steel is enough to twist ur tail, so stop flexing muscles. Its of no use.:coffee:
You had show your reaction now!

You are sovereign country, they of course can visite you!! And I had heard that the four ships't another destination is Shanghai, Does that mean they piss you off? In peace time, they can be tough, The question is in war time, Now the standoff in Huangyan is going on, If they really have ball, they can visit Huangyan with phillippine!!

Yes, we have, but handle VIET and Phillippine, they don't have many ships and plane, and it doesn't worth expensive rockets and missiles, If you like them, I prefer indian warship If you have ball in war time!

No, you forget that? In 1962, we kick you ***, If you want it twice, we would love to it again!!

That's what you are working hard to do! Did you get it? what number do you count up to?

Yes, we are happy to hear these, you know, in china, the india presence is not ever viewed as something big. as china developing, we do even care about american presence here, Do we care about yours? it is not that we are arrogant, it is that you are conceited!

Because your arrogance is inhuman!! and your afraid to bring this to international forums because you have no real evidence to show at all! what you people are doing are all threats do it then and see what happens?

You had show your reaction now!

You are sovereign country, they of course can visite you!! And I had heard that the four ships't another destination is Shanghai, Does that mean they piss you off? In peace time, they can be tough, The question is in war time, Now the standoff in Huangyan is going on, If they really have ball, they can visit Huangyan with phillippine!!

Yes, we have, but handle VIET and Phillippine, they don't have many ships and plane, and it doesn't worth expensive rockets and missiles, If you like them, I prefer indian warship If you have ball in war time!

No, you forget that? In 1962, we kick you ***, If you want it twice, we would love to it again!!

That's what you are working hard to do! Did you get it? what number do you count up to?

Yes, we are happy to hear these, you know, in china, the india presence is not ever viewed as something big. as china developing, we do even care about american presence here, Do we care about yours? it is not that we are arrogant, it is that you are conceited!

Because your arrogance is inhuman!! and your afraid to bring this to international forums because you have no real evidence to show at all! what you people are doing are all threats do it then and see what happens?
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