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India looks to make $25B from defense production by 2025


Jul 10, 2017
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India looks to make $25B from defense production by 2025
By: Vivek Raghuvanshi   4 days ago
financial reality, which is grimmer now due to the rampant pandemic than was the case in the past,” Cowshish said, referring to the spread of the coronavirus that has hit economies worldwide.

A more productive defense industry in India will depend on how much money the government can spare for local procurement as well as the availability of materiel in the domestic market — two factors that should be a matter of concern, particularly with export targets, according to Cowshish.

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Currently, India spends about $18.52 billion annually on weapons and platform purchases, out of which 60 percent is sourced from domestic companies, with remaining supplies coming from foreign vendors.

About $11 billion of those appropriated funds go toward India’s 50 state-owned laboratories focused on defense research and development, nine state-owned companies, and 41 ordnance factories.

Conversely, private defense companies, including 3,500 micro and small enterprises, get a little over $2 billion from this.

A CEO of a private defense company in India, speaking to Defense News on condition of anonymity, said the draft policy fails to provide “a clear road map and direction for streamlining defense procurement and production.” He argued that defense production will only improve if there’s mutual trust, hand-holding, active participation and patience in the development process between the private and public sector.

Senior executives at the state-owned enterprises Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and Bharat Electronics Limited would not comment on the draft policy, saying they are not authorized by the government to comment on MoD policy issues.

However, Venkatesh Damal Kannan, a former research and development director with Hindustan Aeronautics, said achieving the $25 billion target would be possible if the current capital allocation of $18.52 billion for purchasing weapons and platforms is doubled.

There should also be a willingness from the Indian military to field a larger number of indigenous products, Kannan added, and improved bureaucratic processes in the MoD.

However, Cowshish said the military’s arms requirements should not be held hostage by efforts for indigenization.

“In the meantime, especially in situations like the one we are faced with vis-a-vis China, there is no alternative to buying equipment, platforms, ammunition from abroad if what is needed is not available in India,” he said.
they exported over 2 bilion in 2019 how much pakistan did?
India is a much bigger country with bigger population and bigger economy. Try to brag with a mere peanuts for India is simply rubbing more salt into wound for India local defense. :enjoy:

Can you tell me how much defense equipment India imported per year?
India is a much bigger country with bigger population and bigger economy. Try to brag with a mere peanuts for India is simply rubbing more salt into wound. :enjoy:
size not that metter israel export 7 bilion dollars 200 milion or bilion isnt that metter
My god no doubt Pakistanis are laughing crazy with this news and claims, Indian media reports well we always take it with a pinch of salt. But after last year for us they are a laughing stock. Here is some authentic data albeit of 2018, they had exports of slightly over $100 million now I dont know from where did they get the figure of $25 billion in the next 5 year.

And our Chinese friends have been enjoying their media as well, since Indian Army captured all ladakh :-) and expelled all Chinese forces from there.

India (IND) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners.png

for Pakistan here is something truly unbiased:


however you would be showered with likes and positive feedback if you post the same news on some Indian Defense forum.
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Israel’s defense export contracts were worth $7.2B in 2019
By: Seth J. Frantzman   June 22
coronavirus pandemic has “devastated the global economy and the defense sector.”

Israel’s three largest defense companies are Elbit Systems, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries. The local defense industry has experienced consolidation in the past few years, with IMI Systems now part of Elbit, and Aeronautics Limited acquired by Rafael.

Ten years ago Israel was a world leader in UAV sales, but as its focus has changed, unmanned aerial systems now make up only 8 percent of the country’s sales. Today’s major markets for Israel are in radars and electronic warfare.

The Elta ELM-2084 — the radar used in the Iron Dome air defense system — was sold to the Czech Republic in a government-to-government deal last year worth $125 million. Elta is a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries.

Israel has also inserted itself into the missiles market, among other products, in India, where there are several joint ventures. Israel is also a leader in multilayered air defense thanks largely to its Iron Dome and David’s Sling systems, which Rafael co-produces with the American firm Raytheon. Elbit and other Israeli companies are also major suppliers of electro-optical technology.

However, many Israeli defense deals are not made public, and the destination country for products is often not released.

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Israel says radars and electronic warfare suites made up 17 percent of the sales last year; missiles at 15 percent; and optics at 12 percent. Naval systems and vehicles were among the smallest portion of contracts.

Slightly over 41 percent of sales were in Asia, while Europe and North America each accounted for a quarter of contracts. Africa and Latin America were both at 4 percent each.

Israel historically sold UAVs and other items to Latin America and Africa, but the size of the purchases and lack of demand for the highest-end technologies appear to have led to minor contracts in these regions.

Israel has been trying to turn the COVID-19 pandemic into an opportunity to work with foreign allies and partners, and not necessarily on defense but also medical needs.

Israel’s Defense Ministry says that Israel is among the top defense exporters in the world. Certainly per capita, the country is a global leader in defense exports. Up to 80 percent of its defense production is exported, according to the ministry.
India's defence exports rise over 5 times in last 4 years
According to the Ministry of Defence's Department of Defence Production dashboard, India's export of military equipment increased from Rs 1521.86 in Financial Year 2016-17 to Rs 8,620.59 in the last fiscal 2019-20. India's defence exports have increased in the last four years has been more than 5-and-half times while the target for FY 2020-21 is Rs 15,000 crore, according to the data updated by the Department of Defence Production on April 14, 2020.


Written By:

Zee Media Bureau

Apr 20, 2020, 13:43 PM IST

From one of the world's biggest importer of defence hardware and equipment, India is slowly emerging as an exporter now and has seen a growth of over five times in its order books in the last four years. According to the Ministry of Defence's Department of Defence Production dashboard, India's export of military equipment increased from Rs 1521.86 in Financial Year 2016-17 to Rs 8,620.59 in the last fiscal 2019-20.

India's defence exports have increased in the last four years has been more than 5-and-half times while the target for FY 2020-21 is Rs 15,000 crore, according to the data updated by the Department of Defence Production on April 14, 2020. The increase in the last few years has been mainly due to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's emphasis on Make in India.

Year Export Authorizations to Private Companies (Rs Crore) Export by DPSU/OFB* (Rs Cr) SCOMET** Issued by DGFT# (Rs Cr) Total Export (Rs Cr)
2016-17 194.35 1327.51 0.00 1521.86
2017-18 3163.16 1519.20 0.00 4682.36
2018-19 7387.23 932.86 0.00 8320.09
2019-20 8013.65 403.94 203.00 8620.59
2020-21 25.11 403.94 203.00 632.05
*Export by Defence Public Sector Undertakings/Ordnance Factory Board
**Export of Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technologies
#Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Private sector companies have been the biggest beneficiaries of the export orders as per the data released by the Department of Defence Production. Their exports have increased from just Rs 194.35 in FY 2016-17 to over Rs 8013.65 in fiscal 2019-20. On the other hand export by Defence Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)/Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) have come down from Rs 1327.51 in FY 2016-17 to just Rs 403.94 in fiscal 2019-20.

In the last two years, several steps have been taken to boost India's defence sector. Minister of State (Defence) Shripad Naik in a written reply to P Bhattacharya in the Rajya Sabha on March 16, 2020, stated that the measures mentioned below have been taken.

Industrial licensing: Industrial licensing regime for Indian manufacturers in the defence sector has been liberalized. Defence products list requiring industrial licences has been rationalised and manufacture of most of the parts and components does not require Industrial Licence. The total number of defence licences issued has more than doubled from 215 as on March 31, 2014, to 460 till December 31, 2019, covering a total of 275 companies.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): FDI Policy has been revised and under the revised policy foreign investment is allowed under automatic route upto 49% and above 49% through government route, wherever it is likely to result in access to modern technology or for other reasons to be recorded. Significant FDI inflows in the defence and aerospace sectors have been witnessed.

Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP): This was revised in 2016. Specific provisions have been introduced for stimulating the growth of the domestic defence industry. A new category of procurement ‘Buy {Indian-IDDM (Indigenously Designed, Developed and Manufactured)}’ has been introduced in DPP-2016 to promote indigenous design and development of defence equipment. This category has been accorded topmost priority for procurement of Capital equipment. Besides this, preference is being given to ‘Buy (Indian)’ and ‘Buy & Make (Indian)’ categories of capital acquisition over ‘Buy (Global)’ & ‘Buy & Make (Global)’ categories. As a result of the aforesaid initiatives, the Government in the last three years i.e. from 2016-17 to 2018-19 and current year till December 2019, has accorded Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) to 138 proposals worth Rs.2,69,465.26 crore approximately, under these categories of Capital Procurement which promote domestic manufacturing as per DPP-2016.

“Make” Procedure: In February 2018 a separate procedure for ‘Make-II’ sub-category has been notified wherein a number of industry-friendly provisions have been introduced. This effort of the Government to promote industry participation in indigenous development of defence items has yielded an extremely encouraging response. Make-II Procedure for implementation at OFB/DPSUs has also been notified in February 2019. Government has notified the ‘Strategic Partnership (SP)’ Model which envisages the establishment of long-term strategic partnerships with Indian entities through a transparent and competitive process, wherein they would tie-up with global Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to seek technology transfers to set up domestic manufacturing infrastructure and supply chains.

iDEX: Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) framework, was launched with the aim to achieve self-reliance and to foster innovation and technology development in Defence and Aerospace Sector by engaging Industries including MSMEs, startups, individual innovators, R&D institutes and academia. Indigenisation policy: Government has notified a Policy for indigenisation of components and spares used in Defence Platforms in March, 2019 with the objective to create an industry ecosystem which is able to indigenize the imported components (including alloys & special materials) and sub-assemblies for defence equipment and platforms manufactured in India.

Defence Corridors: Government has decided to establish two defence industrial corridors to serve as engines of economic development and growth of defence industrial base in the country. They span across Chennai, Hosur, Coimbatore, Salem and Tiruchirappalli in Tamil Nadu and Aligarh, Agra, Jhansi, Kanpur, Chitrakoot and Luchnow in Uttar Pradesh. Department of Defence Production has notified 127 items under Public Procurement Order 2017 notified by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT). The Defence PSUs and OFB are thereby required to give preference to domestic manufacturers while procuring these items in accordance with the said policy.

Testing facilities: The Test facilities/infrastructure available with various Government agencies (OFB, DPSUs, DRDO, DGQA, DGAQA & SHQs) have been made available to private sector with the objective to assist them in design and development of defence systems. The details of test facilities, procedure and other Terms and Conditions are available on websites of respective Government Agencies. An ‘SoP for allocation and utilization of Proof Ranges/Field Firing Ranges for Private Industry’ has also been notified.

Defence Ministry has instituted a new framework titled ‘Mission Raksha Gyan Shakti’ which aims to provide boost to the IPR culture in indigenous defence industry. Defence Investor Cell has been created in the ministry to provide all necessary information including addressing queries related to investment opportunities, procedures and regulatory requirements for investment in the sector. The process for export clearance has been streamlined and made transparent & online. Offset guidelines have been made flexible by allowing change of Indian Offset Partners (IOPs) and offset components, even in signed contracts.

During the last two years, the government has signed Agreements on Defence Cooperation with Argentina, Russia, Serbia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Comoros, Jordan, Madagascar, Uganda, Zambia, Saudi Arabia and Finland.
I am talking about how India local defense is a failure and not talking about how successful other are.

Am I getting it right or what, in the first article Indian target 25$ billion exports by 2025 and in the second they target $5 billion by 2025, what I get is its $1 billion per year or $5 billion per year. I am confused.

The second article again presents a very confusing figure it says " In the last two years, it had gone up to ₹17,000 crore" from 2000 crore, comes out to be 8,500 crore a year.

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