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India looks to make $25B from defense production by 2025

70 Years is enough to become a developed nation, South Korea did it in 40 years, Germany destroyed and partitioned came back to become the largest economy in Europe in 15 years. Soviet Union took 20 years to become developed, Japan destroyed then came back to become 2nd Richest country in the world in the 1960s. 70 YEARS is plenty of time.

All of those countries had heavy investment from the US, and havent fought as many conflicts as Pakistan. Russia was already a world power before the Soviet Union.
All of those countries had heavy investment from the US, and havent fought as many conflicts as Pakistan. Russia was already a world power before the Soviet Union.
South Korea got way less aid than Pakistan, Israel has had just as many conflicts, yet Pakistan is not even a quarter of Israels gdp.... No other country can be blamed except for yourselves, I tend to find way more honest politicians in developed country's they seem to love their country a lot more than 3rd world country's that may have played a part in quicker development. Human capital is the most important, Germany can be destroyed and partitioned but because they have the human capital you can bet on them to come back stronger and within few years be the largest economy again in Europe....
South Korea got way less aid than Pakistan,

South Korea signed a defence treaty with the US in 1953 and so never had to face any external conflict again. This also means that the US placed high importance on developing South Korea, and even today the US remains the largest source of FDI in the country.

Israel has had just as many conflicts, yet Pakistan is not even a quarter of Israels gdp....

Israel is built on the wealth of Jewish Americans. They have indoctrinated young americans to do their "birthright" and shift wealth and human resources into Israel for 70 years straight. They also get astonishing amounts of aid and military supplies from the US and its allies, far more than Pakistan.

No other country can be blamed except for yourselves, I tend to find way more honest politicians in developed country's they seem to love their country a lot more than 3rd world country's that may have played a part in quicker development. Human capital is the most important, Germany can be destroyed and partitioned but because they have the human capital you can bet on them to come back stronger and within few years be the largest economy again in Europe....

IK is a more honest politician than Boris Johnson. Just because the country has been run into the ground by useful idiots like Nawaz and Zardari, doesnt mean that everybody has the same mindset.
Accounting 101. Making money = making Profit. Sales of 25 billion is not equal to making 25 billion. May be Indian English has evolved beyond normal English.

Who will be customers of $25 billion Indian weapon in next 5 years? The world is going into recession, who has the money to buy weapons now?
Accounting 101. Making money = making Profit. Sales of 25 billion is not equal to making 25 billion. May be Indian English has evolved beyond normal English.

Who will be customers of $25 billion Indian weapon in next 5 years? The world is going into recession, who has the money to buy weapons now?
No one will be customers ... not even the Indian Military want their domestic weapons, instead they have them literally shoved down their throats. Even if the world was in perfect economic shape, there is only one place for Indian weapons : the scrapyard.
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