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India likely to step-up military training and assistance for Afghanistan


Sep 20, 2014
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India is likely to step-up military training and assistance to Afghanistan, even as US troops are set to withdraw from the war-ravaged country later this year. Sources said steps to enhance bilateral defence cooperation were discussed in a meeting between Army chief general M M Naravane and Afghan ambassador Farid Mamundzay on Tuesday.

“The Afghan National Defense & Security Forces (ANDSF) have developed great capacity and strength over the past 20 years. ANDSF still requires timely support to further build professional, capable and self-sustaining security forces. Thank you India and Gen Naravane for supporting ANDSF,” said Mamundzay, in a tweet on Wednesday.

India has concerns that countries like Pakistan and China will seek to exploit the vacuum after the US forces exit Afghanistan in the May-September timeframe. India, on its part, supports a national peace and reconciliation process in the country that is “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and Afghan-controlled”. India has over the years supplied military hardware, including four Mi-25 armed helicopters, to Afghanistan as well as t rained thousands of its military personnel in counter-terrorism operations, military field-craft, intelligence-gathering and information technology, among other fields. Chief of defence staff General Bipin Rawat had last week stressed the international community must ensure the withdrawal of the US and NATO forces from Afghanistan does not “create space for other disruptors to step in”. Though he did not name Pakistan or China in this context, the CDS said there were some countries “looking at the opportunity” to step into the vacuum. “Afghanistan is a nation rich in resources. There are some nations who tend to exploit such resources for their own benefit without the benefit going to the community or the nation concerned. This should be prevented…Afghanistan should be for the Afghans,” he had added.

Bad move, when (not if, but when) Taliban takeover they will not forget this. India made major diplomatic misstep by declaring Taliban terrorists and not talking to them directly. 20 years of opportunity in Afghanistan, billions invested, a sympathetic Afghan Gov and they messed it up. 6 months from now India will have zero influence these. China Iran and Pakistan will help integrate it into a regional trade and transport network.

Game over.
Afghanistan is going to be a mess after USA leaves in September..... We should totally stay out of anything military assistance with Afghanistan on it's soil.... For training purposes Afghans can come in India but noway we should make any military presence in Afghanistan even if it is for only training..... We should only focus on only the sectors such as trade, educational assistance etc....
Bad move, when (not if, but when) Taliban takeover they will not forget this. India made major diplomatic misstep by declaring Taliban terrorists and not talking to them directly. 20 years of opportunity in Afghanistan, billions invested, a sympathetic Afghan Gov and they messed it up. 6 months from now India will have zero influence these. China Iran and Pakistan will help integrate it into a regional trade and transport network.

Game over.
Don't think China will support taliban's rise for long. It doesn't fit their manifesto to befriend a radical religious group. I think they plan to use them just enough and then overthrow them and current pro us government to install a pro chinese less radical one.
It should not be boots on ground kind of stuff. Plus I don’t think Taliban will steep too low. It will have to run its country and economy and would have to be liberal as it is a land locked country. So I feel at max the baddest thing which Afghanistan might face is harsh Sharia laws and the rest would be liberally governed in terms of geo politics.
Afghanistan is going to be a mess after USA leaves in September..... We should totally stay out of anything military assistance with Afghanistan on it's soil.... For training purposes Afghans can come in India but noway we should make any military presence in Afghanistan even if it is for only training..... We should only focus on only the sectors such as trade, educational assistance etc....
If US couldn't help ANA after spending billions training them, arming them, and providing them with equipment...
...then it's pointless for India to try. It would be just a waste of money on ur end.
Don't think China will support taliban's rise for long. It doesn't fit their manifesto to befriend a radical religious group. I think they plan to use them just enough and then overthrow them and current pro us government to install a pro chinese less radical one.
China wouldn't be able to overthrow Taliban...best case scenario...would be like what happened with US. As in try to forcefully remove them with boots on the ground...then get stuck in a prolonged conflict...which leads nowhere...and then with no end in sight...contemplate an exit plan.
Don't think China will support taliban's rise for long. It doesn't fit their manifesto to befriend a radical religious group. I think they plan to use them just enough and then overthrow them and current pro us government to install a pro chinese less radical one.
If they dont how will they get hands on lithium ?
If US couldn't help ANA after spending billions training them, arming them, and providing them with equipment...
...then it's pointless for India to try. It would be just a waste of money on ur end.

China wouldn't be able to overthrow Taliban...best case scenario...would be like what happened with US. As in try to forcefully remove them with boots on the ground...then get stuck in a prolonged conflict...which leads nowhere...and then with no end in sight...contemplate an exit plan.
Why will China try in first place ?

Chinese are somewhat cosy with Taliban if I am not wrong... secondly they both have common allies..
the earth will reveal its treasure which will drive Zionist debt countries mad. lithium in Afghanistan.
oil in middle east. i wonder wat pakistan treasure will be?
their desh is going down the shits in the covid toilet and the chootias are worried about afganistan...indians are a whole new category of chootias! I mean just when you think that indians just can't get more chootia, they take their chootiapa to a whole new level previously deemed impossible! 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
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If US couldn't help ANA after spending billions training them, arming them, and providing them with equipment...
...then it's pointless for India to try. It would be just a waste of money on ur end.

I know that's why I said we should stay away from anything military in Afghanistan and focus on trade, economic and educational assistance.....

Yes they are our friends so we can't say no to them for Just a training but in my honest opinion it should be conducted in India instead of Afghanistan
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