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India lets US know: F-16s for Pak could cloud IAF’s 126-plane deal

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Jun 6, 2009
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India lets US know: F-16s for Pak could cloud IAF’s 126-plane deal

While Pakistan may have pitched hard with the US for early transfer of F-16 fighter aircraft and other sophisticated military equipment, a concerned India is learnt to have raised the stakes by indicating to the US that such a transfer may not go down well at a time when two US companies are bidding for the 126 multi-role combat aircraft tender floated by India.

This $10 billion-plus tender is considered one of the biggest international military contracts in the world now. At present, six companies are in the fray: F-16 from Lockheed Martin (US), Boeing’s F-18 SH (US), Eurofighter from a European consortium, the Rafale from France, the Swedish Gripen, and Russian Mig-35.

Most trials are over with the IAF planning to shortlist contenders on the basis of their performance in the next few months.

Pakistan has been in negotiations with the US on obtaining 18 F-16s for the past few years. However, this has been riddled by fears of it being used only to strengthen its military capabilities against India and not justifiably needed in the war against terror.

The Obama Administration had initially said it would ensure that military aid is directed to building Pakistan military’s capacities in counter-insurgency warfare alone.

In this context, India has been concerned over reports that Washington is now making way for F-16 supplies along with laser-guided bomb kits besides other sophisticated equipment. It’s learnt that the matter came up for detailed discussion during Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao’s recent visit to Washington, which was meant to carry forward the conversation on high technology trade.

While the US assured India that it was not contemplating to move forward with a Pakistan-specific nuclear deal which would only accentuate proliferation concerns in the region, there has been lesser clarity on military sales and transfers. India, sources said, has told the US that the intention of the Pakistan government seems to be to only build its military profile against India using American aid. Weapon systems such as the F-16 aircraft are a clear pointer to this, added sources.

By linking this with the 126-aircraft MMRCA deal, India is not ruling out the possibility of such a transfer to Pakistan becoming a factor in its ultimate selection process.

This apart, Rao’s visit also saw India underline the need for Washington to do a prompt rethink on the entities list which still has certain ISRO entities on the list and that this does not augur well with the fact that the two countries worked together in the successful conduct of the Chandrayaan mission.

Given that there is already a case-by-case clearance mechanism before transfer of high technology goods to any Indian entity, India feels that this “double screening” is proving counterproductive.

India lets US know: F-16s for Pak could cloud IAF’s 126-plane deal
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Good move by Indian authorities .....lets see how US handles this one ........Its US's call now....they want to Sell 16 to Pakistan or they want to sell 126 or more to India......

Haha oh yes ouch!!! 18 f-16 will really hurt ole mighty india pathetic you are indian gov grow up and man up act for your size so shameful & enough now all this wining and crying....................change your style cuz it sucks a$$.
Good move by Indian authorities .....lets see how US handles this one ........Its US's call now....they want to Sell 16 to Pakistan or they want to sell 126 or more to India......

Hmnn, Nice move.... but Lets see what happens when they come to know that India will buy EF typhoon instead which comes with TOT:D
Good move by Indian authorities .....lets see how US handles this one ........Its US's call now....they want to Sell 16 to Pakistan or they want to sell 126 or more to India......

Good call huh u seem to very excited hater hahah urneal the hate u indian act upon can't never change your nature can you so sick and pathetic ... :tdown::angry:
Typical khassi tactics................buzdils.

BTW, is indi planning to assure US that the 128 they buy will not be used against any country? Just wondering.
Good move by Indian authorities .....lets see how US handles this one ........Its US's call now....they want to Sell 16 to Pakistan or they want to sell 126 or more to India......
I dnt think India will go for vintage model which end come at next 5-10yr. India just want to see the response of US
I think Indians are afraid that after this strategic dialogue between usa and Pakistan. there could be secret deal of transferring few numbers of F-16 to Pakistan to counter terrorism. and they might not leak this information to any country.
This thing might be coming in Indians mind and forced them to start blackmailing on 126 fighters deal.
People can rant as much as they can.....its about geopolitics....and the size of this deal is good enough to make US stop and think twice....

Haha oh yes ouch!!! 18 f-16 will really hurt ole mighty india pathetic you are indian gov grow up and man up act for your size so shameful & enough now all this wining and crying....................change your style cuz it sucks a$$.

Like some time back...some people were saying if Pakistan gets these 18 F16s ...Pakistan will wipe India off the face of this earth.....or something like that...... Anything is fair in Diplomacy and Geopolitical games.......America cannot take India as lightly as it used to do sometime back........India is buying huge...so US will have to please a huge customer..... billions at stake.....
On one side according to indians sukhoi is top of the line and on second hand they are scared of old f16s. :rofl:
Typical khassi tactics................buzdils.

BTW, is indi planning to assure US that the 128 they buy will not be used against any country? Just wondering.

No we are just telling that by selling 16 F-16 to PAK , They are loosing chance of there winning....
Why should we care obout some one else's A$$?? we only care about ours.:lol:

Correct its a thing called minding your own business which you country doesn't know how to do its a big ugly cry baby with childesh tears .. i am not a type to hate but i cant see one agianst my country beat your 2 cents on that and you have now proven to be hater too rem haterz all always go down alone keep hating haha we dont give sh__t about u and your county..:lol::bunny:
On one side according to indians sukhoi is top of the line and on second hand they are scared of old f16s. :rofl:

Its about denying your arch rival any chance to acquire any thing that can hurt your national interest...and thats about it....and regarding F16 Vs SU30MKI......wait for a war and you will know the answer.....

Pakistan would not miss a chance like this if it had opportunity ....why do people think India would miss it....
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