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Featured India leases two MQ-9B Reaper drones from USA

Once again Indians are thrilled that they're handing over what little money they have to purchase overpriced weapons they have no hope whatsoever of ever manufacturing themselves. Can India make so much as a paper airplane?

Maybe the reason Indians revere cows so much is because they both exist to be milked.

Dear Indians in Canada. Don't read the message ABOVE as yet another Chinese trolling here. Rather would you please visit his food stall in Chinatown Canada, and drop a tip in his tip jar? Such concern for India's revenue, he's earned the right to 50 cents x 2=one dollah! :azn:
Oh no ..... why would US want to embarrass its defence industry like this?? These drones will be really good TARGET PRACTICE for Pakistan and China. Countdown to shooting them down has begun ... 10....9...8...7...6....
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I wish I am being paid and proud to be a wu mao. But not a false flagger and pretend to be white. Instead you could use bleach. :D

:rofl: :rofl::rofl:

As I put it, a brown banana

Once again Indians are thrilled that they're handing over what little money they have to purchase overpriced weapons they have no hope whatsoever of ever manufacturing themselves. Can India make so much as a paper airplane?

Maybe the reason Indians revere cows so much is because they both exist to be milked.

Indians never seem to get it into their head.

China prepared and all ready for war and to take on Murica any time.
And definately China knows Murica got even more high tech toys and drones than the 2 they renting to India

China got the confidence that they will be more than able to track all of them, from stealth bombers to drones.

Whether the mosquito is female or male will also be known.
Your stealth F35s or B1s B2s got smaller radar profile than a mosquito?

Smaller profile than the differences between a male and female mosquitoe?

China Using Radar To Combat Mosquitoes
China is using military technology to wage war ... on mosquitoes

And the firepower to take all that down.

And even much more firepower to repay with bountiful interest what China foes are trying to do to China.

So stick to sticks and stones.
Much much safer for India than the useless gimmicks they buying and hoping to use on China.
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Only DELUSIONAL INDIANS can make a BIG FUSS of NOTHING. They think that 2 LEASED AMERICAN DRONES and 5 French jets will make them a MILITARY SUPERPOWER.
if the orange clown thinks he can rig the election, nothing can be more delusional than this ? as for Pakistan 10 Rafale ( not 5) and 2 MQ Drone can create a big Havoc. Stop whining like a toddler. So the thread is legitimate to discuss about counter strategies rather than think like headless orange clown.
Whatever way you look at it, this is indeed a strange piece of news.

1) Only 2 UAVs means you may well have a lot of downtime, you need at least 4 to keep 1 in the air constantly
2) US Crews? Most nations that have chosen to operate Predator have sent crews to US for training than conducted their own training in house. Wonder why this route was not chosen
3) The original plan was for 22, now scaled back to 18 (if it happens). It does indeed look like budget cuts are having an effect, the very nature of a lease means the equipment is not really yours so unsure how familiar Indian personnel will become with the equipment
Prostitutes are for rent too.

As for the budget. Well one could go for the cheap hooker or a high-end Escort. Same difference - different rate.

Fits their narrative.

You sound very knowledgeable about these things ! I don't know if you are accurate or not, me having 0 experience in these matters.

How did you acquire this domain knowledge ? Fate ? Genuine interest? or were you born to it ?
You sound very knowledgeable about these things ! I don't know if you are accurate or not, me having 0 experience in these matters.

How did you acquire this domain knowledge ? Fate ? Genuine interest? or were you born to it ?
You seem a bit bitter with your response. Either I struck a nerve or hit the nail on the spot by comparing the two (spot on).

You seem a bit bitter with your response. Either I struck a nerve or hit the nail on the spot by comparing the two (spot on).


Why should I or anybody else care really, what your thoughts about pros.....n are :rofl:?

Feel free to do what ever is needed to survive ! Especially since I just noticed you are a flight attendant in these troubled times in Dubai!!

Just take precautions , ok.
Have a look at percentage of expenditure (spending) on Military. :dirol:

Swedish think-tank Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has, in a recent report, identified India as among the world’s three biggest military spenders in 2019. India’s spending was $71.1 billion. This sounds big, and in percentage terms, it’s equally impressive — at a 6.8 per cent increase over 2018, it is more than the hike registered by the other regional power, China (5.1 per cent). The report also stated that India’s military spending grew by nearly 259 per cent in the period 1990-2019 and by 37 per cent in the last decade. India has emerged as the third-largest military spender, lagging behind only the US and China.

You need to out perspective in before you bandy around numbers. There is a massive, and I mean massive gap between the 1st and 2nd and on the other hand 3rd largest military spenders. Massive. Although if we go by the IISS India is 5th behind US, China, Saudi, Russia.

The main point is with a budget of between $60-$70 Billion (depending on whose figures you go by) India has to maintain the world's 2nd largest army, 4th largest air force and 6th largest navy. All this has to be done while maintaining a pension system that is very generous to a growing list of ex -servicemen who (given the size of India's forces) must be numbering in the 10s of millions.

Combine this with the devastating effect of the Covid pandemic and you can understand that even a budget of the "3rd largest in the world" will struggle. Key essential modernisation programmes are being cancelled or delayed and it seems that many of India's purchases from the world are token in actual numbers simply to keep political influence.

Let me give you an example with helicopters to support ground troops.

UK Army = 80,000 Men
Indian Army = 1.2 Million men

UK Army = 50 Apache Gunships
Indian Army = Apache 22 Gunships

UK Air Force = 60 Chinook Helicopters
Indian Air Force = 15 Chinook Helicopters

Now with a severe economic crunch coming, you can expect more token sized leases or purchases rather then extensive service wide modernisation.
Why should I or anybody else care really, what your thoughts about pros.....n are :rofl:?

Feel free to do what ever is needed to survive ! Especially since I just noticed you are a flight attendant in these troubled times in Dubai!!

Just take precautions , ok.
My job isn't the topic nor are the fake representation of Flags you display :devil: .

By the way, you went out on a limb to track down what I do for a living. Shows the desperation in you at getting back on my earlier comparison.

...and which troubled times are you referring to?

Aren't you the one living in the Epidemic Center of the World*?

Here, click on the link (below)...the first two are of your personal interest.

Corona Virus (update)


Oh look, you guys made the Top 2.

But hey, #StaySafe.

...and remember that Condemns aren't a substitute for Face Masks at the off chance you get tempted.
An F-7 can take care of these
Bro, an armed Mushaq can take care of these, considering the High Altitude Test recently conducted.

The second they (even) attempt to cross Pakistan Air Space, they should be welcomed with a Missile - Property of the USAF or not.
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