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India launches its 1st indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant

this has been an excellent year for indian Navy .

INS arihant


& now ins Vikrant


now what more could u want:partay:

All the ordered MiG-29Ks and LCA-Navy? :D

But i also want rafale this year:pissed:

Ask that saint Anthony. MOD is dragging its feet over the deal.

Mind you, I'd be surprised if MRCA would be completed before next year elections.
BBC News - Indian-built aircraft carrier INS Vikrant launched


India has unveiled its first home-built aircraft carrier from a shipyard in southern Kerala state.

The 37,500 tonne INS Vikrant is expected to go for extensive trials in 2016 before being inducted into the navy by 2018, reports say.

With this, India joins a select group of countries capable of building such a vessel.

Other countries capable of building a similar ship are the US, the UK, Russia and France.

Monday's launch of INS Vikrant marks the end of the first phase of its construction.

The ship will be then re-docked for outfitting and further construction.

The ship, which will have a length of 260m (850ft) and a breadth of 60m, has been built at the shipyard in Cochin.

It was designed and manufactured locally, using high grade steel made by a state-owned steel company.

Vice-Admiral RK Dhowan of India's navy has described the launch as the "crowning glory" of the navy's programme to produce vessels on home soil.
Calling a empty hull near completion is a bit of wishful thinking isn't it?

As far as information goes, it doesn't even have propulsion. So it will be relying on tugboats.

Resorting to china vs India, India will always come off 2nd best. Because, the liaoning is an operable carrier with retrofitted by the chinese, vikrant is an empty hull that is already 4 years behind schedule.

Know yourself and know your enemy and in a 100 battles you will never be in peril. Sun Tzu quote,Indian can learn a thing or two.

Lemme give you a Sun Tzu like logic-

what is, is- what is not, is not....therefore disciple your blaring your @$$ off doesn't make a fig of a difference to anything.
Its much better than the rusting Varyag you bought from Ukraine. :rofl::rofl:

Do not worry, you have enough time to collect rust, it will keep float for decades before go into services.

BBC News - Indian-built aircraft carrier INS Vikrant launched


India has unveiled its first home-built aircraft carrier from a shipyard in southern Kerala state.

The 37,500 tonne INS Vikrant is expected to go for extensive trials in 2016 before being inducted into the navy by 2018, reports say.

With this, India joins a select group of countries capable of building such a vessel.

Other countries capable of building a similar ship are the US, the UK, Russia and France.

Monday's launch of INS Vikrant marks the end of the first phase of its construction.

The ship will be then re-docked for outfitting and further construction.

The ship, which will have a length of 260m (850ft) and a breadth of 60m, has been built at the shipyard in Cochin.

It was designed and manufactured locally, using high grade steel made by a state-owned steel company.

Vice-Admiral RK Dhowan of India's navy has described the launch as the "crowning glory" of the navy's programme to produce vessels on home soil.

What a joke!
Do not worry, you have enough time to collect rust, it will keep float for decades before go into services.

What a joke!

Superior Chinese have nothing to worry about,stop wasting your valuable time.

The number of carriers built by Japan even larger than destroyers India have built. Design by local, what a joke!

Is superior China building Aircraft Carrier?
Calling a empty hull near completion is a bit of wishful thinking isn't it?

As far as information goes, it doesn't even have propulsion. So it will be relying on tugboats.

Resorting to china vs India, India will always come off 2nd best. Because, the liaoning is an operable carrier with retrofitted by the chinese, vikrant is an empty hull that is already 4 years behind schedule.

Know yourself and know your enemy and in a 100 battles you will never be in peril. Sun Tzu quote,Indian can learn a thing or two.

Dear This kind of big projects have various phases of completion. We are celebrating one phase of completion. No body said that it is complete and ready to go to war. If we would have buy it from Russia, like some counties who can not build it themself than we would not have been celebrating.

By the way we did not ask about your retrofitted career. Why expose yourself.

There are some members who thinks that China makes their own career but you exposed to them that china is just retrofitting. Really a bad move.

"American spying" will get angry with you. Hong woo will seek answer. Next time be careful. India is going to test some Important missile in next month. Do not write that we get engines and Guidance system from Russia and fuel from Pakistan etc. OK.
Only Indians can butcher sun Tzu quotes and completely ignore the reality, you are counting your chick before it hatches. An empty hull is not near completion. The is a reason why your navy extended the viraats service life.

If you're trying to hold on to some straw that says this is not coming, lemme tell you this ship IS coming. 2020, 2018, 2019...it is most definitely gonna come. And you wanna know why this one is going into the water as soon as it is gonna be floated? To make space for the it's next addition- even bigger than this. Once this baby gets floated, the yeard gets ready to build the next one. You can blare but this will happen at all costs.
BEIJING: The launch of INS Vikrant has raised hackles in China, with Chinese defence experts saying the aircraft carrier would have great significance for India as it would allow the Indian Navy to wade into the Pacific Ocean - which Beijing considers as its backyard.

"This bears great significance to Indian Navy. It makes India only the fifth country after the US, Russia, Britain and France to have such capabilities," senior captain Zhang Junshe, vice-president of China's Naval Research Institute, told the state-run CCTV on Monday.

The Indian Navy will have lead over China as it will have two aircraft carriers by the end of this year with INS Vikramaditya, the refitted carrier from Russia joining INS Viraat, which is already in service even though Vikrant was expected to be operational by 2018, he said.

"Which means by the end of this year India will become the only country in Asia to have two aircraft carriers. This will enhance the overall capabilities especially the power projection capabilities of the Indian Navy," Zhang said.

Ruling out any race for more carriers in the region, Zhang defended India and China having more carriers since they have vast coasts and huge populations and the importance of defending the sea lanes far from home due to dependence on external trade.

Last year China has launched its first aircraft carrier, Lioning. Its hull was imported from Ukraine and refurbished in China.

China also subsequently launched J-15 aircraft to operate from its deck. The ship with over 50,000 tonnes displacement will have about 30 aircraft on its deck.

China is reportedly building two more aircraft carriers but their schedules are not known yet.

Zhang earlier told the state-run China Daily that with Vikrant, the Indian Navy will be more capable of patrolling distant oceans.

"India's first self-made carrier, along with reinforced naval strength, will further disrupt the military balance in South Asia," he said.

India is very likely to quicken its pace to steer eastward to the Pacific, where the US and China are competing to dominate.

The launch of the Vikrant as well as the first nuclear submarine Arihant also aroused the curiosity and concerns among analysts from different state-run thinktanks in China.

"The new indigenous carrier will further strengthen India's naval power and also add some bargaining chips with the world's major military vendors such as Russia," Wang Daguang, a researcher of military equipment based in Beijing said.

Song Xiaojun, a military commentator in Beijing, said the Vikrant uses technology from the 1980s and thus serves as an experiment for the Indian Navy to set technical standards for future vessels.:haha: :omghaha:

Aircraft carrier 'INS Vikrant' raises hackles in China - The Times of India
Aircraft carrier launch highlights India's sea ambitions - China.org.cn.... disrupt in S.Asia... lolz... chinese ambition is to build bigger carrier than India... what are they thinking ...

http://www.china.org.cn/world/2013-08/12/content_29689082.htm.... disrupt in S.Asia... lolz... chinese ambition is to build bigger carrier than India... what are they thinking ...
Man! IAF could seriously take a lesson or two about how to induct in time, from IN.

The navy has been doing wonders and except Scorpene, has done exceedingly well.

Kudos to Cochin Shipyard.

Excellent and dedicated work. These are the real unsung heroes.

So basically, we will be a three CBG marine force by 2025. :yahoo:

Do not worry, you have enough time to collect rust, it will keep float for decades before go into services.

What a joke!

Man, show some maturity.

No need to glorify us but appreciating the efforts of the men who worked on it will not make you a smaller person.

As for a joke, some of your types were trolling about the carrier until last year.

Here it is.

There's lot more work to be done considering that we're 2 years behind schedule. But we're getting there.

Perhaps this marks a new era of marine related development in Asia.

And you're welcome.
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