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India joins Japan in veiled criticism of China’s air defence zone(ADIZ)

If Beijing's tie with pakistan doesn't affect our relation with china then New Delhi's tie with Tokyo should not affect China as well...
its simple a co-operation between the two countries and not for threat to any country.
China is maintaining a close relationship with Pakistan, we never asked to stop it nor have we given up working towards improving ties with Beijing.
we always support the peaceful relation between Japan and China and all disputes between them should be solved by talks only......its not a rocket science to understand.

Fair enough, beside Chinese gorvernment had not issue any official statement about that India should stop tie with Japan, India-Japan relation is not as critical as US-Japan alliance for China, I don't think China has any concern about it, but it seems that your media was trying hard these days to get Chinese attentions sure as arm sale, criticizing china's ADiZ, Japan build infrastructure on your Nord East :lol:. If you Indians think you gonna upset and anger China with Japan honey diplomacy and hoping China to back down over Gwadar and SA involvement, you guys can dream on...just wait until China's turn to make the move in SA or Indian Ocean than you will see how your media will cry again...we're not runing out of option.
ndia-Japan relation is not as critical as US-Japan alliance for China,
so why your other chinese friends are jumping up and down on this news....????? if you don't concern..
and if japan building the infrastructure then what is your problem..??

If you Indians think you gonna upset and anger China with Japan honey diplomacy and hoping China to back down over Gwadar and SA involvement, you guys can dream on
In One line::: we don't care ..PERIOD...

just wait until China's turn to make the move in SA or Indian Ocean than you will see how your media will cry again...we're not runing out of option.
we have our options also...till then enjoy more news like this..:police:
so why your other chinese friends are jumping up and down on this news....????? if you don't concern..
and if japan building the infrastructure then what is your problem..??
In One line::: we don't care ..PERIOD...
we have our options also...till then enjoy more news like this..:police:

They entitle to have their own opinions, it's not my business. And dont get me wrong I don't give the rat's A$$ if Japan is building infrastruction, when the article drag China into the subject then I reserver the right to comment. Of course your gorvernement care what we're doing in SA otherwise they didn't need to cry :

such shake hand with Bhutan's prime minister that had promted Indian gorverment to blackmail of cutting oils and gaz to Bhutan or such as Antony said that China's Gwadar port deal is matter of concern, all these are from your government officials, of course you don't care because you're not the one who decide for India, talk is cheap right? :lol:..and yes bring more India-Japan news it will surely entertain me :lol:

Fair enough, beside Chinese gorvernment had not issue any official statement about that India should stop tie with Japan, India-Japan relation is not as critical as US-Japan alliance for China, I don't think China has any concern about it, but it seems that your media was trying hard these days to get Chinese attentions sure as arm sale, criticizing china's ADiZ, Japan build infrastructure on your Nord East :lol:. If you Indians think you gonna upset and anger China with Japan honey diplomacy and hoping China to back down over Gwadar and SA involvement, you guys can dream on...just wait until China's turn to make the move in SA or Indian Ocean than you will see how your media will cry again...we're not runing out of option.

Lets face it you will do your thing and we'll do ours, you don't like it go cry in a corner, we are not gonna stop just coz you people don't like it. Things are only getting started.
This will keep on happening as long as China is a competitor.
BTW neither are we running out of option so relax and enjoy the show, don't like it, get out of the hall.
yes bring more India-Japan news it will surely entertain me
yes we all are watching here..how this news is entertaining you guys..:police: it other way it is entertaining us...:-)

I don't give the rat's A$$ if Japan is building infrastruction,
and then you bother to comment...WoW...

such shake hand with Bhutan's prime minister that had promted Indian gorverment to blackmail of cutting oils and gaz to Bhutan or such as Antony said that China's Gwadar port deal is matter of concern, all these are from your government officials, of course you don't care because you're not the one who decide for India, talk is cheap right?
and you are the core think tank of all chinese policies. yes talk is cheap....:omghaha:.i honoured that m talking with such a guy...hehehe
and for Gwader we don't care unless it is not hurting our interest play your move and wait for ours..
They entitle to have their own opinions, it's not my business. And dont get me wrong I don't give the rat's A$$ if Japan is building infrastruction, when the article drag China into the subject then I reserver the right to comment. Of course your gorvernement care what we're doing in SA otherwise they didn't need to cry :

such shake hand with Bhutan's prime minister that had promted Indian gorverment to blackmail of cutting oils and gaz to Bhutan or such as Antony said that China's Gwadar port deal is matter of concern, all these are from your government officials, of course you don't care because you're not the one who decide for India, talk is cheap right? :lol:..and yes bring more India-Japan news it will surely entertain me :lol:

Those are called freedom of speech, (ever heard of it?), we like to speak of matters which ail us and not hide behind blind denial.

You don't give rat's ***? Fine. Why don't you go read a book or something rather than show your frustration in an Indian thread and do exactly what you say you don't do; hypocrite much?
Lets face it you will do your thing and we'll do ours, you don't like it go cry in a corner, we are not gonna stop just coz you people don't like it. Things are only getting started.
This will keep on happening as long as China is a competitor.
BTW neither are we running out of option so relax and enjoy the show, don't like it, get out of the hall.

Cry in the corner like Indian gorverment over China's activities in SA :lol: believe me we're not Indians officials and don't want pretend to be. As I said before you Indians imagine to do against China are still on paper...or as you said signed paper while we already toke concrete measure and achievement for over 2 decades....LMAO...want to consider as competitor to China?...someone needs to take India seriously :lol:
Cry in the corner like Indian gorverment over China's activities in SA :lol: believe me we're not Indians officials and don't want pretend to be. As I said before you Indians imagine to do against China are still on paper...or as you said signed paper while we already toke concrete measure and achievement for over 2 decades....LMAO...want to consider as competitor to China?...someone needs to take India seriously :lol:

Yeah I'm sure that is exactly what you think I hope your govt thinks so too, coz if its so then the future will be a lot easier.
Oh of course you are not like our officials, unlike our our government your government would rather stew in denial and won't wanna address the issues.
No no no, you got it all wrong we signed a paper and got stuff done and that pisses you off; whereas you had to spend billions and (LOL) 2 decades just to appease your failure(string of pearls) to get "concrete" results.
BTW stew on this idea.
"The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time."
Henry Ford
and you are the core think tank of all chinese policies. yes talk is cheap....:omghaha:.i honoured that m talking with such a guy...hehehe
and for Gwader we don't care unless it is not hurting our interest play your move and wait for ours..

You can laugh, your gorvernment didn't ...i already present two example that come from your gorvernement officals, there is more showing how your government were crying like baby. And what made Antony cried about Gwadar, it was not India's business anyway?

Cry in the corner like Indian gorverment over China's activities in SA :lol: believe me we're not Indians officials and don't want pretend to be. As I said before you Indians imagine to do against China are still on paper...or as you said signed paper while we already toke concrete measure and achievement for over 2 decades....LMAO...want to consider as competitor to China?...someone needs to take India seriously :lol:

First they should try and surpass Italy in GDP than slowly move their way up, if even possible before considering going toe to toe with China. But you are right though, an India-Japan alliance would be fun to watch and most entertaining.

All China has to do is send 20 troops and camp on "their" border and the media and government will cry and bitch. :lol:
Yeah I'm sure that is exactly what you think I hope your govt thinks so too, coz if its so then the future will be a lot easier.
Oh of course you are not like our officials, unlike our our government your government would rather stew in denial and won't wanna address the issues.
No no no, you got it all wrong we signed a paper and got stuff done and that pisses you off; whereas you had to spend billions and (LOL) 2 decades just to appease your failure(string of pearls) to get "concrete" results.
BTW stew on this idea.
"The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time."
Henry Ford

First wait until your got concrete results from your signed paper before bragging further on how you will be our competitior, more likely you gonna get milk by Japan as for your Rafale, Pak/FA and Vikramatiya. :lol: and end up like loser as usual...and for bold part, it's not first time India is trying to get our attention by claiming to be our competitor, we're look to U.S as competitor, you're not in our league. We only took India as pass-time entertainment.
First they should try and surpass Italy in GDP than slowly move their way up, if even possible before considering going toe to toe with China. But you are right though, an India-Japan alliance would be fun to watch and most entertaining.

All China has to do is send 20 troops and camp on "their" border and the media and government will cry and bitch. :lol:

Yeah we are also the 2nd fastest growing nation in the world and stepping right on China's heels.

As for troops, yeah whatever we are cheesy people, we make a fuss about everything, On the other hand all China can do is send troops for a few days and scurry on back to their hole to keep yourselves satisfied, LOL whereas we are already making your ADIZ issue worse.

First wait until your got concrete results from your signed paper before bragging further on how you will be our competitior, more likely you gonna get milk by Japan as for your Rafale, Pak/FA and Vikramatiya. :lol: and end up like loser as usual...and for bold part, it's not first time India is trying to get our attention by claiming to be our competitor, we're look to U.S as competitor, you're not in our league. We only took India as pass-time entertainment.

LOL what concrete result have you gotten?
In a time of contingency your string of pearls is nothing but a failure we will effectively put trade embargo and sink ships thru submarines if necessary.
All we need to do is comment a few times and you will buckle all over the place, that is our result.
As for Rafale, PAK FA & Vikky you have nothing but yellow journalism to be happy about keep crying these will Happen whether you like it or not, so unfortunately for you you are the losers when no one wants to sell you anything whereas we have the products served on a platter from all over the world.
LOL son, we always had your attention or didn't the 3 or 4 skirmishes in the last 60 years prove to you anything.
As I said keep thinking that it'll only be better for us and it'll only be better for you when you are going to bed.
Another quote to get by your frustrating day,“Underestimate is the sign of getting fucked up.” ― Toba Beta
You can laugh, your gorvernment didn't ...i already present two example that come from your gorvernement officals, there is more showing how your government were crying like baby. And what made Antony cried about Gwadar, it was not India's business anyway?
Oh Really...you are not crying while India is... then what is your Global Warning System :omghaha: is doing...??? fresh warning no.: ..578959... which is against ties with japan....
All China has to do is send 20 troops and camp on "their" border and the media and government will cry and bitch.
and you people are already crying even without sending force..:omghaha:
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