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India joins Japan in veiled criticism of China’s air defence zone(ADIZ)

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China not-so-secretly fumes and frets as India, Japan bond
Sutirtho Patranobis, Hindustan Times
Beijing, January 26, 2014


China has maintained a diplomatic poker face on Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s high-profile India visit. But that has only barely hidden Beijing’s bitterness against New Delhi’s decision to invite Abe to the chief guest at 65th Republic Day parade at the Capital’s grand boulevard, Rajpath, on Sunday.
It is India’s decision to reserve the best seat for Abe at the parade on January 26, but academics and strategic analysts told HT that New Delhi better deal with the situation in a sharply nuanced manner.

Abe’s warm welcome to India does not entirely unbalance Sino-India ties – beset with the issues of border, water, trade and Pakistan anyway— but does cast a shadow on the tenuous bilateral bond, they said.

“It did not happen at the right time. We cannot ignore this,” Lan Jianxue from the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) told HT. With the Communist country’s history of violence and occupation with Japan, there probably would never be a right time for India – in China’s eyes – to invite home a Japanese leader.

But when Lan indicated that now wasn’t the right time, there is added context to it.

Since the middle of 2012, Beijing and Tokyo have been locked in an aggressive diplomatic tussle over the uninhabited Diaoyu (Senkaku in Japanese) islands in the East China Sea. The islands are under Japanese control – it was owned privately before the Japanese government purchased three of them – but China has staked historical claims on it.

But the Sino-Japanese hostility goes back in history to protracted wars and the Japanese occupation of large swathes of China between 1937 and 1945.

China accuses Japan of committing large-scale war crimes on civilians including the slaughtering of hundreds of thousands in the city of Nanjing in eastern China.

And when Abe recently visited the Yasukuni war memorial in Tokyo that houses the remains of the war dead, including that of Japanese generals said to be responsible for massacres in China, Beijing launched its latest salvo of rhetoric.

“Most Chinese may think India’s invitation for Abe to attend the Republic Day as the chief guest an offence in terms of the current problems between Beijing and Tokyo, especially Abe’s recent pilgrimage to the Yasukuni Shrine. Almost surely, New Delhi’s initiative will produce political implications for China’s relations with India. And it seems hard to rule out the likelihood of some negative developments in the near-future bilateral relationship,” said Zhang Li, Institute of South Asia Studies, Sichuan University

One of China’s leading experts on South Asia, CICIR’s Hu Shisheng said Abe’s visit might not have a “tangible negative result”.

But concerns, HU said remain about military cooperation, joint research, security dialogue and joint military exercises between India and Japan.

China not-so-secretly fumes and frets as India, Japan bond - Hindustan Times
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And incredibly mighty India doing veiled criticism tell that she is still afraid that PRC will come to have another BBQ party in Indian territory.

Our diplomacy is not based one aggressive ,emotional base.It is always based on a plan like a Chess game.Play and check mate our enemies.No more no less.Our every moves filled with large hidden motivation .Our enemies take time for understand that.Pakistan already know that.
Whole the world know even some Americans figure it out.Why India maintain a low diplomatic,strategic punch? equal to singapore
Answer is simple.Keep a low profile .dont rely but cooperate with other powerful players.Win strategic power without use of hardpower only soft power. Pakistan know a lot about cultural power
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Indians fobia of bringing pakistan in every matter will never over.....
What happen to booming India why it want money for infrastructure development from Japan ??
China don't give a **** what India have to say toward its eastern borders....

Investment is not only about money but is also about technology. Moreover, only fool would reject an extra $2 billion that would free your own money for other purpose or even for additional investments where it is hard to attract foreign investments.
And incredibly mighty India doing veiled criticism tell that she is still afraid that PRC will come to have another BBQ party in Indian territory.
This is called being smart rather then the kind of bravado Pakistan engages in challenging powers that it has no hope of resisting successfully (1948/65/71/99)
This is called being smart rather then the kind of bravado Pakistan engages in challenging powers that it has no hope of resisting successfully (1948/65/71/99)

India is a superpower compare to Pakistan? You might be right for India with a large population and nothing else India had Pakistan beat. Outside of South Asia India and Pakistan influence very limit in the world stage. Outside of Pakistan, India can't compare to the Big 5 in the UN.
Lol India doesn't have the gut to create it own ADIZ, even Taiwan, Japan and South Korea had..LMAO...the best it could do it's mumbling without mention China by name. and you people call that "India joins Japan in veiled criticism of China’s air defence zone(ADIZ)"...and India wants to be taken seriously? :rofl:
The thread title shall be changed to 'India sells herself to Devil for 2 billions'.
I sense a South Korea, Japan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Philippine summit on the horizon.
(With Obama as the hidden organizer)
Investment is not only about money but is also about technology. Moreover, only fool would reject an extra $2 billion that would free your own money for other purpose or even for additional investments where it is hard to attract foreign investments.
You are only restricted to buy Japan technology with that 2 billion, Japan is way scrupulous business man than India. Seems India has made determination to support Japan against China. The game just begin!

I sense a South Korea, Japan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Philippine summit on the horizon.
(With Obama as the hidden organizer)
South Korea and Indonesia won't join.
At leat Pakistan won't so cheap as you. India has a price, everyone could buy it.
Yes you are right.India has value.India will keep it word.Not backstab or betray someone we trust.Only take action against our enemies when our integrity become questioned.
Pakistan is not as cheap as you.They will keep their word and
not backstab their friends.US already exploits that weakness
of Pakistan .Now PRC exploits.
PRC famous for stealing some others technology and copy paste and make its cheap versions.Only cheap guys can do that .Cheap chinese products
Chinese product is very popular in India

You the motherfucker attack China in 1962 and call us Backstabber?

You freaking lier.

Wow .... looks like you are very much butt hurt over Indo-Japan cooperation .
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