You should read these two articles for more insightIndia's socio-economic system in the cities for the middle class ( any variety of this ) is built upon wage slavery and month to month existence in general. And India probably is the most competitive society in the world. A dog-eat-dog society. The basic necessities ( housing, basic food, education, healthcare, electricity, water etc ) are all not free. Hence, like I said earlier, it becomes desperation through helplessness in front of the unmoving and ruthless socio-economic system that the citizen has to endure. Some continue to exist in misery, some commit suicide, like those youths in your linked article or like about the family in this thread's OP.
Sorry but that is quite a ruthless and incomplete statement. While yes in the current, unnecessarily highly competitive employment system an individual can choose, if they get the opportunity, to reskill It is really the job of the governance system to ensure a scientific and societally useful employment system and workforce. For example on mostly-non-useful employment / skilling, there are 2+ million computer engineers in India yet there is not a single Indian / local / indigenous design of the two most fundamental elements in a classical computer - the microprocessor and the operating system. I can speak with some authority about this because I have been designing these two things for the last few years and hope to start a company to commercially develop them. But what of those two million, with many of them being PhDs and all ? What has been their use to India at the least and the world next ? What has the government been doing about this ? What are the skills of these two million ?
I will speak about the topic of agriculture. If the government would have actually built 100 new actually Smart Cities the cities would have had neighborhood-level Vertical Farms and general Urban Farms and the cities being connected by big water pipelines ( like the Libyan project - Great Manmade River project ) and the farms worked upon by basis of collectivized labor and used computer-controlled plant / tree / crop management. All these new elements would have necessitated the employment and upskilling of farmers, computer engineers, civil engineers ( I will remind of the main topic of this thread ), civil security specialists, landscape architects, public transport designers etc.
Yes, to be a jack of all trades is a good thing.
But it's not like Indian villages are founts of Ideal Communist caringness and harmony. Don't honor killings happen there ? Don't land disputes happen ? And why do farmer suicides happen there ( just between 1995 and 2015 more than 300,000 farmers committed suicide mainly because of the 3000-year-old "Indian" extremely Capitalist socio-economic system. 300,000+ can be the population of a town ! These farmers should have organized and revolted ) ? Do the relatives and neighbors of these about-to-suicide farmers help them survive ? Or are they able to ? Indian villages have the same socio-economic problems as Indian cities. All should organize or at least support progressive individuals and groups and help change the country.
That is because life in the village is a bit cheaper than life in the city.
Good article by Kancha Ilaiah.
I don't think the caste census will be actually required if the opposition parties and other progressive movements and individual activists and thinkers speak for a welfare state society for India within the next five years.
You tell me what will be the benefit of this caste census and the result in the next five years.
If the so-called nationalists ( we know who they are ) keep taunting the progressives of being "anti-nationals" ( please read this thread of mine ) the "anti-nationals" should preach for turning India into a welfare state within five years. The "nationalists" shouldn't technically have a problem with this. Please read this thread of mine about a proposal for a new socio-economic system which will eradicate economic classification and disparity, non-availability of basic needs, reasons for existence of most crime including societally-arranged socio-economic suicides and probably other things.
Another nice article by Kancha Ilaiah.
Who’s Afraid Of Caste Census?
Why Communism survived in Kerala but died in Bengal: Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd writes