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Trauma of Russian bahus in India


Dec 1, 2016
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A native of the Chelyabinsk region, Elena Bilyalova, accepted the offer to become the wife of an Indian citizen 12 years ago. “I was thirty, he was twenty-two ... I thought he loved me” They settled on the outskirts of Mumbai, bought an apartment (mainly with Elena's money), and their daughter Alisha was born. The Russian wife did not get along right away with the betrothed's mother. She was annoyed that the bride from Russia was not a Hindu, not from the upper caste of Brahmins, and not from their village.

“Our mothers-in-law are pure angels,” Elena laughs. - Here is an Indian mother-in-law - she is a monster.
It looks like hazing in the army, where a young soldier is beaten, and then he himself, having become a “grandfather”, beats others. The daughter-in-law of the Indians is obliged to unquestioningly carry out any orders of the mother-in-law. Even worse is the wife of the younger brother, who, according to Indian customs, is simply a real free slave - she cleans up after everyone, cooks for everyone.

The young couple were brought together in a ceremony at a Hindu temple. Elena remembers with a shudder - she had to take a sip of a drink, which included cow urine. After 8 years, the marriage broke up - Elena's husband began to drink, walk and quit his job, and then raised his hand against her. “After the divorce, the ex does not see his daughter and does not pay alimony,” she says. “I never sent her a gift at all. His family too."

“I secretly bought chicken and ate it”

According to Svetlana Khorkova from Murmansk, who got married in Varanasi in 1995, after watching Indian films popular in the USSR, our girls imagined India as a fabulous exotic country where people in beautiful clothes sing and dance, riding elephants between dances.

“Well, everyone is like that - Jimmy-Jimmy, acha-acha! - Svetlana quotes with a laugh a song from the Bollywood hit "Disco Dancer". - Then it turns out - this is a pipets, not a fairy tale. You were rightly told that the Indian mother-in-law is generally a fascist, we have been dogging from the first day. She gave birth to a girl - she began to look like a wolf. Sons are valued here: therefore, the ultrasound procedure in order to find out the sex of the child was banned by law. It happened - husbands found out that a daughter would be born, and forced their wives to have an abortion. A dowry is necessary for a daughter, a wedding is also played with the money of the bride's parents: and the boy, as they say, will be the breadwinner, provide for the family. And of course, I did not expect such a life. The whole family of my husband are vegetarians, at home only vegetables in hot sauces: I secretly bought fried chicken from vendors on the street, scrambled eggs and ate. Basically, it is not customary for women to work here, they sit at home. I went to the office and took care of the child in the evening, I had 6 hours to sleep. I felt like I was in a zoo - after all, it is prestigious to marry a European woman in India, my husband's guests constantly came to us, asking permission to take a picture with me. Tired. Before, I did not think that we have such a different mentality. But, alas, it's true."

“Did you try to row after the elephant?”

Perhaps the coolest "lucky" Oksana Boldysheva from Novosibirsk - she fell in love with an Indian student from the southern state of Kerala and in 1999 moved in with him: they played a magnificent wedding. It turned out that the beloved's family lives in a small village, not far from the beach. Coconut palms by the sea, pure romance. But Oksana was in for a surprise - it turned out that the family owns two elephants (!), Which are rented out to tourists for riding.

“Can you imagine what it’s like to rake out shit after at least one elephant? Oksana is furious. - And here there are two of them, and I am the wife of the youngest son! In general, it barely lasted a year. True, I got used to elephants, they loved me, they took food only from my hands. And in general, they turned out to be elephants, I called them Katya and Masha.

Among the main disadvantages for her, Boldysheva calls the heat. “Although I am from Siberia, we have a strong sun in July, the skin burns. But this is just terrible. Day like a frying pan. In the evening I went out, walked down the street for five minutes and was already wet as a mouse. True, by the time of the divorce, I got used to the climate and did not want to leave: I moved to Goa, I work as a tourist guide. Still, eternal summer and the absence of bitter frosts is a wonderful thing.

Oksana also did not like the Indian fauna at all - she, according to her confession, made her “squeal every night”. “Snakes, huge bugs, cat-sized cockroaches. Monkeys run around, they can snatch a bag of groceries out of your hands. And you can’t break them in - a sacred animal. They hesitated."

“I filmed for 820 rubles”

As Elena Bilyalova explains, there are usually no indifferent to India. Either our women fall in love with this country in a minute, or they run away after a few months with cries of “not a foot here again!”. “I belong to the first type of girls,” she smiles. “I immediately liked everything here, and I am happy in my second marriage - with a Muslim from Kashmir, he treats me and children wonderfully.”

“We thought they ran to beat us.” How do they treat Russians in India now?

The rest agree with this opinion - as a rule, after a divorce from an Indian, a Russian girl rarely comes back, more often stays in India. “I had nowhere to go back,” admits Svetlana Khorkova. - I sold an apartment in Murmansk, my parents were offended by my marriage to a "black", they stopped communicating with me. The daughter is dark-skinned, she does not know the Russian language, she was afraid - how she will get settled at school, they will tease. So I didn't go. However, India is a good country. Here mango, bananas, papaya all year round for a penny, and very cheap. It is easy for a European to find a job, even if not for a lot of money. There was a time when I often acted in episodes of historical films in Bollywood, portrayed English ladies. 1,000 rupees (820 rubles - Auth.) A day was paid, and they were also fed with lunch.

Allmost all the ladies I interviewed noted that the Indians did not mind when, in the event of a divorce, the child remained with his mother: they did not try to kidnap him, as after marriages with the Egyptians.

“I begged herrings to bring”

“That’s if it’s a daughter,” says Zinaida Kilskaya, a former resident of Rostov., who married a student from Delhi in 2011 - she met him at a party in her hometown. - In my case, there was a son, and the Indian family is ready to fight for sons. My husband, his father and brother began to threaten me, they promised to run over me with a car. My mother-in-law said she wanted to poison me. It's real, in Indian films people are so cute, and you just cross the road for them - you will see what they turn into. I fled with the child to Goa, hired a lawyer, filed a lawsuit. For some time I did not let my son out of the house, until I was convinced that they were not following me. I sent threatening letters to the police, they left me alone.” When asked what caused the divorce, Zinaida replies, “He started drinking. Can you imagine? It became funny to me. After all, the Indians do not have such a culture to constantly “sour”. And he said that he was addicted to Russia. Guard, how lucky I was - I could have easily jumped out for a drunk at home, but I found myself an alcoholic seven thousand kilometers from Rostov. And the food didn't suit me. One chicken, Lord! Curries, kebabs, kebabs. Where is the sausage? What about crabs and seeds? I constantly begged my friends, who came to Delhi on business, to bring black crackers, lard and herring.” “People will fight for pancakes and bras here.”

How can we "tear" India?

There are no exact statistics. But, according to various estimates, in India, after a divorce, and in a happy marriage, from 30,000 to 70,000 Russian citizens live. Most of them married Indians, who went to study in the universities of the USSR in tens of thousands. Now marriages with students are also not uncommon, but most often grooms are found on the beaches of the Goa resort, where our women come to relax.

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