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India, Japan ask Pakistan to take action against terror networks operating from its territory, comply with FATF commitments

Try sending money out of Pakistan and you will know how much data they need and ask for. Its much easier sending money from Australia to Pakistan. Everything online. Not much needed. :coffee:
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The Japanese came forward to make their cars in Pakistan. You want to kick them out.

The Germans were not bothered. You want to go and beg them to come in.

I get it.

Curry faggots ( our eastern neighbors)be gone! You are all on my ignore list by default.
#findafvckinghobby & #growthefvckup

Oops! Overlooked.
They making money.note.. They making money. They have monopoly in Pakistan. Now chines and Malaysians cars are coming as well. 230 millions population.rising middle class. You try smoking good shit. Cheap shit is not good.
while the world is punishing Russia and not buying their oil for its war in Ukraine ... terrorist india is willing to buy it the world should punish india for this.
India’s largest oil company has already done the deal.

US has also accepted the Indian economic needs for importing cheap Russian oil.

Many western countries have continued to meet their energy needs through Russian imports.

Indian diplomats have been quite successful in ensuring that it’s interests are looked after well.
In the last few years i have noticed this trend among Indians, if India takes steps to bring in investment into their own country you guys never label that as begging, but when it comes to Pakistan you guys immediately equate it to begging.

Please provide the many many examples of investments described as begging by Indians.

Begging is when the country approaches other countries for loans to pay previous loans and going to the IMF or asking for deferred payments and asking countries to keep some money with your State Bank so you can show the world you have some foreign reserves
The requests to roll over countries debts, asking them to forgive loans, asking for debt relief etc is described as begging
Sure, but also Japan should accept and apologise for the Nanking genocide. Spare us the sermon Hirohito.
But they have not comitted a single act of genocide after WW2, I mean after getting nuked they have behaved.
Still Japan has not apologized for the heinous crimes against humanity that they have comitted.
Please provide the many many examples of investments described as begging by Indians.

Begging is when the country approaches other countries for loans to pay previous loans and going to the IMF or asking for deferred payments and asking countries to keep some money with your State Bank so you can show the world you have some foreign reserves
The requests to roll over countries debts, asking them to forgive loans, asking for debt relief etc is described as begging

Just go and check the comment section of Wion, Hindustan Times, NDTV, Republic and many many more. Especially when PMIK was visiting Russia and China just recently.
Please provide the many many examples of investments described as begging by Indians.

Begging is when the country approaches other countries for loans to pay previous loans and going to the IMF or asking for deferred payments and asking countries to keep some money with your State Bank so you can show the world you have some foreign reserves
The requests to roll over countries debts, asking them to forgive loans, asking for debt relief etc is described as begging
this is called being a beggar people - when you outsource the job of feeding your people to charity instead of government
this is what happens
India Top Recipient of Foreign Aid.png

Private Foundation Charity in Asia.png

US Aid to India.png

India is the largest recipient of Aid in the world.
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this is called being a beggar people - when you outsource the job of feeding your people to charity instead of government
this is what happens
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Here are a few stray thoughts I have on this:

- Foreign NGOs continuing to invest in poverty alleviation in India has always been a theme. Even at the heights of India-US tensions.

- Poverty in India is a curse we are all trying to help alleviate. Government can only do so much and government itself does not go around asking for charitable aid to this effect. Charitable aid to India largely comes through their (Foreign NGOs) own volition. Quite simply, they look for places where their investments will yield maximum long term ‘positive’ effects and then grow with time.

- While we do not ask for aid, aid is appreciated. Rhetoric aside, over time, aid has had cascading positive effects in our society — especially across baseline indicators. More education, more employment, more inclusion, more aspirational people — all of this is more than welcome and really helps speed up the effort.

- Pakistan can make use of it too. But for that you need a country that’s relatively stable. To reiterate, like most investments, charitable donations are also focused on yielding long term effects. This requires a ‘stable’ society where everything more or less works the way it needs to.

Edit: I should also add, Indian government has always either been apathetic or anti-aid/Foreign NGO. Hopefully sometime in the future we will settle on a credible framework to govern NGO operations.
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Here are a few stray thoughts I have on this:

- Foreign NGOs continuing to invest in poverty alleviation in India has always been a theme. Even at the heights of India-US tensions.

- Poverty in India is a curse we are all trying to help alleviate. Government can only do so much and government itself does not go around asking for charitable aid to this effect. Charitable aid to India largely comes through their (Foreign NGOs) own volition. Quite simply, they look for places where their investments will yield maximum long term ‘positive’ effects and then grow with time.

- While we do not ask for aid, aid is appreciated. Rhetoric aside, over time, aid has had cascading positive effects in our society — especially all the baseline indicators.

- Pakistan can make use of it too. But for that you need a country that’s relatively stable. To reiterate, like most investments, charitable donations are also focused on yielding long term effects. This requires a ‘stable’ society where everything more or less works the way it needs to.
I didn't even read the whole thing but from what little I saw

Even foreign aid, private charity, NGOs represents shinning India while pak pm asking for investments from china, east Asia is called begging

Waah modi ji waah,
The saying is right- you just can't out-argument an Indian on the internet

Y'all operate on a different level
this is called being a beggar people - when you outsource the job of feeding your people to charity instead of government
this is what happens
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India is the largest recipient of Aid in the world.
India is a net donor of aid
NEW DELHI: From one of the highest recipient of multi-lateral development aid, India has quietly transitioned into the role of provider as in the last three years it has given more aid to foreign countries than it has received.

This was informed by Minister of State for External Affairs General VK Singh in a written reply to the Parliament. “India is currently a net donor of foreign aid. In the last three years, India has provided more aid to foreign countries, than it has received,” Singh said in response to a question on Wednesday.
I don’t care about how much money NGOs in India are taking from abroad, Government of India does not take monetary aid.

As far as the graphic you used is concerned, do you want to say that UK and Israel are poor countries because they receive almost as much aid as India?

Pakistan received $44 bn in aid for a 220 mn population while India got $65 bn in aid for a 1400 mn population, thats more than 4 times the aid per person received by Pakistan compared to India.
Here are a few stray thoughts I have on this:

- Foreign NGOs continuing to invest in poverty alleviation in India has always been a theme. Even at the heights of India-US tensions.

- Poverty in India is a curse we are all trying to help alleviate. Government can only do so much and government itself does not go around asking for charitable aid to this effect. Charitable aid to India largely comes through their (Foreign NGOs) own volition. Quite simply, they look for places where their investments will yield maximum long term ‘positive’ effects and then grow with time.

- While we do not ask for aid, aid is appreciated. Rhetoric aside, over time, aid has had cascading positive effects in our society — especially across baseline indicators. More education, more employment, more inclusion, more aspirational people — all of this is more than welcome and really helps speed up the effort.

- Pakistan can make use of it too. But for that you need a country that’s relatively stable. To reiterate, like most investments, charitable donations are also focused on yielding long term effects. This requires a ‘stable’ society where everything more or less works the way it needs to.

Edit: I should also add, Indian government has always either been apathetic or anti-aid/Foreign NGO. Hopefully sometime in the future we will settle on a credible framework to govern NGO operations.
I didn't even read the whole thing but from what little I saw
View attachment 825887
Even foreign aid, private charity, NGOs represents shinning India while pak pm asking for investments from china, east Asia is called begging

Waah modi ji waah,
The saying is right- you just can't out-argument an Indian on the internet

Y'all operate on a different level
Sorry, I never said Pakistan is “begging”. Maybe people qualify that because your government explicitly asks for it?

I personally think asking for help is a good thing. In india this has always come in on its own. No one representing the administration is asking for it, nor would most even consider it.

But it definitely helps. For example, India is largely credited for its efforts in tiger conservation. Especially on the law enforcement side - stopping poachers, traffickers and trafficking networks.

However, not a lot of people know that this was largely a foreign funded effort — USAID and a few US based philanthropic foundations in particular. They poured funds to have Indian law enforcement trained and strengthened intelligence sharing through global bodies — all on their own volition. Media gave the government credit for it, and I guess rightly so (because funds aside, implementation is key).
I didn't even read the whole thing but from what little I saw
View attachment 825887
Even foreign aid, private charity, NGOs represents shinning India while pak pm asking for investments from china, east Asia is called begging

Waah modi ji waah,
The saying is right- you just can't out-argument an Indian on the internet

Y'all operate on a different level
Indians mock loans taken by Pakistan as begging, so whenever Imran goes outside Indians think he’s there to ask for loans hence comment such thinks, don’t know if asking for bailout package and loans every few months should be considered as begging or not, but I don’t think so any Indian called “investments” as begging. And anyways Pakistanis also spam a lot of things about India on social media, Indians just ignore it. You should too.
India is a net donor of aid
NEW DELHI: From one of the highest recipient of multi-lateral development aid, India has quietly transitioned into the role of provider as in the last three years it has given more aid to foreign countries than it has received.

This was informed by Minister of State for External Affairs General VK Singh in a written reply to the Parliament. “India is currently a net donor of foreign aid. In the last three years, India has provided more aid to foreign countries, than it has received,” Singh said in response to a question on Wednesday.
I don’t care about how much money NGOs in India are taking from abroad, Government of India does not take monetary aid.

As far as the graphic you used is concerned, do you want to say that UK and Israel are poor countries because they receive almost as much aid as India?

Pakistan received $44 bn in aid for a 220 mn population while India got $65 bn in aid for a 1400 mn population, thats more than 4 times the aid per person received by Pakistan compared to India.
View attachment 825889
Good now do Israel
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