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India, Japan ask Pakistan to take action against terror networks operating from its territory, comply with FATF commitments

Japan should publicly apologise to South asia first before lecturing anyother country

The world should tell and punish india to stop its terrorist actions inside kashmir and not only this while the world is punishing Russia and not buying their oil for its war in Ukraine ... terrorist india is willing to buy it the world should punish india for this. India is a racist terrorist state with radical ideologies simple as that !!!!!!!!!!
while the world is punishing Russia and not buying their oil

That is literally not true. Europe Turkey are still buying Gas from Russia . Infact they will be dependent on Russian energy for some time until other sources contracts are delivered. Many countries are buying oil from Russia.

China India Italy several countries in Europe even companies in the US have not yet entirely stopped buying Russian oil

Currently there are NO SANCTIONS on buying Russian oil except by individual countries and good luck to them.

India is buying Russian oil at very very cheap rates, It has long term contracts from gas and oil companies in Russia in which they are part owners, its not stupid enough to cut its nose to spite its face
That is literally not true. Europe Turkey are still buying Gas from Russia . Infact they will be dependent on Russian energy for some time until other sources contracts are delivered. Many countries are buying oil from Russia.

China India Italy several countries in Europe even companies in the US have not yet entirely stopped buying Russian oil

Currently there are NO SANCTIONS on buying Russian oil except by individual countries and good luck to them.

India is buying Russian oil at very very cheap rates, It has long term contracts from gas and oil companies in Russia in which they are part owners, its not stupid enough to cut its nose to spite its face

It is true you need to do some serious homework.
New Delhi [India], March 19 (ANI): Noting that countries should ensure that territory under their control is not used to launch terror attacks, India and Japan on Saturday called upon Pakistan to take resolute and irreversible action against terrorist networks operating out of its territory and comply fully with international commitments including to Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
They also called upon all countries to work together for rooting out terrorist safe havens and infrastructure, disrupting terrorist networks and their financing channels
According to 'Joint Statement Partnership for a Peaceful, Stable and Prosperous Post-COVID World' released after the summit meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, the two countries also concurred to strengthen counter-terrorism efforts in multilateral fora
"The Prime Ministers expressed deep concern at the growing threat of terrorism and underlined the need for strengthening international cooperation to combat terrorism in a comprehensive and sustained manner. They called upon all countries to work together for rooting out terrorist safe havens and infrastructure, disrupting terrorist networks and their financing channels, and halting cross-border movement of terrorists, the statement said
In this context, they also called upon all countries to ensure that territory under their control is not used to launch terror attacks, to expeditiously bring to justice the perpetrators of such attacks
"They reiterated their condemnation of terrorist attacks in India, including 26/11 Mumbai and Pathankot attacks and called upon Pakistan to take resolute and irreversible action against terrorist networks operating out of its territory and comply fully with international commitments including to FATF," the statement said
"They also concurred to strengthen counter-terrorism efforts in multilateral fora, and to work together on early adoption of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) in the United Nations," it added
The Prime Ministers reaffirmed their intention to collaborate closely to realise peace and stability in Afghanistan, and stressed the importance of addressing humanitarian crisis, promoting human rights and ensuring establishment of a truly representative and inclusive political system
They also reaffirmed the importance of UNSCR 2593 (2021) which unequivocally demands that Afghan territory not be used for sheltering, training, planning or financing terrorist acts and called for concerted action against all terrorist groups, including those sanctioned by the UNSC.

Apparently Japs gave similar Statements in 2019 and 2020 too. Pakistan needs to ask what's itching them since so long?


Geo newsgroup
Pak should not care. Their cars are crap. No airbags. No security. Total shit cars. They are making around 3 billions usd from car industry yearly. I bought Honda city for my father. It has no security what so ever. Total crap cars. We should ask Germany to supply cars to Pakistan

The Japanese came forward to make their cars in Pakistan. You want to kick them out.

The Germans were not bothered. You want to go and beg them to come in.

I get it.

why did my post showing female chaddis on sale in Yapan via vending machines got deleted?
Mennu kyun delete keeta?
Curry faggots ( our eastern neighbors)be gone! You are all on my ignore list by default.
#findafvckinghobby & #growthefvckup

Oops! Overlooked.

The Japanese came forward to make their cars in Pakistan. You want to kick them out.

The Germans were not bothered. You want to go and beg them to come in.

I get it.

In the last few years i have noticed this trend among Indians, if India takes steps to bring in investment into their own country you guys never label that as begging, but when it comes to Pakistan you guys immediately equate it to begging.
Japan like others, are misguided on information they’ve been given india counter weight to China. Pakistan is used as a political ball to strengthen india but wait until they find out this was a lie on india lol
Japan (JICA etc) and Japanese firms have been active in India and Pakistan for ages - working with very similar portfolios. They are not forming opinions based on “Indian lies”. They form opinions based on evidence and national interest.
In the last few years i have noticed this trend among Indians, if India takes steps to bring in investment into their own country you guys never label that as begging, but when it comes to Pakistan you guys immediately equate it to begging.
What to do, Sar?

We are like that only.

Just change your signature and make it something scathing about India and Indians.

THAT should larn us!

Japan (JICA etc) and Japanese firms have been active in India and Pakistan for ages - working with very similar portfolios. They are not forming opinions based on “Indian lies”. They form opinions based on evidence and national interest.
What to do, Sar?

We are like that only.

Just change your signature and make it something scathing about India and Indians.

THAT should larn us!

Well atleast you admit it that you guys are doing it on purpose and that its no accident.
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