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India, Israel to Build Anti-Missile System

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When something like shelling missiles will happen, India won't only be shielding itself but also be launching a salvo of missiles. We have something to try to intercept the incomings. What do u have to save your ***??
Mind who the **** you talk to this way, I could continue to abuse the hell out of you and until yesterday I would have, but I know what low life you really are....
While Barak 8 in IN would undoubtedly be the best system in IN, my point was more towards the threats today rather than compare whether Barak gives a boost or not.

It does give a boost and a big one at that, but is it enough? That is my question.

No, neither IsN, nor IN are planning to use the booster version Barak 8. The land forces/ land based Barak 8 would use the boosters. So for all purposes IN and IsN would have a 70kms ranged SAM on their ships. Its not enough to act as fleet air defence systems.
Probably it can be upgraded later. I dont see any reason why it could not be. Barak-8 with booster is only slightly bigger than Shtil-1. Since it had active seeker it does not need illumination and MF Star detection range is over 250 km.
please google it you will find it
See this....
the integration is for testing not for induction
Yeah,and your point is?
Read the last paragraph of tis link
Preparation of LRSAM integration begins on Indian Ships.
I never said Barak 1 was a joint venture. I meant why buy Barak 1, when we should be inducting Barak 8. link that we are buying Barak 1.
Because Barak 8 will take some time till then we need something thats why we are buying Barak 1 and they are of different classes also.
Its just like saying that why we are buying Rafales when we have Sukhoi's.
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dear no more detail is available .... but this is either a new project or 'comprehensive collaboration' of Israel in Prithivi Air Defence project PAD (which is more likely) as far as PDV is concern its is supposed to be a new project (two stage Prithivi).
Based upon reported detail I believe its of PAD class system but advance in some trades (like networking and radar technology), and I am making my guess on the bases of these two clues in the article

PDV is a Hypersonic interceptor against PAD which is supersonic or Just touch hypersonic speed. Maximum altitude of interception is 250 KM in case of PDV against 80 KM of PAD. So PDV is at least above Arrow 2 class.
Probably it can be upgraded later. I dont see any reason why it could not be. Barak-8 with booster is only slightly bigger than Shtil-1. Since it had active seeker it does not need illumination and MF Star detection range is over 250 km.
Thats logical. If I am not wrong then IN has planned Barak 'ER'(extended range) version for next class of our AESA destroyer(Banglore class?). I am sure it will have a range of 100+ km in future.
It is a rapidly evolving technology exactly how SAM was an evolving tech with a relatively low success rate and reliability in the late 70's to early 90's.
countermeasures are also evolving, rapidly
So, you think other countries are fool who are investing a lot in missile defence system. :cheesy: I think you are referring to Pakistan, which has no missile defence system right now. :laugh:

He has a point. The missile defense system US invest in is for missiles from rogue countries like North Korea. It would not be to counter missiles from countries like Russia or China. India should have the same mindset. Ensure it has enough missiles to counter China and Pakistan but focus missile defense for some terror regime lobbing low tech missiles into India.
Don't worry, it won't be used against your country.
it is not used against any country it will be used to defend our country thats the reason for name:anti missile defence system

When your so called enemy is developing hypersonic cruise missile speed over mach 10 will be hard target to intercept why waste money on defensive weapon the best thing is to developing similar weapons.
did u know when america was busy spending billions of dollar on development of stealth aircraft,russia was spending few million dollar to develop detection system which could detect stealth aircraft ,think simple and always be diiferent.....
The system to identify decoys is also in progress.:yahoo:
Original SBIRS Low
The SBIRS Low program was originally expected to consist of about 24 satellites in low earth orbit. The primary purpose of SBIRS Low was the tracking of ballistic missiles and discriminating between the warheads and other objects, such as decoys, that separate from the missile bodies throughout the middle portion of their flights. The system was to have two major sensors, coordinated by an on-board computer:

  • a scanning infrared sensor, designed to acquire ballistic missiles in the early stages of flight.
  • a tracking infrared sensor, designed to follow missiles, warheads, and other objects such as debris and decoys during the middle and later stages of flight. The tracking sensor would be cooled to very low temperatures.
SBIRS Low's original deployment schedule was 2010, the date when its capabilities were said to be needed by the National Missile Defense System.
Space-Based Infrared System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He has a point. The missile defense system US invest in is for missiles from rogue countries like North Korea. It would not be to counter missiles from countries like Russia or China. India should have the same mindset. Ensure it has enough missiles to counter China and Pakistan but focus missile defense for some terror regime lobbing low tech missiles into India.

Nothing is 100% efficient.

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