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India is the check to Pakistan, Donald Trump declares

Well he is correct USA like to use others to do the dirty work... UK was to check the Germans, Greeks to check the Turks, Israel to check the Arabs, South Korea to check North Korea and India to check Pakistan.

There were others to in Latin America but were they able to control the progress of these countries that were under check... it is up to you to decide.

So this is nothing new and there are ways to counter it positively without going into conflict...
if he becomes president,Pakistan is in for big trouble.

If he becomes President the USA and the whole world is in serious trouble. He gets the highest voting just like Kim Kardashian or Honey boo boo gets highest voting - people like to see dumb people on television - it makes them feel good.
If he becomes President the USA and the whole world is in serious trouble. He gets the highest voting just like Kim Kardashian or Honey boo boo gets highest voting - people like to see dumb people on television - it makes them feel good.
actually u r right,,,he is crazy.
rich,powerful,,,popular,,,too early to say anythng,but there does exist a possibilty of him being president.
If he becomes President the USA and the whole world is in serious trouble. He gets the highest voting just like Kim Kardashian or Honey boo boo gets highest voting - people like to see dumb people on television - it makes them feel good.
I think it's fair to say that at this stage he still has a fair shot, the next couple months will be crucial for his campaign.

with his strong comments on man made global warming he's starting to really carve himself a niche, that, after being the first one to the "illegal migration" issue, which he stole from everyone else and made his own.

every candidate's sensationalist comments at this stage will all be forgotten as we get into debate 4, 5, 6.. and the field narrows further.

but the US and Pakistan will for sure continue to be strategic partners in the war on terror and wrt weapon sales etc, this one radio interview does not mean much.
Republicans have traditionally favored Pakistan which goes back to Reagan days. I don't think he will be chosen as the one to contest elections. He is just entertainment to build some hype.
Mark my words:
If he ever becomes president of US then his tone will change drastically. He is giving cookies to Pakistan hating lobby (which is quite big) to support him for next presidency.
Russia is to check USA
China is to check India
Arabs are to check Israel

He seems like Typical Republican fanatics like Tea Party candidate more then proper Republican candidate. He seems like another celebrity trying to score points rather then seriously considering for Polls. Democrats must be wishing to compete against him as Latino Votes, Muslim Votes and so many other groups he is alienating would give them edge over Republicans if he ever to become a front runner in the house of Republican.
if he becomes president,Pakistan is in for big trouble.

Actually NO.

A country like Pakistan needs a challenge to thrive on.
This just might be it.

As long as we see a target to beat, ( irrespective of the outcome ) we keep busy.
If he gets elected the there will probably will be a reality show running directly from the white house

"India is the check to Pakistan," continued Trump, adding insult to Pakistan's injury. "You have to get India involved... They have their own nukes and have a very powerful army. They seem to be the real check.... "I think we have to deal very closely with India to deal with it (Pakistan)," said Trump, about his foreign policy goals.

Indians are as pathetic as Pakistani secularists. The Pakistan secularists would rub Indian noses if Amerika says ''Hi''.

We have an Indian feeling the same pride as a Pakistani secularists and yet he doesn't read between the lines. What is Trump saying, ''Pakistan has nukes...India has nukes''. Do you need me to draw you a picture! They are playing both sides! Does this person care about if we fight a nuclear war? NO!

This is the same kind of foreign ''cheer-leaders for India'' sitting in Christendom; 000s of miles away egging India on in the event of nuclear war, Pakistan will be destroyed. And yet the Indians know our capability of wiping it off the face of the map and yes, Pakistan wouldn't exist as well!

War is coming and lets have a clean fight and on our terms.

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