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India is second most ignorant nation of World.

Obviously China, Russia, UK, USA etc are not significant enough to be part of this survey and make it to the top 10. I agree bharati. :haha:

They are all part of the survey, try again.

The Ipsos 'Index of Ignorance' table
Ranking Country
1 Mexico Least accurate
2 India
3 Brazil
4 Peru
5 New Zealand
6 Colombia
7 Belgium
8 South Africa
9 Argentina
10 Italy
11 Russia
12 Chile
13 Great Britain
14 Israel
15 Australia
16 Japan
17 Canada
18 Germany
19 Netherlands
20 Spain
21 Norway
22 France
23 Sweden
24 United States
25 China
26 Poland
27 Ireland
28 South Korea Most accurate

Ipsos MORI | Poll | Perils of Perception 2015

Obviously China, Russia, UK, USA etc are not significant enough to be part of this survey and make it to the top 10. I agree bharati. :haha:

China, Russia, UK and USA are part of the survey, its simple and intuitive to note, but then I am expecting too much from a :lol:

The survey was conducted in 33 countries around the world. The following countries used the Ipsos Online Panel system: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain, Turkey and the United States of America. In Ireland a telephone (CATI) methodology was used. In Serbia and Montenegro a face-to-face (CAPI) methodology was used.


They are all part of the survey, try again.

The Ipsos 'Index of Ignorance' table
Ranking Country
1 Mexico Least accurate
2 India
3 Brazil
4 Peru
5 New Zealand
6 Colombia
7 Belgium
8 South Africa
9 Argentina
10 Italy
11 Russia
12 Chile
13 Great Britain
14 Israel
15 Australia
16 Japan
17 Canada
18 Germany
19 Netherlands
20 Spain
21 Norway
22 France
23 Sweden
24 United States
25 China
26 Poland
27 Ireland
28 South Korea Most accurate

Ipsos MORI | Poll | Perils of Perception 2015
Damn you bet to it.

PS: Highlight in Color the nations, UK, China, USA and Russia , so that he doesn't miss them :D
Apply some spit since you cannot afford ice or K-Y jelly everytime when IMF,World Bank buggers you and USA pulls you up for USAID,
Jerry Luger Bill. We don't go around with a begging bowl for aid as you do.:woot:

Your nation cannot even do Simple Heart Operations or Kidney Transplants,while Kidney transplants are done in our Normal Government Hospitals,forget the Corporate Hospitals. ;)
That is why your people flock to our country to get treated even Your Bowling Legend Wasim Akram, admitted his wife in Indian hospitals to get her treated. :p:


Look who is talking the worlds most unhygienic place called Indian and its citizens, lol the poverty capital of the world. The toilet of the world. :rofl: I wonder are you also suffering from malnutrition you little Indian. :lol::lol:
And despite that you clowns made it to the top. Enjoy your new status of significant ignorant fools. :)

Yes cause insignificant countries were not part of the survey, we would be atleast one spot higher if you guys had participated, thats for sure. :lol:
China, Russia, UK and USA are part of the survey, its simple and intuitive to note, but then I am expecting too much from a :lol:

And you have beaten USA who are world famous on being ignorant.

Not surprisingly we pakistanis won't mind your country being significant enough to be part of all such surveys. Best of luck to more such surveys. ;)

Yes cause insignificant countries were not part of the survey, we would be atleast one spot higher if you guys had participated, thats for sure. :lol:

Or survey was only meant for obvious ignorant of the world. And guess who made it to the top?? The supa puwa India. :lol: :haha:
Sorry can't hear you over your insignificance.

Sorry can't hear you over your insignificance.

But you can hear me enough to quote me :rofl:

By the way no Muslim majority country was part of the list that you posted here. Considering you Indians are islamophobes and paranoid fools, we Pakistanis won't be surprised if you say this survey was conducted by ISIS sympathizers and funded by wahabis of Saudi Arabia. :lol:
But you can hear me enough to quote me :rofl:

By the way no Muslim majority country was part of the list that you posted here. Considering you Indians are islamophobes and paranoid fools, we Pakistanis won't be surprised if you say this survey was conducted by ISIS sympathizers and funded by wahabis of Saudi Arabia. :lol:

You quoted me, not the other way round. Perhaps you wanted to be noticed and was feeling left out. Its ok, as I said, its ok to be insignificant. You personally shouldn't blame yourself for that.
You quoted me, not the other way round. Perhaps you wanted to feel noticed and was feeling left out. Its ok, as I said, its ok to be insignificant. You personally shouldn't blame yourself for that.

So you heard me this time. Looks like last attempt to "act cool" by not hearing didn't work for you. :lol:

It is OK. Everyone knows you are ignorant. And hence surveyed. We understand that. ;)
So you heard me this time. Looks like last attempt to "act cool" by not hearing didn't work for you. :lol:

It is OK. Everyone knows you are ignorant. And hence surveyed. We understand that. ;)

Yes thats the general idea. Thats what ugly chicks do, talk to the popular kids and get noticed.
Now apply the same theory to your country, and get noticed and surveyed. :lol:
Yes thats the general idea. Thats what ugly chicks do, talk to the popular kids and get noticed.
Now apply the same theory to your country, and get noticed and surveyed. :lol:

You know more about ugly chicks. You guys are generally ugly. Hideous actually. :D

The surveyors surveyed the obvious ignorant. We understand and appreciate that they surveyed countries who are not ignorant. :lol:
Nope significant countries like the G7, G20, BRICS. Not the countries that top the FSI.

First be significant enough to be surveyed, then we ll talk. :lol:

Congrats and we pray soon will be number one :cheers:
You know more about ugly chicks. You guys are generally ugly. Hideous actually. :D

The surveyors surveyed the obvious ignorant. We understand and appreciate that they surveyed countries who are not ignorant. :lol:

Nope they surveyed the countries that mattered, and the countries that have internet connection and most importantly electricity to run a computer and internet to fill the survey. :rofl:
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