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India is now officially hosting separatists threatening Iran.

No we are supporting Baloch rights like we supported Mukti Bahini lol

India supported mukti bahani as a proxy war against Pakistan. Bd people took their arms and fought against pK military regime. I am not supporting baluch. I just wanted to say, india should support baluch as well as Pk should consider baluch rights.
India supported mukti bahani as a proxy war against Pakistan. Bd people took their arms and fought against pK military regime. I am not supporting baluch. I just wanted to say, india should support baluch as well as Pk should consider baluch rights.
Accha listen we really don't care about Balochistan Pakistan wants Kashmir so we doing a little tit-for-tat lol. Btw, I want to know one thing, why did u guys want to separate from Pakistan?
Accha listen we really don't care about Balochistan Pakistan wants Kashmir so we doing a little tit-for-tat lol. Btw, I want to know one thing, why did u guys want to separate from Pakistan? I want ur opinion

Hope u r talking abt 1971. That time no one wanted to separate from Pakistan. Pakistani military regime sized some false steps , That is one point. That war wasn't only west or east pk but that war happened against US and USSR. After involving india and when they trained our people that time they poisoned. And ofcourse that time Pakistan had huge wrong thory about bd. and it happened.
Hope u r talking abt 1971. That time no one wanted to separate from Pakistan. Pakistani military regime sized some false steps , That is one point. That war wasn't only west or east pk but that war happened against US and USSR. After involving india and when they trained our people that time they poisoned. And ofcourse that time Pakistan had huge wrong thory about bd. and it happened.
So basically u are saying Bangladeshis didn't want to separate from Pakistan....well that explains a lot. Ok but dont blame us for interfering in East Pak, we just did what an enemy state does :p:
So basically u are saying Bangladeshis didn't want to separate from Pakistan....well that explains a lot. Ok but dont blame us for interfering in East Pak, we just did what an enemy state does :p:

foxs always wait for others food.
foxs always wait for others food.
Quetta is a lonely planet , surrounded by dry deserts , facing terrorism since longtime but yet ignored.
Many ethnicities in balochistan are being targeted in balochistan, punjabis are being targeted for being punjabis , haxaras for being shias. Afghan refugees are dominating the city , smuggling is common here , illegal cars and products are being supplied here. Many persons of terrorists organisations live here including the deadly ISIS, the capital lacks so many facilities as compared to other capitals of country. Stealing bikes is common here. Afyer 10 :00 it's seems dangerous to go out of homes .
Universities, hospitals, education sectors , bargahs, mosques, markets have always been targeted by terrorists. I lost my one neighbour in a market blast and one of my dad's friend was killed in kharan for opening an educational institution. And yet many more people lost their loved ones .
Justice, education , health, business , religions, ethnicity, . All these have been targeted in this innocent province.
If that would've happened in a western country , They would have put all world upside down. Balochistan requires and deserves 100 % attention of government.
But it's not getting it.
As a result , The criminals are given free hand , People are leaving the city , haxaras are migrating to Australia , Ignorance and prejudice against pakistan is growing up .
I hope for best for the future of Pakistan.
I talk with my personal opinion, I dont expect any good for balochistan from these corrupt leaders. Nawaz sharif has been to quetta , a poor and his kids was beaten infront of him when he was trying to approach him but he ignored it .
They're spending a lot money for the development of punjab , going to start a metro bus in multan while here in quetta we use the usual old busses ( where recently 4 hazara women were killed ). Busses aren't even safe here. Other far flung ateas of balochistan has no gas , no clean water , no electricity , my own village sohbat pur people have to give money to get clean water .
Our own cm sanaullah zehri lost his son due to these terrorist activities. Im also continually losing my known ones , my class fellow lost her brother in a attack on shia who was only 18 , my Bhabhi also lost her cousin sangat in quetta blast on lawyers , a young man wanted to be a lawyer , her mother had so many dreams , the only son in the family.
Almost most of families in quetta have lost someone due to these terrorist attacks and thus it's the duty of state to protect the citizens. If the state isn't doing it's duty properly , then you should expect this separatists etc etc.
I don't support modis stance and indias support for balochistan , but I expect justice and equality for people of my province from the government of pakistan.
With all these problems , we are still characterised as the ' low standard ' .
So India now officially support sistan-balochistan separation from Iran.....time to divide India into many states.
India needs to support Baloch rights in Chabahar as well: Naela Quadri Baloch
Naela Quadri Baloch

SHWETA DESAI | Sun, 16 Oct 2016-07:00am , dna
Prominent separatist leader Naela Quadri Baloch in her second visit to India, is laying the groundwork for a ‘government in exile' by building public consensus.

Weeks before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's August 15 Red Fort speech, when he mentioned human rights atrocities by Pakistan in Balochistan, prominent separatist leader Naela Quadri Baloch had been quietly meeting policy makers, retired military generals, intellectuals and rights groups, making a case for Indian intervention in Balochistan.

The feisty leader, in her second visit to India, is laying the groundwork for a ‘government in exile' by building public consensus. In a conversation with DNA's Shweta Desai, Quadri talks about how helping Balochistan will help India kill two birds with one stone – weaken Pakistan and its sponsoring of terrorism, and give a safe passage to Indian in Eurasia.

You faced trouble in getting a visa to India and had to miss an important seminar on Balochistan liberation in Delhi...
I applied for the visa from Kabul, where I have been staying for a year now. Normally, visa for India is cleared in three days. Mine got delayed, although I applied a month ago. They first said it was 'out of our mandate'. Later I heard foreign minister Sushma Swaraj had to intervene.

Since Modi's speech, the cause of Baloch liberation has caught public attention in India.
In my first visit, I went to different cities and met various rights groups, women's organisations, students groups and received a positive response. We have received support from the Rashtriya Swayamwevak Sangh (RSS) and Muslim organisations. There were lots of questions and counter-questions, but they all finally agreed that it is in India's interest to take up the cause of Balochistan liberation. As a first step, we got the moral intervention when PM Modi made the speech. We now need India's consensus for a 'government in exile'.

What case did you present?
Independent Balochistan will benefit India first in security. Weakening Pakistan will weaken the terrorism being sponsored from there. It will also help in containing China, which is developing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and prevent it from setting up a base in Indian Ocean. Thirdly, it will provide a safe and short passage to India in Eurasia, which it can get in Balochistan through the sea route. This is beneficial for India to get its resources, gas, oil from the region as its energy requirement will double by 2030.

But Balochistan has no say in any of the projects or policies of Iran, Pakistan or Afghanistan where the province is spread. So how will it help India?
Balochis are not helpless. India is developing the Chabahar port in Iran, which is in occupied Sistan Baloch province. We welcome India. Why is China so insecure and not able to move freely in the province for its CPEC project? (Armed Baloch insurgents attack Chinese employees in Balochistan as it opposes Pakistan's occupation and Chinese involvement.) We don't want the same to happen to Indian nationals in Chabahar as we love and respect India.

What do you expect from India in the development of Chabahar port?
We want India to emphasise to Iran and Afghanistan to protect the human rights of Baloch nationals living in their region. Iranian forces have already started killing Baloch people and displacing villages for the development of ports, like the ones in Kumb-Moradabad and Roshanabad.

Pakistan's development of Gwadar port for China has resulted in the genocide of our people and now Iranians are doing the same in Chabahar. India can't criticise human rights atrocities against Balochs in Pakistan and ignore those being committed in Iran. It needs to take a stand.

You are here to form a government in exile. What is its mechanism?
This will be a representative government for 40 million Baloch nationals all over the world. Our liberation movement has trained us in creating democratic political structures like the Baloch Students Organisation, which has numerous units. We will ask the Baloch people to follow this pattern and elect representatives/councillors and send them to India. They will be facilitated in India for a National Council Session here. They will create a constitution; adopt a flag and national anthem, which will be recognised by the council. There will be elections among councillors, after which a cabinet will be formed. We want this process to be autonomous by the Balochs, for the Balochs and of the Balochs and no interference from India. We want India to provide moral, logistical support and resources to create this government.


India definitely has support of America over this that hates Iran and wants to keep it focused against China. Pakistan is a hurdle and Afghanistan is dispensable . so no love lost
it might approach Jundullah via Afghanistan and use its experience with TTP as well against Shia Iran.. its all pure business anyway and the profits and fruits are much more and higher than a lone port project with Iran which India can sacrifice.
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