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India is now officially hosting separatists threatening Iran.

There is no way India is going to support anything that has to do with Sistan or Iran. Modi said only about Baluchistan and nothing about Sistan.
Hypocrisy at its peak
If your supporting balochs because of so called human right violation than why in Pakistan only why not in Iran
Hypocrisy at its peak
If your supporting balochs because of so called human right violation than why in Pakistan only why not in Iran

Maybe ideological reasons because Chanakya says “your neighbor is your worst enemy but the neighbor of your neighbor is your friend“.
Maybe ideological reasons because Chanakya says “your neighbor is your worst enemy but the neighbor of your neighbor is your friend“.
Than Indians should not try to act mahan
They aren't supporting balochistan because of any human rights violations
They don't have any sympathies with them they are just using them for there own interest
Wait a minute, does she know what the hell is she talking about, Do you really think India is to going to help Balochistan free from Iran, maybe this treacherous idiot has been watching too many bollywood movies.If Iran senses India is going to create trouble then India will have to say bye bye to chahabar forever.

Its a case of dog biting the owner...thats all...!
We have a drone base in baluchestan for a reason !

Wait is she the same Afghani whi claimed to be Baloch?
First they had a bastard(brahmdagh doggy) now they have brought in a bitch to bark at us...see !!! this is what happens when u free a slave nation ( hindus) which has slavery in their blood for thousands of years...more u give them leverage...more they will practice their evil deeds...pakistan may also provide platform for governments in exile of Sikhs, naxals, nagas, tamils etc and china should recognize them...that would be a cherry on the topping...Pardon me for i never used harsh words for anybody but some people earn such reputation through their relentless, persistant and untiring efforts...
Nothing is going to happen to the Iranian part of Baluchestan

By creating instability in Pakistan's Balouchistan you inevitably create instability in the Iranian territory of Balouchistan especially when that has been a problem region and a massive area of concern for Iran, too. Fucking moron!
He was caught red handed and now he will provide some inside details of Indian plans which means more monkeys will be hunt down.

Man he is in your custody for last so many months, and you still believe that he would have more to revile, if it's really so, then you don't trust your own intelligence agency's interrogation skills.:lol:
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