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India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

Don't misunderstand son. We don't really give 2 hoots for those Indians Muslims either, but Kashmiris are our people as they themselves chose Pakistan., and to this day fly the Pak flag.
You and I both know if the Prince of J&K was not Hindu/Sikh, then Kashmir would've been part of Pakistan today.

what's your defn of kashmir ? Does it include GB ?
I don't think so. The Indian foreign policy towards Pakistan is in line with the US/Zionist policy of weakening the nation through proxy means. India is continuing it's brutal systematic abuse of Kashmiri's.

Crap videos? You guys love the BBC. :rofl:

Heard that Bharti?

More than of a quarter of million Kashmiris were shouting Pakistan Zindabad.
It's difficult to be friends with a nation who will likely reward Mr Modi with the Prime Ministers job. India cries about Hafiz Saeed(allegations) but they reward their terrorist with political power.
It's difficult to be friends with a nation who will likely reward Mr Modi with the Prime Ministers job. India cries about Hafiz Saeed(allegations) but they reward their terrorist with political power.

watchout or the taliban may takeover Pakistan !! Btw Modi is not yet a PM
Yes; peaceful to the point the grand majority of Baloch side with Pakistan; save a few misguided Bugti-worshippers.

Same applies to situation in valley

So it's only you Bhartis that want to steal their land. Your intentions have been exposed.

No we aren't stealing land !! they are most welcome to live there if they give up seperatism and even if not and they Protest peacefully.Armed rebels will be dealt with bullet in the chest

Kashmir was ours ever before the Idea of Pakistan came up in mind of Jinnah
you are free to take them in pakistan

No can do; you're expecting the people to leave their own land because of your own greediness?
Kashmiris will join Pakistan, and their will bring their land with them.
watchout or the taliban may takeover Pakistan !! Btw Modi is not yet a PM

Taliban don't have a political party in Pakistan. lol On the other hand India's largest opposition is fascist Hindutva party who may get into power soon. You really couldn't make it up!
Kashmir was ours ever before the Idea of Pakistan came up in mind of Jinnah

The idea of Pakistan was coined by Sir Allama Iqbal; who happens to be our national poet as well. Jinnah merely took up his idea and (successfully) pushed it forward.
Besides, 'Kashmir' was ours thing really doesn't matter as most of Punjab and Sindh 'were also yours'.
Not to mention, the Kashmiris have always had a shared religion and culture with the people of Punjab.
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