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India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

India has short term goals and long-term ones.

Short term goals regarding Pakistan can change from time to time; but their long-term goal has always been integration of Pakistani state into India. They won't forget their convictions of 'Akhand Bharat'. It's time, Pakistanis also remember why the need for a separate homeland for Muslims of India arose.
Ḥashshāshīn;2853897 said:
Give us proof that Hafeez Saeed is behind the attacks.

We did !! but then off-course that lunatic is been shielded

India has short term goals and long-term ones.

Short term goals regarding Pakistan can change from time to time; but their long-term goal has always been integration of Pakistani state into India. They won't forget their convictions of 'Akhand Bharat'. It's time, Pakistanis also remember why the need for a separate homeland for Muslims of India arose.

We don't care about "Akhand bharat",it was for good we separated

If Pakistan stop's interfering in our internal matters that is Kashmir and seek Peace with us we have no issue with Pakistan
It is a welcome change. India never saw Pakistan as an enemy. India don't wanted to be bounded by Pakistan. Pakistan for Indians is just another country with which we would like to have good relationship.
yes, just like north korea and south korea will be enemies forever.

btw.. are you the north or the south?

North Korea and South Korea come from the same mother. India and Pakistan are 2 different states with different ethnicities...
If Pakistan stop's interfering in our internal matters that is Kashmir and seek Peace with us we have no issue with Pakistan

No can do; we can't start ignoring the IA killing in Kashmir, after all they are our people.

We don't care about "Akhand bharat",it was for good we separated

Most of your brethren don't agree with you
North Korea and South Korea come from the same mother. India and Pakistan are 2 different states with different ethnicities...

For some god-damn North Indians, who keep on thinking that we are 'same', I agree with you. The biggest thing that irritates an Indian is when somebody start bringing in Pakistan in the discussions. We never wanted to be associated with Pakistan. India has it own path to thread.
No can do; we can't start ignoring the IA killing in Kashmir, after all they are our people.

Your people ?? Where does that Brotherhood disappear when Chinese forces kills Muslims in Xinjiang

You don't care about Kashmiris,All Pakistan care about is that large chunk of land

Mr.Ayaz amir has admitted that Pakistan has done no good to kashmir cause infact pakistan is responsible for damaging the kashmir cause

What did pakistan achieve inflicting militancy in Kashmir for last 2 decades ? Nothing

can Pakistan take back Kashmir with Military means ? No

Can Pakistan expect India to leave kashmir ? No

can Pakistan fight for kashmir any Longer ? doesn't seem like,they are already facing the music all around from other lunatics
Your people ?? Where does that Brotherhood disappear when Chinese forces kills Muslims in Xinjiang

You don't care about Kashmiris,All Pakistan care about is that large chunk of land

Mr.Ayaz amir has admitted that Pakistan has done no good to kashmir cause infact pakistan is responsible for damaging the kashmir cause

What did pakistan achieve inflicting militancy in Kashmir for last 2 decades ? Nothing

can Pakistan take back Kashmir with Military means ? No

Can Pakistan expect India to leave kashmir ? No

can Pakistan fight for kashmir any Longer ? doesn't seem like,they are already facing the music all around from other lunatics

Mr. Ayaz Amir is a member of PML-N Party. A.K.A (Nawaz Sharrif's Party).
This is a Kashmiri Party. Though he is not a Kashmiri himself, i can understand his personal stance. If he keeps saying this stuff then soon he will find himself in a lower position....
Look at these Indians. One missile with Russian technology and they are walking around strutting their stuff. Pakistan will still fight against the human rights violators.
Look at these Indians. One missile with Russian technology and they are walking around strutting their stuff. Pakistan will still fight against the human rights violators.

Human right's violation ?

Son,you have a habit of making fool of yourself everytime !! Do you know that Pakistani establishment/Army kills it's own people by Allowing Some foreign military to carry out drone attacks.That's a gross Human right violation.

Is everything peaceful in Balochistan ?
Your people ?? Where does that Brotherhood disappear when Chinese forces kills Muslims in Xinjiang

Don't misunderstand son. We don't really give 2 hoots for those Indians Muslims either, but Kashmiris are our people as they themselves chose Pakistan., and to this day fly the Pak flag.
You and I both know if the Prince of J&K was not Hindu/Sikh, then Kashmir would've been part of Pakistan today.
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