This is something which must be told to the world at large because The Times of India is the largest-selling newspaper in Maharashtra.
What you are reading is just piffle and trash which has no relevance to the common man. But it is cloaked in excellent English to entice people to buy the newspaper.
The Editor of The Times of India is presently a man called Jaideep Bose. He is a Bengali specially brought in by the Vice Chairman Samir Jain to see what he can do to take care of the competition , namely the Hindustan Times and DNA, which were launched less than a year ago.
Bose is a mentally sick man who has been accused of immoral activities in the past. He apparently has a glad eye for women and uses the enormous power which the management has given him to force permanent journalists out of their jobs. He then takes young people on contract and offers them high wages to do what the management wants them to do.
A clear case is that of the Editor of the Bombay Times, Gauri Sinh. She was a former model who walked the ramp and knows nothing about journalism. Apparently, she is a mistress of Jaideep Bose and that is why she was offered the job of Editor of Bombay Times.
As per the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867, Bose has to put his name on the imprint line of the newspaper. But he does not do so. For all intents and purposes, he is an anonymous fixer and wheeler and dealer...................................
Read the full story.
Hmm really interesting point.
Yep I can see why they would do the thing below.
The Times of India is just some looney news group just go on there and read about any article about Pakistan and it is pure propoganda and hate.