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India is humiliatedbby Modi and BJP

May 17, 2015
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I consider todays with drawal of indian soldiers from doklam as our defeat and chin's victory...chinese govt officially released a statement saying only indians retreated and they will continue to exercise their full sovereignty over doklam..indian govt didnt release any statement why it has asked its soldiers to withdraw. There is no mention of china agreeing to stop road construction..let us not fool ourselves ...we lost and humiliated..if we dont have guts or strength ,why confronting a powerful country? What did wenachievenafter all this? I have started to hate modi.
I consider todays with drawal of indian soldiers from doklam as our defeat and chin's victory...chinese govt officially released a statement saying only indians retreated and they will continue to exercise their full sovereignty over doklam..indian govt didnt release any statement why it has asked its soldiers to withdraw. There is no mention of china agreeing to stop road construction..let us not fool ourselves ...we lost and humiliated..if we dont have guts or strength ,why confronting a powerful country? What did wenachievenafter all this? I have started to hate modi.
There is a lot we have achieved. Time never ends today.

1. Next time if chinese play this game they can't give the same solution as this time.
2. chinese have clearly removed their construction equipments and their soldiers withdrawn to pre-conflict position.
3. They can never lay road or even a egg at Doklam again.
4. They have legitimized India's intervention in case of future misbehavior.
5. The place is disputed without doubt.
I consider todays with drawal of indian soldiers from doklam as our defeat and chin's victory...chinese govt officially released a statement saying only indians retreated and they will continue to exercise their full sovereignty over doklam..indian govt didnt release any statement why it has asked its soldiers to withdraw. There is no mention of china agreeing to stop road construction..let us not fool ourselves ...we lost and humiliated..if we dont have guts or strength ,why confronting a powerful country? What did wenachievenafter all this? I have started to hate modi.

Are you crazy or what?

India did the splendid job on Doklam. Status quo has been achieved . China would patrol the region so do Bhutan as they have been doing in the past.

P.S. I am not a fan of BJP as evident by my pic. But here india did a splendid job. 10 in 10 marks for Modi and Doval.
Don't be so emotive man, China has no mean to contain India with Donglang affaire and certainly not mean to cut India's chicken neck, I think China and India should settle peace over this region for ever, just let Bhutan go to have diplomatic relation with China instead of spend energy and resource to compete each other over influence, both can take cooperative attitude and concentrate both of our energy to taking more serious issues.

There is a lot we have achieved. Time never ends today.

1. Next time if chinese play this game they can't give the same solution as this time.
2. chinese have clearly removed their construction equipments and their soldiers withdrawn to pre-conflict position.
3. They can never lay road or even a egg at Doklam again.
4. They have legitimized India's intervention in case of future misbehavior.
5. The place is disputed without doubt.

Just claim not fact :lol:
Well India originally claimed that Donglang was 100% Bhutan's territory, and that they had to protect Bhutan due to their mutual defence treaty.

So they have climbed down quite a lot, now they are fine with a permanent Chinese military presence in Donglang.
I consider todays with drawal of indian soldiers from doklam as our defeat and chin's victory...chinese govt officially released a statement saying only indians retreated and they will continue to exercise their full sovereignty over doklam..indian govt didnt release any statement why it has asked its soldiers to withdraw. There is no mention of china agreeing to stop road construction..let us not fool ourselves ...we lost and humiliated..if we dont have guts or strength ,why confronting a powerful country? What did wenachievenafter all this? I have started to hate modi.
We must not over play after getting assurances from chinese otherwise we will be losing the goodwill.

We had a definite objective and we pulled off once it was met. It was never our territory to begin with.
Well India originally claimed that Donglang was 100% Bhutan's territory, and that they had to protect Bhutan due to their mutual defence treaty.

So they have climbed down quite a lot, now they are fine with a permanent Chinese military presence in Donglang.

Do you have the full details of the negotiation perchance?
Because the whole reason for this standoff was the contentious road. Have the Chinese claimed that road construction will go on?
If not, what has changed pre-doklam?
The land in contention was disputed between the Chinese and Bhutanese.
Bhutan has not given up its claim (unless you can show me otherwise), and the Chinese have always patrolled this area pre-doklam, as have the Bhutan Royal guards.

So again, where is the "climb down" except in terms of escalation of the conflict, which you will agree serves all three parties equally!

What has changed though is the Indian prep in the North East and a high state of alert moving forward.
Well India originally claimed that Donglang was 100% Bhutan's territory, and that they had to protect Bhutan due to their mutual defence treaty.

So they have climbed down quite a lot, now they are fine with a permanent Chinese military presence in Donglang.
India was already saying that they wanted things back to status quo and India got what they wanted. Goal achieved. Technically speaking, china wanted unilateral withdrawal of Indian forces therefore, it lost to achieve its objective.

There is no presence of anyone and it will be mutually monitored and patrolled by all three partner in the territory.
India was already saying that they wanted things back to status quo and India got what they wanted. Goal achieved. Technically speaking, china wanted unilateral withdrawal of Indian forces therefore, it lost to achieve its objective.

There is no presence of anyone and it will be mutually monitored and patrolled by all three partner in the territory.
China declare that it will patroll in donglang area clearly,but india or bhutan dare not to declare that ..that's the differences..but I dont call this as china's victory..if china build the road again and india ignore it ,that can be seen as china's victory..but if china never build the road ,that's india's victory ..so this stand-off dont end..BBC's report is neutral.. One question remains - will the road that started this dispute now be built or abandoned?
How many times in the whole human history a much weaker country wins a confrontation against a much stronger opponent who is several times more powerful than them. let common sense state.
Well India originally claimed that Donglang was 100% Bhutan's territory, and that they had to protect Bhutan due to their mutual defence treaty.
So they have climbed down quite a lot, now they are fine with a permanent Chinese military presence in Donglang.
Issue was Construction of road which India objected. As long as no road is built, India is happy.
How many times in the whole human history a much weaker country wins a confrontation against a much stronger opponent who is several times more powerful than them. let common sense state.
Unfortunately, the indian tails are up, they feel that they have stared you down and can actually win a confrontation because China blustered and threatened but did not escalate. I know in the background China must have twisted Indian arms but the Indians feel this is a fait accompli and have achieved their objectives. I predict an embolden India vis-a-vis China and she can now present reasonable credentials to the USA as a bona fide partner to rein in the dragon. I hope the Chinese have other, maybe covert, options to keep India in place.
I consider todays with drawal of indian soldiers from doklam as our defeat and chin's victory...chinese govt officially released a statement saying only indians retreated and they will continue to exercise their full sovereignty over doklam..indian govt didnt release any statement why it has asked its soldiers to withdraw. There is no mention of china agreeing to stop road construction..let us not fool ourselves ...we lost and humiliated..if we dont have guts or strength ,why confronting a powerful country? What did wenachievenafter all this? I have started to hate modi.

If nothing else, we know how will China react under pressure "Warning Marathon".

Indian Army is still not faraway from location, If China starts anything , we could reach there in matter of hours.And more Warning follows:D

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