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India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously: Indian Army chief

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Its a wet dream for many for decades but still we are here stronger than ever..and will be here... so keep on having wet dreamz :smitten: :wave:

:victory: see the mentality. These people have been telling us that India will loose a war, because China will destroy us. But they fail to realize that if (this scenario) ever comes up; Pakistan will be in hands of Indian Armed Forces.

Seiko wet dreams remind people of Kapoor and party lol

You, and Kayani remind me of wet dreams of defending Pakistan against India.
Seiko wet dreams remind people of Kapoor and party lol

dude I dont know members here choose to be ignorant about this subject or not ..But we are pointing out many many times in the forum that it was a counter measure taken by military incase If China and Pakistan attacks India..It means its not offensive just defensive..I dont know people keep ignoring the fact ..As a General its his duty to protect our country and keep us safe..And by this statement he has given us assurances...No need become paranoid..and he gave that statement very well in reality because in future you cant ruled out a combines Chinese-Pak attack against us...
dude I dont know members here choose to be ignorant about this subject or not ..But we are pointing out many many times in the forum that it was a counter measure taken by military incase If China and Pakistan attacks India..It means its not offensive just defensive..I dont know people keep ignoring the fact ..As a General its his duty to protect our country and keep us safe..And by this statement he has given us assurances...No need become paranoid..and he gave that statement very well in reality because in future you cant ruled out a combines Chinese-Pak attack against us...

The issue is that India is going to crash China and Pakistan in 96 hours that is interesting. I do not believe that the US has that capability. Indian military like to talk big. So big that even the US has trouble doing. Of course, the Indian guys in here is going to say that just because US can't do it, it doesn't mean that India can't.

Let me tell you India guys. Unless you guys are going to compare India's military capability of India vs the US. Just accept one simple fact. What the US is not capable of, India certainly is not capable of. Such as the Anti -ICBM ABM. So stop bragging that India is going to come up with a anti-ICBM ABM. US is superior to India in ALL facet of defensive capabilties, weapons and technologies. Let me know if you diagree.
So India couldn't even develop LCA without engine assistance from others. LCA project took over 20+ years.

I would regard the US as miles ahead of others in engine development.

US couldn't develop anti-ICBM ABM. It took 20+ years with no results. This project's failure is to US like how LCA is to India.

Now, India is about to develop anti-ICBM ABM when India cannot even develop its own ICBM. Get real. Except for the BR guys in here, its a total joke. I don't think India can develop it without alien assistance. US certainly cannot help.

Faith why are you comparing LCA with our missile programme..with the sucessful lauch of rockets by ISRO India has already prooved its capabel of making missile..offcource we had our share of failure in space launching too..now look at where we stand now in space technology..

And also ABM is a very much reality and all its experiments were success till now..whats joke in it?..as you know if it was a failure our govt,DRDO nor media is not afraid to confirm that its a failure..so i dont think its a joke..

As Amarnath pointed out we have our own engine and we are trying to increase its power..its a new territory for us and we are working from the scratch and failures are due to happen..its not wise to say that every experiment of weapons is a sucess..every country even your technological superior US has its share of failures when devaloping a new weapons..

You think Chinese are good at technological devalopment is because they dont inform any one about the failure..can you find any article regarding the testing of weapons by Chinese..we know only about Chinese weapons only after induction..nobody know after how many failures and test its inducted in to the military
Unfortunately, Today India has not learnt from its past mistakes and is still reeling from Arrogance and overconfidence as it did in 1962 when it was romped and pleaded ceasfire to China and in 1948 to Pakistan.

Ohh we very much learned from our previous mistakes buddy..Our neighbours took our gesture of friendship as our weakness ..This resulted in 1962 and Kargil war..we learned from our mistakes and this article is a very good example of we dont want to repeat those mistakes
Fighting two nuclear armed countries simultaneously and the indian consider it professional!!

BTW, what was the indian defence budget last time? i never knew it crossed that of the americans!

Armies have been reluctant to even open a second front that too within the actual/primary theater of war and here we see a claim that boasts that one can fight two different armies who would fight over different terrains, with different tactics, technology and weaponry and who would have a different mission in mind while the fight out a single country (india)


Yes it is clear, that the indians need to secure their both cheeks (i'll not point out which ones)-from Pakistan and China, but the million dollar question is, how would you do that?

May be by crying out to the world that "When it comes to defence we (india) dont stand anywhere when compared to Pakistan"

Or may be by the statement of your top brass that openly declared that the indian Army is not battle worth/is unfit for war till 2027: Not battle-ready before 2027, admits Indian Army IDRW.ORG

Or may be by getting pissed off by the fake hypes where your COAS would say: "Pak does not wish for prolonged peace in India" and "Pakistan goes beyond nuclear deterrence."

If india thinks that issuing childish statements could have influenced behaviors, there was no need for you people to explode the bomb in '74, you could have acted CHILDISH back then and it would have done the job.

And oh yes, shooting blanks inside the bed would not yield offspring, i hope you know that!

Xeric i dont understand a think tank like you also getting in to this band wagon of people saying that India is going to attack China and Pakistan..As a think tank you know very well that a combined Pak-Chinese attack on India is very much a possibility in the event of a war..and An army chief who is responsible for the security of a nation said we are getting prepared to defend the nation if it is attacked by these countries ...How is it be a act of war mongering??note that he said we are getting ready...Is this kind of battle plans are already in place in both China and Pakistan??I mean to protect the sovereignty of their own nation?Recent acquisitions of weapons by India are mainly for this reasons..
The issue is that India is going to crash China and Pakistan in 96 hours that is interesting. I do not believe that the US has that capability. Indian military like to talk big. So big that even the US has trouble doing. Of course, the Indian guys in here is going to say that just because US can't do it, it doesn't mean that India can't.

Let me tell you India guys. Unless you guys are going to compare India's military capability of India vs the US. Just accept one simple fact. What the US is not capable of, India certainly is not capable of. Such as the Anti -ICBM ABM. So stop bragging that India is going to come up with a anti-ICBM ABM. US is superior to India in ALL facet of defensive capabilties, weapons and technologies. Let me know if you diagree.

Faithful guy this is problem of commenting after reading your countrymen's posts and not reading the article ..Its says

The plan is a full thrust assault into multiple anomies at the same time with massive Air Force superiority. If attacked by Pakistan and china at the same time, India will launch self-contained and highly-mobile `battle groups'', with Russian-origin T-90S tanks and upgraded T-72 M1 tanks at their core, adequately backed by far superior air cover and artillery fire assaults, for rapid thrusts into enemy territory within 96 hours.

Where it says India is going to thrash Pakistan and China in 96 hours?it only says rapid thrust in to enemy territory..Its not about bragging..its the objective of Indian Army in case of war..Every battle plan has an objective..i am sure that you knw that,...And i dont see any one calls that bragging

And for AAD and PAD every test we did regarding it was a sucess..so we are very much proud of it.. :) .I agree that US is superiror to India to every technology but still US is also importing weapons ;) and also i dont know whats the problem of India developing its own ABM..Its clear that we are not afraid of acknowledging the failures
I think we have MAD rabid General in charge of powerful nuclear Armed India.

Its must worrying for India.s neighbours.

Wat silly statement to make.

India is growing nicely.

$275 billion in forex. $1.2 trillion GDP

why risk this ?????

Buddy we are not risking anything..we are just being precautious..How can a general stating that he is getting his army ready for defending any possible attacks by the neighbours is considered as a MAD rabid General??In that case every general in every army is a MAD rabid general :) ..Feel free to disagree
Well known FACTS= Chinese beat the hell out of Indians in 1962,

Will it be more reasonable for our mighty Indians to take their

"Sweet Revenge" ? :smitten::pakistan::china:

Come and show the world whats you make of, we are waiting, HaHa

While chestthumping about 1962 how convinently you are forgetting about 1967 ,in the dream of repeating 1962 again your countrymen dare to attack India again and got a bloody nose and never ever tried to attack India again..you said the right thing truth always hurts :smitten: :china:
u sure indian is diffrent from 1962?
history is a teacher,u should learn from that .u indian say that"India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously" i know u still in dream,what make u so nonsense:D
indian and pakistan of same weight?u win in 65, 71 ,99 if that kind of victory can say indian is diffrent?lol

"India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously" lol
i think indian now just like 1962,u learn nothing from the failue

Hope this thinking is same in your military too..you know over confidence of you military is a big advantage for us :) ...

u make me laugth indians
in 1962 ,we capture many wepon from u,the weapon from usa\russian and other country,to shame u,we clean the weapon and sent back to u lol
u mean that chinese make weapon (chinese make )not as good as the weapon indian buys from russian:taz:
No Unpromising
can you tell me the big country who Strengthening the national defense just to buy? lol
yes indians,just to buy ,u can buy to be a great country if u r richer than china,and next time,we still ciean the capture weapon and give back to u

Thanks for cleaning the weapons we very much appreciated that...Yes Chinese make are not as good as Russian..even your trusted frinds Pakistan is having western avionics in your plane..shows the superioirty of Chinese weapons..You cant even take over Taiwan with a millions of soldiers there and 1000's of missiles..remember Taiwan is buying most of the weapons ;) ..so keep boasting about the wet dreamz you have
While chestthumping about 1962 how convinently you are forgetting about 1967 ,in the dream of repeating 1962 again your countrymen dare to attack India again and got a bloody nose and never ever tried to attack India again..you said the right thing truth always hurts :smitten: :china:

My dear, please stop shooting face saving BS about a so-called

1967 victory without creditable source to support
, and please

hurt me with some truth. I am waiting, please pretty please !!

Its a wet dream for many for decades but still we are here stronger than ever..and will be here... so keep on having wet dreamz :smitten: :wave:

What is this called

.That is the reason why Lt-General A S Lamba of Indian Army is so keen a massive thrust into Rawalpindi to quiet Pakistanis within 48 hours of the start of assault.
What is this called

Emo yaar it says Lamba is keen to reach there in 48 hours..its the objective..he is not claiming that he can reach there in 48 hours..hope you understand the difference ...
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