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India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously: Indian Army chief

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My english is bad????!!!!!!!!

yes i think so . hahahaha
Shame on you, having such dirty talks...

If you deliberately substitute yellow and dirty for Chinese style, I will substitute nigger for indian style.


Don't be such a drama queen Communist,
most members in here know you are from India !
Indian soldiers practicing to fight on two fronts

Army jawan kills two colleagues before shooting himself in Bihar

AURANGABAD (Bihar): A 'drunk' Special Auxiliary Police jawan allegedly gunned down two of his colleagues before killing himself following a quarrel over a trivial issue in the district, police said today.

During patrolling in Khairi village, the jawan Fulwendra Singh entered into an argument with his colleagues fired from his official carbine killing Balkishore Singh and Anil Singh on the spot last night.

Police suspect that the jawan was in a drunken state. He later committed suicide by shooting himself, police said.

The three bodies were brought here for autopsy.
India’s new war doctrine

Mohammad Jamil

India is preparing for a possible ‘two-front war’ with China and Pakistan, Indian newspaper reported on Wednesday. According to newspaper’s report, Indian Army is now revising its five-year-old doctrine to effectively meet the challenges of war with China and Pakistan, deal with asymmetric and fourth-generation warfare, and enhance strategic reach and joint operations with IAF and Navy. Work on the new war doctrine - to reflect the reconfiguration of threat perceptions and security challenges - is already underway under the aegis of Shimla-based Army Training Command. The head of the command Lt General AS Lamba went so far as to say that a massive thrust in Rawalpindi to quiet Pakistanis within 48 hours of the start of the assault. “The armed forces have to substantially enhance their strategic reach and out-of-area capabilities to protect India’s geo-political interests stretching from Persian Gulf to Malacca Strait. This would enable us to protect our island territories; as also give assistance to the littoral states in the Indian Ocean Region,” said General Kapoor.

In beginning November, Pakistan’s defence analysts had reported about India’s planning for so-called ‘Cold Start’ strategy and preparing for a limited war against Pakistan. General Kapoor’s statement on 24th November 2009 confirmed the hegemonic thrust of India’s nuclear doctrine. Indian Army Chief had indicated that India was setting the stage for a limited war against Pakistan since long. Despite the fact that efforts are afoot to downplay India-China border dispute and rivalry, there is a consensus among defence analysts that Arunachal is a flashpoint like or even more than Taiwan. Bharat Verma, editor Indian Defence Review, in his article titled ‘Unmasking China’ in July/September 2009 issue, had presaged that there could be a war during the month of October 2009 between India and China, which luckily did not happen.

China claims some 90000 square kilometer of Arunachal Pradesh, which was once a part of Tibet. But India takes the plea that it is part of India, which it inherited from the British Raj. The first Chinese Premier Zhou En Lai had written to Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru rejecting latter’s contention that the border was based on 1914 treaty of Simla Convention, adding that Chinese government had not accepted McMohan Line as legal. It appears that Asia is going to be the next theatre of war, thanks to the US and the West’s machinations and India’s ambitions to be a regional power with their support. Recent events in Tibet and Xinjiang however have sparked regional concerns. Bharat Verma, editor of the Indian Defence Review, in an interview with Times of India had claimed that “China would attack India before 2012 to divert the attention of its own people from unprecedented internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems that are threatening the hold of Communists in that country”.

In fact, the global financial meltdown and recession have impacted China least, as it has recorded more than 7% growth as compared to 2 to 3% of the most stable economies of the world. Anyhow India’s talk of possibility of war with China is to attract attention of the US and the West with a view to having further concessions and help to strengthen India’s armed forces. Chinese leadership remains well composed as usual and does not intend to create war frenzy. In 1962, when India tried to flex its muscles, Chinese troops had advanced to 48 kilometers in Assam plains and also occupied Indian forces’ strategic posts in Ladakh. The border clashes with China were a direct consequence of the Tibetan problem that cropped up when the Dalai Lama had fled to India. Since then it has become a flashpoint that could spark a war between the two nuclear-armed neighbours.

Over the years, both countries held series of negotiations to resolve the territorial dispute but to no avail. But after British Foreign Office clarification on 29th October 2008 admitting that Tibet was part of China, India should have reviewed its policy of claim on Arunachal. Britain should also give its version on Kashmir dispute, as this dispute also owes its origin to British Raj. It should support the United Nations Security Resolution giving the people of Kashmir the right to join Pakistan or India through the UN supervised plebiscite, international community.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Pakistan’s stability has always been the cornerstone of China’s foreign policy. China and Pakistan signed a deal in 2006 to upgrade the Karakoram Highway, which runs from the trading city of Kashgar in China’s far western Xinjiang region to Gilgit in Pakistan and on to Islamabad. Chinese President Hu Jintao had rejected the Indian protest over Chinese help to Pakistan and vowed that China would continue to support projects in Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas.

On the other hand, Chinese government had strongly protested over Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh, and had expressed its anger over the planned visit of Dalai Lama to Arunachal Pradesh. China had however warned that there should no political speeches, and Dalai Lama avoided any political statement during the trip, as he did not like to exacerbate the tension between China and India.A few months ago, according to Indian press reports China’s soldiers, helicopters and even fighter jets have been intruding in the disputed territory to slowly and steadily retrieve the area. Though Chinese media has never created hype about its territorial dispute with India, yet recently Chinese diplomats, intellectuals and leaders of the public opinion assert claims over Arunachal Pradesh. In May 2009, international media had carried reports that India has significantly upgraded its military prowess along the border it shares with China, deploying two army divisions along with a squadron of top-of-the-line Sukhoi Su-30MKI warplanes at a critical base in the north-east. Three Awacs command-and-control aircraft was also deployed to boost India’s ability to track troop and equipment movements on the Chinese side of the border.

Whereas the US seems to have invoked its policy of containing China and to create a situation to stymie its progress, Beijing is also making preparations to meet any eventuality, and building up its military strength to project power not only regionally but also to contend the US as a major player in global politics. Nevertheless, Chinese leaders hope that frictions can be contained and overwhelmed by the two nation’s shared interest in prosperity. Chinese leadership also understands that economic power is the most important and most essential factor in comprehensive national power, which is why China has all along focused on increasing its economic strength, keeping in mind that its military strength depends on the former.

Indian leadership should not exacerbate the tensions in Asia, and should understand the consequences of saber-rattling and ultimate war with two atomic states. It should also understand that during peace time, army generals should not come out with aggressive statements because that can be construed as declaration of war.
OCT can you please translate it brother.
Apreciate it very much thanks

Please translate to english and post again.

Why is this topic getting so much coverage?? I interpreted the article as a defensive one; where Gen Kapoor is refering to building capability to fight on two fronts as thats what Indian armed forces 'foresee' and 'fear'.

Interestingly, today also read an article basically accusing Britain of not helping India with intel inputs wrt terror plots etc. Does it mean Pakistan is a secret British 'tool' to be used against India and China....as and when required.

Chinese trust Pakistan blindly. Hmm...My Chinese friend..an enemy's enemy is not always a friend.

Food for thought...
Only some racist people in that country beat some innocent and fragile students. Also because Indians in that part of world are living a life of luxury which even some natives can not afford.

Also Indians are beaten every where cause they do not lick a$$. We live here with arrogance and proud. We know we have place to go back with our kids and family where we be able to earn our meals without restrictions.

We do not live in oppression anywhere. If someone still has doubt then he should ask Melbourne police chief himself. We do not give dam me, this is the main problem with a racist, they do not beat other those who lick bum with grace.
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OCT can you please translate it brother.Apreciate it very much thanks.LONG LIVE SINO-INDUS BROTHERHOOD

Column 2 shows China's #$%^^ size and the column next to it shows India's. Basically, shows how much larger is China as compared to India. Well, as you well know....India is much larger than Pakistan and it didnt stop you guys doing Kargil or launching 26/11attack or taking 1/3 of Kashmir by force.....

Now, that gives me a thought that the Chinese might be in for a headache called India..just like we have one called Pakistan....unless you want to start using the 'Martial races' crap theory again.
Gen. Kapoor's statement outlandish, says Gen. Tariq

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee General Tariq Majid on Saturday rubbished the Indian media report which states that the Indian Armed Forces are preparing to fight China and Pakistan.

"Leave alone China, General Deepak Kapoor knows very well what the Indian Armed Forces can not and what the Pakistan Armed Forces can pull off militarily," said General Tariq Majid.

He was responding to a question on the Indian Army Chief’s jingoistic pronouncement of Indian military preparations to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously.

General Majid said he doubted the veracity of the Indian media report attributed to General Kapoor, saying that "he (Kapoor) could not be so outlandish in strategic postulations to fix India on a self destruct mechanism."

General Majid further said that if the news report is correct, then the statements of Indian Army Chief are uncalled for and only "display a lack of strategic acumen." –DawnNews
Pakistan will be used by China to create adequate disturbance for Indian Military.That is the reason why Lt-General A S Lamba of Indian Army is so keen a massive thrust into Rawalpindi to quiet Pakistanis within 48 hours of the start of assault.

Ohh my god :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Gen. Kapoor's statement outlandish, says Gen. Tariq

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee General Tariq Majid on Saturday rubbished the Indian media report which states that the Indian Armed Forces are preparing to fight China and Pakistan.

"Leave alone China, General Deepak Kapoor knows very well what the Indian Armed Forces can not and what the Pakistan Armed Forces can pull off militarily," said General Tariq Majid.

He was responding to a question on the Indian Army Chief’s jingoistic pronouncement of Indian military preparations to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously.

General Majid said he doubted the veracity of the Indian media report attributed to General Kapoor, saying that "he (Kapoor) could not be so outlandish in strategic postulations to fix India on a self destruct mechanism."

General Majid further said that if the news report is correct, then the statements of Indian Army Chief are uncalled for and only "display a lack of strategic acumen." –DawnNews

Looks like General Tariq Majid is also :blah: like 80% in here without understanding the actual point. India has the right to defend itself, stop being paranoid about it ! Read the article first if you haven't cared to do so,

The plan is a full thrust assault into multiple anomies at the same time with massive Air Force superiority. If attacked by Pakistan and china at the same time, India will launch self-contained and highly-mobile `battle groups'', with Russian-origin T-90S tanks and upgraded T-72 M1 tanks at their core, adequately backed by far superior air cover and artillery fire assaults, for rapid thrusts into enemy territory within 96 hours.
Looks like General Tariq Majid is also :blah: like 80% in here without understanding the actual point. India has the right to defend itself, stop being paranoid about it ! Read the article first if you haven't cared to do so,

Paranoid my goodness BECK-HAM please, no one is denying Indian right to defend itself but a your COAS ehh 80% here would get what i mean :P

48 hours & they will reach Rawalpindi :rofl:

What else can u expect from mad lunatic COAS, wth is he smoking these days

& yeah if attacked by Pakistan and china at the same time

Dream on babes, is there any OPERATIONAL indian missile that can reach Beijing

PS: we are waiting for surgical strikes :haha:
Looks like General Tariq Majid is also :blah: like 80% in here without understanding the actual point. India has the right to defend itself, stop being paranoid about it ! Read the article first if you haven't cared to do so,

General Tariq isnt some crazy kid who wants to play WAR WAR or shout aloud about WAR or NUCLEAR WAR.Unlike gen kapoor whose acting like a kid with INSANE HALLUCINATIONS about Limited NUCLEAR war and now This utter B.S.
Think before you talk and See before you leap.
Two simple and basic points looney GENERALS from india should REMEMBER AND LEARN BY HEART.
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