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India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously: Indian Army chief

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China was sitting on her arse all these years? Tell one operational Missile that can hit Beijing

Don't tell me LCA will bomb Beijing :rofl:

China's Defense Budget
China's "Official" Budget

Every March, as part of its annual state budget, the Chinese release a single overall figure for national military expenditures.

In 2000, the official budget figure was approximately 14.6 billion, or 121 billion yuan. China increased its defense spending for the year by 17.7 percent.

In early 2001, China's publicly-acknowledged defense budget of over $17 billion for 2001 was higher than the defense budgets of neighboring countries India, Taiwan, and South Korea. Beijing explained this increase as a response to "drastic changes" in the military situation around the world, a reference to the US-led war in Kosovo in 1999.

In 2002, China increased military spending in 2002 by 17.6 percent, or $3 billion, bringing the publicly reported total to $20 billion.

China again increased its budget to $22 billion in 2003 (about 185.3 billion RMB).

China's defense budget continued to grow in 2004. Chinese Finance Minister Jin Renqing proposed an increase of 11.6 percent [$2.6 billion] in military expenditures. The government forecast total revenue for the central budget at $157 billion, up 7 percent [$10.9 billion] from 2003, with a 7 percent boost in overall spending from 2003. The country's $38.7 billion deficit was the same as 2003. Adding off-budget funding for foreign weapons system imports, total defense-related expenditures for 2004 were estimated at between $50 and $70 billion dollars by Richard Lawless, the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense.

The Information Office of China's State Council issued on 27 December 2004 a white paper titled "China's National Defense in 2004". Pursuant to the National Defense Law, the Chinese government follows the guiding principle of the coordinated development of national defense and economy.

In 2005, it was announced that China's military budget will rise 12.6 percent, to 247.7 billion yuan ($29.9 billion). China has announced double-digit increases in military spending nearly every year for more than a decade.

In March 2006 the Chinese government announced an official defense budget of about $35 billion for 2006, an increase of nearly 15 percent over the previous year.

Analysis of PRC budget data and International Monetary Fund (IMF) GDP data for the period of 1996 to 2006 shows average annual defense budget growth of 11.8 percent (infl ation adjusted) compared with average annual GDP growth of 9.2 percent (inflation adjusted). Of note, China’s 2006 Defense White Paper contains a similar analysis in stating that between 1990 and 2005 the defense budget grew by an average of 9.6 percent between, while China’s GDP over the same period grew in constant prices an average of 9.7 percent yearly, according to the IMF. The 1996-2006 data is a more useful measure, however, as it covers the period following the 1995 and 1996 Taiwan Strait crises and incorporates the 9th and 10th Five Year Plan periods (1996-2000 and 2001-2005, respectively) in which the post-Persian Gulf War reinvigoration of the PLA modernization drive would be fully reflected.

In March 2007, China announced that it would increase its annual defense budget by 17.8% over the previous year, to $45 billion.

In March 2008, China's State Council submitted a proposal to a National People's Congress session to consider the approval of 417.8 billion yuan -- about US$57.22 billion -- in defense spending for the country in 2008.

China announced a nearly 15 percent rise in military spending on 04 March 2009 — a smaller boost than in previous years — as the national legislature prepared to open its annual session with a focus firmly on overcoming the country's brewing economic crisis. The 14.9 percent increase in defense spending is the lowest in three years, a possible reflection of shifting priorities. The 480.68 billion yuan (US$70.27 billion) military budget follows a 17.6 percent increase last year and 17.8 percent in 2007 — the biggest jump in more than a decade. It also was the 19th double-digit percentage increase in the past two decades.

Military Spending

ohh BTW

That is not all. India is poised to spend well over $30 billion over the next four-five years to import military hardware and software, which will only serve to reinforce its position as the developing world's biggest arms buyer.

China, of course, spends much more -- its `declared' defence budget this year is $70 billion compared to India's $30 billion -- but it's difficult to do number-crunching about its military acquisitions, hiding as it does more than revealing.

Pakistan, on its part, is not too far behind. It even pipped India, for instance, in 2006 by notching up arms import deals worth $5.1 billion, compared to India's $3.5 billion.

Disclosing the defence ministry's official figures on Thursday, top sources said India spent Rs 62,672 crore on `direct capital acquisitions' in the 1999-2004 timeframe.

$50-bn defence deals since Kargil - India - The Times of India

Don't forget to click on the link :wave:

China was sitting on her arse all these years? Tell one operational Missile that can hit Beijing

Don't tell me LCA will bomb Beijing :rofl:

In a real war in that scenario Pakistan will be used by China to create adequate disturbance for Indian Military.That is the reason why Lt-General Lamba is keen to use a massive thrust into Pakistan quiet Pakistan as fast as possible.In this case India's action is offensive action against Pakistan (for defensive purpose). this involves having considerably large advantage (quantitative and qualitative) over the enemy,which we currently posses.:)

In case of China its defensive posture against Chinese aggression.Which doesn't require higher military advantage over the adversary.India’s advantage is the its capabilities in integrating signal intelligence with ground intelligence. As told in the report India will use seek and scan technology to counter the Chinese threats in the North and possible Pakistani nuclear threat in the West.

gud nyte.. :wave:
In a real war in that scenario Pakistan will be used by China to create adequate disturbance for Indian Military.That is the reason why Lt-General Lamba keen to use a massive thrust into Pakistan quiet Pakistan as fast as possible.In this case India's action is offensive action against Pakistan for defensive purpose. this involves having considerably large advantage (quantitative and qualitative) over the enemy,which we currently posses.

In case of Pakistan you have certain advantages no doubt about it
& your General lamb think they can reach the God damn Rawalpindi in just 48 hours using their Rapid thrust & PA will just sit on arse see it all been done, have you & your general Lamba got any sense, Is it so easy to reach Rawalpindi in 48 I repeat 48 hours
BECK-HAM the ans to this question is a simple NO, sorry if i broke your & general Lamba's dream

As told in the report India will use seek and scan technology to counter the Chinese threats in the North and possible Pakistani nuclear threat in the West.


You can destroy all our nukes, Ohh Sh!t we are doomed

& Chinese threat my dear they can destroy your Delhi with their dirt cheap missiles, WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO HIT BEIJING?? Tell me

Don't tell me we can do same with Islamabad because corning us means nukes & after all General Lmaba thought they will reach Rawalpindi in 48 hours with their Rapid Thrust & there will be no God damn response

PS: do those 50 Billion include replacement of Indian 'Duds' :P

DEEPAK KAPOOR, the biggest lunatic COAS of all times

HEIL KAPOOR!!! :smokin:

BTW Good Night & dream of 'BECKHAM a tank Commander commanding the Ar-junk to Rawalpindi'
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general kapoor talkin to himself:
we can do it:blah:
no we cat:hitwall:
we can

:we cant:hitwall,we cant:hitwall
Hell indians will believe my hallucination,
Who cares about reality:rofl:
WARNING To India: Dont Tempt Us

By: Faisal Awan

With too many Bollywood characters punctuating tiers of Lok Saba it seems like Bollywood action movie theme and mind set has inculcated in the hierarchy of the Indian Army to hilarious limits as well. The precedence of such mindset was exhibited by none other than its Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor, when he claimed “Indian army is ready to battle Pakistan and China at the same time”. This statement was further bolstered by Lt-General A S Lamba that “India within 48 hours of the start of assault can enter Pakistan”. The Indian Think Tanks and Indian Army are missing the cue that thrusting a war on Pakistan and entering Pakistan is by no means a Hindi Bollywood version of Adolf Hitler taking over Austria and Czechoslovakia or a Bollywood Remix version of “The Guns of Navarone”.

Indian government and army needs to understand that their unyielding greed for bloodshed and hegemony will back fire just like it did in September 1965, when General Joyanto Nath Chaudhri confidently and boastfully told his officers that he would like to have his evening drink at Lahore Gymkhana. What history witnessed then in the next 2-3 weeks was none other than a consummate squashing of their army chief’s wishful dream.

The drunken leadership of the Indian Army is trampling the tolerance of Pakistani people and is coquetting with fire. Indian government and its army’s multifaceted exploitation of Pakistan’s desire to peace must not be considered its weakness. The warmongers are forgetting that nothing is too big to cross for the resolute, tenacious and unyielding nation which the world calls The Pakinstanis. But if these buff*ons are under the impression that they will enter Pakistan in 48 hours, ironically giving themselves 24 hours more than General Joyanto Nath Chaudhri, then this will be the last mistake they will be making. The fate of General Joyanto Nath Chaudhri and his yes men should not be forgotten. If we can teach a lesson in 1965, then make no mistake about it that we are now a Nuclear Power and our enemies will be hung in the streets of their own country by Pakistani Army Jawans without any concession of their ranks in Indian Army.

The Indian authorities should strive to refrain themselves from such assertions which has historically caused nothing but utter embarrassment and disgrace to its country. The Pakistan army, Pakistani youth and the Pakistani nation has the resilience and audacity to slap a response to any aggression towards ideological and geographical boundaries of its Pak Sarzameen.
I think kapoora is in inferiority complex no one recognize him as top general and this kinda statement is issued to divert the attention from biggest corruption scandals in indian army three top generals were involved in 290-crore scam and none of them faces any punishment yet.
WARNING To India: Dont Tempt Us

By: Faisal Awan

With too many Bollywood characters punctuating tiers of Lok Saba it seems like Bollywood action movie theme and mind set has inculcated in the hierarchy of the Indian Army to hilarious limits as well. The precedence of such mindset was exhibited by none other than its Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor, when he claimed “Indian army is ready to battle Pakistan and China at the same time”. This statement was further bolstered by Lt-General A S Lamba that “India within 48 hours of the start of assault can enter Pakistan”. The Indian Think Tanks and Indian Army are missing the cue that thrusting a war on Pakistan and entering Pakistan is by no means a Hindi Bollywood version of Adolf Hitler taking over Austria and Czechoslovakia or a Bollywood Remix version of “The Guns of Navarone”.

Indian government and army needs to understand that their unyielding greed for bloodshed and hegemony will back fire just like it did in September 1965, when General Joyanto Nath Chaudhri confidently and boastfully told his officers that he would like to have his evening drink at Lahore Gymkhana. What history witnessed then in the next 2-3 weeks was none other than a consummate squashing of their army chief’s wishful dream.

The drunken leadership of the Indian Army is trampling the tolerance of Pakistani people and is coquetting with fire. Indian government and its army’s multifaceted exploitation of Pakistan’s desire to peace must not be considered its weakness. The warmongers are forgetting that nothing is too big to cross for the resolute, tenacious and unyielding nation which the world calls The Pakinstanis. But if these buff*ons are under the impression that they will enter Pakistan in 48 hours, ironically giving themselves 24 hours more than General Joyanto Nath Chaudhri, then this will be the last mistake they will be making. The fate of General Joyanto Nath Chaudhri and his yes men should not be forgotten. If we can teach a lesson in 1965, then make no mistake about it that we are now a Nuclear Power and our enemies will be hung in the streets of their own country by Pakistani Army Jawans without any concession of their ranks in Indian Army.

The Indian authorities should strive to refrain themselves from such assertions which has historically caused nothing but utter embarrassment and disgrace to its country. The Pakistan army, Pakistani youth and the Pakistani nation has the resilience and audacity to slap a response to any aggression towards ideological and geographical boundaries of its Pak Sarzameen.

I wonder who this Faisal Awan is, writing articles as if he's representing the Pakistani government.

Anyone know him?
As i said before, this kind of provoking news will not do any good to

the relationships of all three countries. Expected further suspicion

against India from China, Pakistan side.

No offence to Indians, but the reality if such scenario did happen,

The only result will be "once upon a time, there was a country

called India in the history book"
feel free to disagree. :smitten:

Its a wet dream for many for decades but still we are here stronger than ever..and will be here... so keep on having wet dreamz :smitten: :wave:
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