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India is evaluating options beyond dialogue and diplomacy against China

Perhaps you should take that advice for yourself. It's an undefined border area, and pushing your little Forward Policy will only get you another 1962. Just because you decide to slowly expand your outposts, does not mean we will keep tolerating you.

It is the chinese that are implementing forward policy and provoking us.


Look at the map and the Indian army post is well within Indian territory,soon Chinese have to pack their bags and leave our territory if not things will become serious.
It is the chinese that are implementing forward policy and provoking us.


Look at the map and the Indian army post is well within Indian territory,soon Chinese have to pack their bags and leave our territory if not things will become serious.

The area is disputed, and we have always patrolled the route. Hell we even have an outpost just behind our tents. If you want to escalate the situation, feel free to do so. Did I mention the gap between the two countries only grew wider since 1962?


Indian tents at the green figure, and Chinese permanent outpost in yellow.
The area is disputed, and we have always patrolled the route. Hell we even have an outpost just behind our tents. If you want to escalate the situation, feel free to do so. Did I mention the gap between the two countries only grew wider since 1962?


Indian tents at the green figure, and Chinese permanent outpost in yellow.

We have not erected any permanent posts in disputed area where as Chinese are implementing forward policy citing the reason that the presence of Indians will be a problem for karkoram highway.

This act is a greedy one from you people, and there is no justification. those tents has to be removed and the area should be patrolled as usual.

Those tents are erected recently which are the main reason for friction and in response India erected its own tents.

Chinese are screwing their policy this time.
We have not erected any permanent posts in disputed area where as Chinese are implementing forward policy citing the reason that the presence of Indians will be a problem for karkoram highway.

This act is a greedy one from you people, and there is no justification. those tents has to be removed and the area should be patrolled as usual.
That's a load of bull. You dislike that outpost at hill 5092 was too close to your airfield located less than 5km away, in range of our artillery. We did not station soldiers permenantly at 5092 to present a friendly gesture until we spotted your soldiers nearby our outposts. Now you claim we're 10km into your zone of control, when we have been there all along and you were the one that advanced.

You are right that this is greed, but the greed is from you. Obviously you didn't learn a thing from 1962.
No it is Chinese that are provoking saying "they are not intruding" and then they say "the issue will be resolved " peacefully and then they say "the issue should not affect bilateral relation ship".

See how many stands from your CCP :lol:

This forward policy of yours will be countered and we will make a strong statement here.

That's a load of bull. You dislike that outpost at hill 5092 was too close to your airfield located less than 5km away, in range of our artillery. We did not station soldiers permenantly at 5092 to present a friendly gesture until we spotted your soldiers nearby our outposts. Now you claim we're 10km into your zone of control, when we have been there all along and you were the one that advanced.

You are right that this is greed, but the greed is from you. Obviously you didn't learn a thing from 1962.
No it is Chinese that are provoking saying "they are not intruding" and then they say "the issue will be resolved " peacefully and then they say "the issue should not affect bilateral relation ship".

See how many stands from your CCP :lol:

This forward policy of yours will be countered and we will make a strong statement here.
Just because you complained first and cried the loudest, does not mean you weren't the intruders. We had a permenant presence at the location for over a decade at outpost 5092. Do not take our willingness to resolve this peacefully as a sign of weakness, or you will end up like Nehru in 1962. Your good will is not worth that much to us, especially when you pull little stunts like this.
I don't know if I should be sad or amuse by the all-out Chinese shills coming from Pakistanis posters in this forum. Do you realize that Pakistan and India were once brothers?! You were once the same people. Many of you have relatives, friends, families in India. No matter the political or religious differences, you are cheering for the invaders of your own beloved country freed by the great Gandhi and Jinnah. Chinese are sly people. They use divided brothers to steal away the family's land. We Vietnamese has learnt that lesson many times in history of struggle against Chinese invaders. The most recent was in 1974 when our "dear friend" used the Vietnam War to take away Paracel Islands from South Vietnam. Then, "our ally" has never returned those islands to us. The Chinese also secretly joined with America to pressure Vietnam not to be united. They wanted us to never be an independent country. If they had succeeded Vietnam would have been like North-South Korea, forever be divided, forever be dependent to China.

Being friend with China is like being friend with the wolves. Don't look at some cheap military equipment, some spear yuan to readily call the wolves "allies." They will take away so much more: your resources, your lands, your culture and leave you with NOTHING. Don't believe me? Look at what Mao did with his own people! If they can kill millions of their own, how much is your people worth? People in North, East, and South Asia have understood the Chinese very well through thousand years of history. It's time to share our lesson with West Asia, Africa, and Latin America as well.

Of course, the Chinese people are innocent. They, just like some posters here are being lied to by their imperialist government. The Party uses nationalism to control dissatisfied populace and hide its own deep-seeded problems. As much as I dislike Chinese government, I do hope that some day, the people will learn the truth.
The Indian Army has already 2 mountain divisions in the north east at 15,000 men per division; amounting to 30,000 men within immediate range of the Ladakh region. If the Indian Army had to resist the Chinese intrusion by ejecting foreign troops by force, I see no difficulty in their ability due to the Indian Army's sheer size in the region. Contrary to Chinese assumptions, deploying battle tanks through this mountainous region is unpractical and unfeasible. This is the very reason why the Indian Army has purchased multiple gun ships, and 140 M777 ultralight howitzers from the United States ; which will be more feasible for mountain warfare.

Considering the strategic situation, the Chinese side should not underestimate the potency of the Indian Army's defensive and offensive capability. The Indian Army has learned its mistake in the 1962 border war and has efficaciously improved its territorial forces' capabilities.

I don't know if I should be sad or amuse by the all-out Chinese shills coming from Pakistanis posters in this forum. Do you realize that Pakistan and India were once brothers?! You were once the same people. Many of you have relatives, friends, families in India. No matter the political or religious differences, you are cheering for the invaders of your own beloved country freed by the great Gandhi and Jinnah. Chinese are sly people. They use divided brothers to steal away the family's land. We Vietnamese has learnt that lesson many times in history of struggle against Chinese invaders. The most recent was in 1974 when our "dear friend" used the Vietnam War to take away Paracel Islands from South Vietnam. Then, "our ally" has never returned those islands to us. The Chinese also secretly joined with America to pressure Vietnam not to be united. They wanted us to never be an independent country. If they had succeeded Vietnam would have been like North-South Korea, forever be divided, forever be dependent to China.

Being friend with China is like being friend with the wolves. Don't look at some cheap military equipment, some spear yuan to readily call the wolves "allies." They will take away so much more: your resources, your lands, your culture and leave you with NOTHING. Don't believe me? Look at what Mao did with his own people! If they can kill millions of their own, how much is your people worth? People in North, East, and South Asia have understood the Chinese very well through thousand years of history. It's time to share our lesson with West Asia, Africa, and Latin America as well.

Of course, the Chinese people are innocent. They, just like some posters here are being lied to by their imperialist government. The Party uses nationalism to control dissatisfied populace and hide its own deep-seeded problems. As much as I dislike Chinese government, I do hope that some day, the people will learn the truth.

That is utterly true. The national language of Pakistan , Urdu, is practically the same as Hindi, the national language of India. The differences between India and Pakistan are but man-made; more so religious difference. Other than that, culturally, linguistically and ethnically, the people of Pakistan are similar to the people of India.

The Chinese are utilizing this difference the two countries have in order to strengthen Chinese strategic interests in the region as a modus operandi to contain India.

I remain optimistic that in the future, Pakistan will eventually cooperate with India. Blood, afterall, is thicker than water.
Just because you complained first and cried the loudest, does not mean you weren't the intruders. We had a permenant presence at the location for over a decade at outpost 5092. Do not take our willingness to resolve this peacefully as a sign of weakness, or you will end up like Nehru in 1962. Your good will is not worth that much to us, especially when you pull little stunts like this.

you people were caught intruding and we will give a fitting reply. Go across the world and people will identify China as stupid aggressor.

I have not time to troll :wave:
No matter how weak we look, India has to give political diplomacy a chance...

Chinese and Pakistani posters trying to rile up Indians here should note that the Indian Govt has to excercise all its diplomatic options before bringing the military to the table, especially when dealing with a visibly stronger opponent...

India needs to ensure that in the eyes of the world, a democratic nation opted for Peace and diplomacy before bringing in its military while an authoritarian regime with multiple land and sea disputes is simply bullying its neighbors through its military actions...

The world has to be brought on our side diplomatically before we fire the first bullet as one cannot win ANY war with no allies (or bad allies)...

Besides...we need to have confidence in our defensive capabilities and play this out strategically instead of knee jerk reactions.
I think the Chinese are smart enough to know that India isnt a pushover...and if not, Ill be more than happy to witness the same mistake "mighty" conquerors of the past have made by underestimating their opponents
No matter how weak we look, India has to give political diplomacy a chance...

Chinese and Pakistani posters trying to rile up Indians here should note that the Indian Govt has to excercise all its diplomatic options before bringing the military to the table, especially when dealing with a visibly stronger opponent...

India needs to ensure that in the eyes of the world, a democratic nation opted for Peace and diplomacy before bringing in its military while an authoritarian regime with multiple land and sea disputes is simply bullying its neighbors through its military actions...

The world has to be brought on our side diplomatically before we fire the first bullet as one cannot win ANY war with no allies (or bad allies)...

Besides...we need to have confidence in our defensive capabilities and play this out strategically instead of knee jerk reactions.
I think the Chinese are smart enough to know that India isnt a pushover...and if not, Ill be more than happy to witness the same mistake "mighty" conquerors of the past have made by underestimating their opponents

Well said. Look at the Philippines, clearly and visibly much weaker than the Chinese, however, have gained the support of the United States, most of ASEAN and the EU's support for a UN arbitration regarding the SCO issue. India would benefit to diplomatic policies, as you stated. However, territorial forces should be read to defend the sovereignty of India if in case it is threatened by the opposing power.
Well said. Look at the Philippines, clearly and visibly much weaker than the Chinese, however, have gained the support of the United States, most of ASEAN and the EU's support for a UN arbitration regarding the SCO issue. India would benefit to diplomatic policies, as you stated. However, territorial forces should be read to defend the sovereignty of India if in case it is threatened by the opposing power.

I concur....In this particular case, Indian forces should be defensively postured until otherwise required....

This issue does not need to blow out proportions unless China is suffering from overconfidence...
India in the mean time can use its diplomatic channels to brand China the aggressor....this might even involve media and propoganda, but those are way safer and economically sane options to deal a blow to china than escalating militarily...

Besides, with the elections coming up, Congress knows that hurting the economy by pushing a war on the people is a sure shot way to lose the elections...
At the same time I must also commend the Chinese on a well timed intimidation tactic....especially when the Political parties ruling the country are walking on a thin line..
he is an American,thats all u need to know!!!:usflag::usflag:

No, he is a white. That means he is a foreigner that stole the land of Natives Americans. You are an Indian, you stay that way kiddo.

I concur....In this particular case, Indian forces should be defensively postured until otherwise required....

This issue does not need to blow out proportions unless China is suffering from overconfidence...
India in the mean time can use its diplomatic channels to brand China the aggressor....this might even involve media and propoganda, but those are way safer and economically sane options to deal a blow to china than escalating militarily...

Besides, with the elections coming up, Congress knows that hurting the economy by pushing a war on the people is a sure shot way to lose the elections...
At the same time I must also commend the Chinese on a well timed intimidation tactic....especially when the Political parties ruling the country are walking on a thin line..

We are claiming back our territory and that's EXACTLY what the PLA did. You are utterly powerless to do anything about it because attacking us will get you another good ole spanking like 1962. You know it too. Otherwise the lowly Indian military would have done something about it. We are judge, jury and executioner. India has no say in this whatsoever.
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