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India Is Buying 36 Rafale Fighters from France (and Pakistan Should Worry)

Just again bla bla ... you have no aesa as of now but still chanting AESA ... all PESA and pulse doplers can be jammed agreed so f16s and mkis both can be jammed thats why i never raised this as there is no conclsion to this point other than in real life but you still keep on insisting jamming jamming jamming ...

You are counting your bisons and bomber jaguar whereas ignored our mirrage 5 rose and F7 PGs ... that's why it is useless to continue discussion with you ...
no you are having no idea thats why you saying so point is simple world is going for AESA radars read solid state GaN as they have better heat dinspensation and more TERMs can be stacked in much smaller area as compared to GaA version and i cannot be jammed practically like a pulse dopller or a PESA radar

now that is not just the reason what makes AESA better thing is its like each TERM is a radar in itself and each AESA radar antenna cluster is a cluster of600- 800-1000 or more samller radar working in diffrent frquencies all at the same time so its almost impossible for any other radar to jamm them (if it has 800 TERM meaning any gven time all modulels can work in tandem on there own different frquencies) so in short to jamm a single AESA radar you might need 800 diffrent frquencies hope you now get an idea why AESA is so complex and why it generates so much heat

as for you F7 & Mirage 5 well kid we too have 125 bisons which have almost 20% more the combat radius as your F7s bu still can carry 30% more weapons load at mach 2 speed with with a radar that can track a F16 in clean configuration at 50miles and engage 4 targets simontaniously and 4 pylons that can carry 2 BVRs and two VWRs while the central pylon carries a fuel tank or a 1000 lb pgm so tell me how you gonna beat that :sarcastic:
no you are having no idea thats why you saying so point is simple world is going for AESA radars read solid state GaN as they have better heat dinspensation and more TERMs can be stacked in much smaller area as compared to GaA version and i cannot be jammed practically like a pulse dopller or a PESA radar

now that is not just the reason what makes AESA better thing is its like each TERM is a radar in itself and each AESA radar antenna cluster is a cluster of600- 800-1000 or more samller radar working in diffrent frquencies all at the same time so its almost impossible for any other radar to jamm them (if it has 800 TERM meaning any gven time all modulels can work in tandem on there own different frquencies) so in short to jamm a single AESA radar you might need 800 diffrent frquencies hope you now get an idea why AESA is so complex and why it generates so much heat

as for you F7 & Mirage 5 well kid we too have 125 bisons which have almost 20% more the combat radius as your F7s bu still can carry 30% more weapons load at mach 2 speed with with a radar that can track a F16 in clean configuration at 50miles and engage 4 targets simontaniously and 4 pylons that can carry 2 BVRs and two VWRs while the central pylon carries a fuel tank or a 1000 lb pgm so tell me how you gonna beat that :sarcastic:
Guru and his hallucinogenics
no you are having no idea thats why you saying so point is simple world is going for AESA radars read solid state GaN as they have better heat dinspensation and more TERMs can be stacked in much smaller area as compared to GaA version and i cannot be jammed practically like a pulse dopller or a PESA radar

now that is not just the reason what makes AESA better thing is its like each TERM is a radar in itself and each AESA radar antenna cluster is a cluster of600- 800-1000 or more samller radar working in diffrent frquencies all at the same time so its almost impossible for any other radar to jamm them (if it has 800 TERM meaning any gven time all modulels can work in tandem on there own different frquencies) so in short to jamm a single AESA radar you might need 800 diffrent frquencies hope you now get an idea why AESA is so complex and why it generates so much heat

as for you F7 & Mirage 5 well kid we too have 125 bisons which have almost 20% more the combat radius as your F7s bu still can carry 30% more weapons load at mach 2 speed with with a radar that can track a F16 in clean configuration at 50miles and engage 4 targets simontaniously and 4 pylons that can carry 2 BVRs and two VWRs while the central pylon carries a fuel tank or a 1000 lb pgm so tell me how you gonna beat that :sarcastic:

Go and call kid to your dad ...

Again useless post ... i have more understanding of AESA than you but i am not quoting the same there is not a single fighter aircraft in sub continent with AESA radar ... i dont understand why bringing up AESA ... you are a retard who learn AESA from wiki and now singing AESA ...

Again regarding your bison ... does the range and payload capablity matters in air defense ... i dont know how many time i have to refer to you doctrine of both airforce ... PAF do not intend to enter Indian air space thats why we never went for heavy platform for deep strike ... our strategy to keep our air space clean and provide sufficient air craft to ground forces whereas India always plans for air dominance in Pakistan air space ... based on the above doctrine ... higher range, higher payload, and heavy platform are the need of indian airforce but it does not mean that they have superiority ...

Anyways its useless to have a quality siscussion with ignorant person like you
Go and call kid to your dad ...

Again useless post ... i have more understanding of AESA than you but i am not quoting the same there is not a single fighter aircraft in sub continent with AESA radar ... i dont understand why bringing up AESA ... you are a retard who learn AESA from wiki and now singing AESA ...

Again regarding your bison ... does the range and payload capablity matters in air defense ... i dont know how many time i have to refer to you doctrine of both airforce ... PAF do not intend to enter Indian air space thats why we never went for heavy platform for deep strike ... our strategy to keep our air space clean and provide sufficient air craft to ground forces whereas India always plans for air dominance in Pakistan air space ... based on the above doctrine ... higher range, higher payload, and heavy platform are the need of indian airforce but it does not mean that they have superiority ...

Anyways its useless to have a quality siscussion with ignorant person like you
oh yara don't worry about guru he is just doing his duty in the pattern bhakth duty>ban>return the cycle continues.
Go and call kid to your dad ...

Again useless post ... i have more understanding of AESA than you but i am not quoting the same there is not a single fighter aircraft in sub continent with AESA radar ... i dont understand why bringing up AESA ... you are a retard who learn AESA from wiki and now singing AESA ...

Again regarding your bison ... does the range and payload capablity matters in air defense ... i dont know how many time i have to refer to you doctrine of both airforce ... PAF do not intend to enter Indian air space thats why we never went for heavy platform for deep strike ... our strategy to keep our air space clean and provide sufficient air craft to ground forces whereas India always plans for air dominance in Pakistan air space ... based on the above doctrine ... higher range, higher payload, and heavy platform are the need of indian airforce but it does not mean that they have superiority ...

Anyways its useless to have a quality siscussion with ignorant person like you
so npw your trying to get personal and getting cheaP :haha:

now i am singing AESA cause its the next big thing which decimates every thing else by a very huge margin even before it comes close and nothing can hide from it and no matter how smart or agile your fighter is or how great your pilot skils it cant ourrun and outsmart a BVR locked on to you guided actively by a AESA enemy radar which after inital phase does not even requires to guide it all the way till terminal phase

now as for bisons they have pretty decent combat radius with required BVR & VWR load for a point defnce fighter it is not a bomber and LCA is a replacement for bison and carries twice the load at twice the combat radius at same altitude (400-450km with 3.5 tonne at 6-8 Km altitude)

why we are going for rafale is due to its next gen GaN based radar and SPECTRA EW+ECM and jamer suits which almost is like virtual electronic stealth while a rafale can carry 9.5 tonne of weapons load in a single sortie to over 750Km combat radius on internal fuel only in an omny role configuration meaning with 2 VWRs+4BVRs+2 ARMs+2X3 350 lbs lGBs + 1 LDP+ 2 SCAPL/STORM SHADOW ACMLs
These indian trolls will keep producing arguments out of their behinds about how mighty and unstoppable their airforce is.. useless to argue with them.
Can some sane member request to close the thread irrelevant most of the posts
Rafale not here yet even it's here nobody giving any proper solutions within the
Current situations of paf
the navy rejected the lca but still encourages hal or ada to continue development.

but there not, its only 36 there buying . 2 batteries of a300's will lay waste to the base which holds the rafale on the western front.
I wont say "lay waste" but it is not difficult to figure out that dealing with 125 would have been much more daunting task compared to dealing with 36! We SHOULD have worried when the news was about 124, not so much now with 36 coming.
Small nimble fighters are great for local area defense and shoot and run doctrine.

But it means paf ability to hit Indian military infra structure and commercial centres is limited to missles

In contrast India with heavy hitting long range fighters combined with your lack of strategic depth means Pakistan will inevitable suffer far more damage to its bases and it key industrial centres.

Your Sam systems and radars don't have the nos or depth of the Israel and Indian systems which are more advanced and more accurate IE green pine . Sword fish both track up-to 1500 km which is huge coverages and will track your missles into Indian sky's.

Ultimately it comes down to cost you Pakistanis just don't have the resources to go toe to toe .

You have to duck dive and survive long enough to force a stalemate
Those so called nimble fighter is sitting ducks, you know nothing.

Just again bla bla ... you have no aesa as of now but still chanting AESA ... all PESA and pulse doplers can be jammed agreed so f16s and mkis both can be jammed thats why i never raised this as there is no conclsion to this point other than in real life but you still keep on insisting jamming jamming jamming ...

You are counting your bisons and bomber jaguar whereas ignored our mirrage 5 rose and F7 PGs ... that's why it is useless to continue discussion with you ...
To be honest. I've get bored with Barahtis hyperbole.

no you are having no idea thats why you saying so point is simple world is going for AESA radars read solid state GaN as they have better heat dinspensation and more TERMs can be stacked in much smaller area as compared to GaA version and i cannot be jammed practically like a pulse dopller or a PESA radar

now that is not just the reason what makes AESA better thing is its like each TERM is a radar in itself and each AESA radar antenna cluster is a cluster of600- 800-1000 or more samller radar working in diffrent frquencies all at the same time so its almost impossible for any other radar to jamm them (if it has 800 TERM meaning any gven time all modulels can work in tandem on there own different frquencies) so in short to jamm a single AESA radar you might need 800 diffrent frquencies hope you now get an idea why AESA is so complex and why it generates so much heat

as for you F7 & Mirage 5 well kid we too have 125 bisons which have almost 20% more the combat radius as your F7s bu still can carry 30% more weapons load at mach 2 speed with with a radar that can track a F16 in clean configuration at 50miles and engage 4 targets simontaniously and 4 pylons that can carry 2 BVRs and two VWRs while the central pylon carries a fuel tank or a 1000 lb pgm so tell me how you gonna beat that :sarcastic:
Those Mig21 are totally flying coffin, IAF is notorious at fighter maintenance.

I wont say "lay waste" but it is not difficult to figure out that dealing with 125 would have been much more daunting task compared to dealing with 36! We SHOULD have worried when the news was about 124, not so much now with 36 coming.
What's PAF's counter-measure if the number is 125?
I wont say "lay waste" but it is not difficult to figure out that dealing with 125 would have been much more daunting task compared to dealing with 36! We SHOULD have worried when the news was about 124, not so much now with 36 coming.
but theres still the worry. and whats the response ?
but theres still the worry.
After all 36 are coming at least :P
What i meant to say that there was a sense of urgency when the talks were of 126 and it was about a decade ago i think. Now looking at the numbers and the time frame, PAF also seem to be taking it slowly and there is this 5th gen prospect appearing over the horizon.
After all 36 are coming at least :P
What i meant to say that there was a sense of urgency when the talks were of 126 and it was about a decade ago i think. Now looking at the numbers and the time frame, PAF also seem to be taking it slowly and there is this 5th gen prospect appearing over the horizon.
screw the stop gap and go for the 5th gen. a heavy 4th gen fighter was needed yesterday.
its simply not worth purchased 48 jets to counter the indians.
what would be a good idea would be to transfer some jf-17's to the naval airforce. this will push india to build a second carrier and force them to buy the rafale. this will set them back $15+ billion swallowing a huge chunk of the funding.
After all 36 are coming at least :P
What i meant to say that there was a sense of urgency when the talks were of 126 and it was about a decade ago i think. Now looking at the numbers and the time frame, PAF also seem to be taking it slowly and there is this 5th gen prospect appearing over the horizon.
Sir :coffee:
Since these jets may end up lugging nuclear bombs,The jets are “to be used as an airborne strategic delivery system.”

That’s a polite way of saying India’s jets could drop nukes — one mission which Dassault specifically designed the multi-role Rafale to do. There’s also precedent here, as France previously sold and supplied spare parts for India’s Mirage 2000s, which are the most important delivery platform for New Delhi’s nuclear weapons till date.
And since it was not meant to be an air superiority fighter :hitwall:for Indian airforce but to act as an Delivery Platform
For the nukes :devil:Don't miss judge the news it still is one hell of a fighter:cheers::flame:

Since these jets may end up lugging nuclear bombs,The jets are “to be used as an airborne strategic delivery system.”

That’s a polite way of saying India’s jets could drop nukes — one mission which Dassault specifically designed the multi-role Rafale to do. There’s also precedent here, as France previously sold and supplied spare parts for India’s Mirage 2000s, which are the most important delivery platform for New Delhi’s nuclear weapons till date.

And since it was not meant to be an air superiority fighter
for Indian airforce but to act as an Delivery Platform

For the nukes
Don't miss judge the news it still is one hell of a fighter


So IF that is the case, what is new here for Pakistan to be worried about?

Rafale or no, both Indian and Pakistan lay well within range of a variety of systems capable of delivering nuclear payload.

screw the stop gap and go for the 5th gen. a heavy 4th gen fighter was needed yesterday.
its simply not worth purchased 48 jets to counter the indians.
what would be a good idea would be to transfer some jf-17's to the naval airforce. this will push india to build a second carrier and force them to buy the rafale. this will set them back $15+ billion swallowing a huge chunk of the funding.
That seems to be the idea!
So IF that is the case, what is new here for Pakistan to be worried about?
Well Nothing but:coffee: on a serious note who know the strategies for its deployment in the offensive and
defensive scenarios

Rafale or no, both Indian and Pakistan lay well within range of a variety of systems capable of delivering nuclear payload.
Sir :coffee:
Bcuz it completes the nuclear triad of the country . Further it can act as a cover after the first line of defense at the time of war and a substantial force multiplier for Indian Air Force :butcher:
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