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India Is Buying 36 Rafale Fighters from France (and Pakistan Should Worry)

Thats why your PM is threatening for water war and sponsoring religious, sectarion and linguistic terrorism by providing funds to BLA, TTP and MQM london ...

By the way China has shown lot of restraint on India after 1962 ... its India who is playing a part of countering china on behalf of US
Well we will do something in reply to your constant funding of terrorism against India. As far as China is concerned, we have to have enough capability to defend. Honestly, there are lot of capabilities you talked about, people discuss them but they also have to realize that there are many areas where Indians have issues in their defense. In this same forum Pakistani's point of view has been that India has weakness in its defense and hence they did not attach Pakistan in 2008. I agree with the point of view, but then why complain when we are trying to fix that weakness.

As per your own analysis if we are not that strong against Pakistan then how come we are good enough to defend China. So I feel there is a contradiction in what we hear from you. Either we are strong or we are weak.

Plus India has not attached in spite of 26/11 shows that they are a responsible neighbor. I can assure you even if we did not have any weakness we would have still not attacked. Our leaders and IAS show maturity in decision making.
Well we will do something in reply to your constant funding of terrorism against India. As far as China is concerned, we have to have enough capability to defend. Honestly, there are lot of capabilities you talked about, people discuss them but they also have to realize that there are many areas where Indians have issues in their defense. In this same forum Pakistani's point of view has been that India has weakness in its defense and hence they did not attach Pakistan in 2008. I agree with the point of view, but then why complain when we are trying to fix that weakness.

As per your own analysis if we are not that strong against Pakistan then how come we are good enough to defend China. So I feel there is a contradiction in what we hear from you. Either we are strong or we are weak.

Plus India has not attached in spite of 26/11 shows that they are a responsible neighbor. I can assure you even if we did not have any weakness we would have still not attacked. Our leaders and IAS show maturity in decision making.

I did not get what are you trying to say ...

First of all supporting Kashmir cause is not supporting terrorism ... it is a disputed territory acknowledged by whole world including india itself ...

Secondly regarding india being responsible state ... no way ... you are the sole reason of arm race in South Asia ... after 1962 there is no single event where chinese threatened India so all this countering china is BS ... infact it is india who is helping US in patrolling Malacca strait which was weak point of China ... had china remained impartial then China would not have seek alternate trade route of CPEC ...

India is way stronger and bigger than Pakistan but do not have capability to harm Pakistan without a bloody nose ...
I did not get what are you trying to say ...

First of all supporting Kashmir cause is not supporting terrorism ... it is a disputed territory acknowledged by whole world including india itself ...

Secondly regarding india being responsible state ... no way ... you are the sole reason of arm race in South Asia ... after 1962 there is no single event where chinese threatened India so all this countering china is BS ... infact it is india who is helping US in patrolling Malacca strait which was weak point of China ... had china remained impartial then China would not have seek alternate trade route of CPEC ...

India is way stronger and bigger than Pakistan but do not have capability to harm Pakistan without a bloody nose ...
26/11 happened in Mumbai, all the people who came were Pakistani's.
Agree China might be different, our culture is different and there is some talking that is done for public consumption. However, what matters is action and not the talk. Ask any officer without a bias and he will tell you that my analysis is spot on, even some of your generals have said the same on TV.

All this is offtopic and we should discuss this is a different thread.
PAF will last as long as they have thirty plus falcons flying .

Once those nos drop below thirty the Indians will have freedom to engage and attack at will
The key is to take out fifty falcons in the first 48 hours

That may be only possible in the event if India is prepared to lose around 300 aircraft with very low aircrew recovery rate.
Agreed but even in that case either we need an air superiority fighter to counter numeric plus qualitative superiority or early delivery of 5th generation ...

That is true Pakistan should push KSA to finance a comprehensive weapons package including 72 (in trenches) EFTs trench-3-B/C as now they have got the desired support of Pakistan and a strong Pakistan is in there favor.
I don't want to say J20 is the best fighter in the world, but seems it is. With radar has 350KM range and RCS<0.01SQM, tell me how Rafale gonna field with J20?
That may be only possible in the event if India is prepared to lose around 300 aircraft with very low aircrew recovery rate.

So by your reckoning paf will lose fifty falcons for three hundred mki migs and mirages.

I admire the confidence or is it face saving bravado

These falcons are fairly old machines there nothing like the Sufi falcons of Israel or block 60 of uae or f16v of USA
first of all OP @Zarvan what ahs pakistan air force section got to do with what IAF is buying ? lolzz indians get -ve ratings or even ban if we even dare to talk about your defnce prcurments or super duper joint fighter .... then why these double standards @WebMaster ? :azn:
Maybe because the author felt it necessary to mention Pakistan in the title.

India Is Buying 36 Rafale Fighters from France (and Pakistan Should Worry)
Guru, ho ja shru....:D

to all those who think MKI as it is a old obsolete tech well let me tell all of them that even today in comparrison PAF has any oprational Fighter with that level of sophesticated onboard radar and inbuilt avaionics suits and jammer suites (MKI has two pilotes one flight officer to fly and take care of missile controls & other one is radar controller to control radar & jammers & avionics) last but not the least a fully loaded MKI can see and launch half a dozen BVRs at half a Dozen diffrent targets simontainously even beofre a Blk 52 gets a lock on MKI dont trust me ask any serving PAF or even USAF fighter pilot ;) :coffee:
Forget Blk 52s which can carry up to six BVRs, ask your MKI pilot about the JF-17 incident which only carries two. :)
India to deploy Rafale jets facing two-front war scenario with Pakistan, China
SAM Report.
May 17, 2017

Rafale fighter jet
The Indian Air Force (IAF) is to deploy its latest Rafale combat aircraft in Haryana and West Bengal after facing with a two-front war scenario against Pakistan and China. IAF thinks the plan to station the fighter jets in two fronts will make it combat ready.

A report in the IndiaToday.in on Wednesday [17 May] said, with deteriorating ties with Pakistan, its closeness with China and the latter’s military exercises and an increase in Indo-China border patrolling, the IAF has decided to deploy Rafale jets at Ambala in Haryana and Hasimara in West Bengal.

In September 2016, India signed a deal with French Dassault Aviation to procure 36 Rafale fighter jets for nearly 10 billion dollars to arrest the fall of combat squadrons and meet urgent requirements on the eastern and western fronts.

“One squadron (comprising 18 aircraft) would be based in Ambala, while the other would be deployed at Hashimara. These would cater to requirements on both the fronts,” said the report quoting a government official.

According to the report, after patrolling by the Chinese on the eastern and northern borders and its increasing defence ties with Pakistan, the Indian military has been preparing itself for a two-front war and developing infrastructure on both sides.

The earlier plan was to deploy one squadron at Sarsawa air base in Uttar Pradesh, but that did not work out due to land acquisition issues, after which Ambala was chosen. The Ambala base has some jaguar aircraft squadrons catering to the western front.

On the eastern front, the Hasimara air base close to the China border would see Rafale planes replacing the exisiting MiG 27 squadrons, which are on their way out of the air force.

In presentations given to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) before the acquisition was finalised, the service had stressed that on the China front, it would require a plane like Rafale due to its long-range capabilities, the report said.

Reportedly the IAF has rated Rafale planes higher than Su-30 MKIs, 272 of which have been ordered by India from Russia.

On the Chinese front, the PLA Air Force bases are deep inside the Tibetan plateau with the nearest base being over 150 km away from the Indian border.

According to media reports, the French aircraft manufacturer has already started the process of building the aircraft, and they are supposed to be delivered from September 2019 onwards.

The Air Force has started the process of replacing its ageing fleet of MiG series planes on the eastern and western fronts, as it has been replacing the old MiG-21 variants with Sukhoi-30s acquired from Russia.

On the eastern front, where aircraft with long range capability are required, the IAF has already based Su-30MKIs at Tezpur and Chhabua air fields, while it has deployed them close to the Pakistan front in Sirsa (Haryana), Halwara (Punjab) and Jodhpur (Rajasthan).

The planes also operate from Leh, bordering both Pakistan and China and are capable of swift deployment in no time.
26/11 happened in Mumbai, all the people who came were Pakistani's.
Agree China might be different, our culture is different and there is some talking that is done for public consumption. However, what matters is action and not the talk. Ask any officer without a bias and he will tell you that my analysis is spot on, even some of your generals have said the same on TV.

All this is offtopic and we should discuss this is a different thread.
Agreed mumbai attacks were not in Kashmir but those were non-state actors ... do we have control over these non-state actors ? No ... you can find numerous example like TTP, BLA, Layari gang war criminals and MQM ... if that not be the case we would not have carried death of 60k pakistanies ...

Case of Pakistan is not simple we are bordering with Afghanistan which is in state of war since 5 decades and we had open border with them and we were forced to engaged in that war due to soviet union which was already a party to 1971 and we know the history well ...

You need to understand thanks to cold war and then financing from India these terrorist are part of our system undetected which is evident from PNS Mehran attack .. Kamra Attack ... and I am sure you are also aware of the fact that there was an attempt to hijack a warship which was planned to be used against India involving sserving navy officer ... Pakistan is fighting a fifth deadly fifth generation war and mumbai attack was one of that event ... there was no direct involvement of state or hafiz saeed ever proved ... India just capitalized the event and blamed it on hafiz saeed ... whereas hafiz saeed had nothing to do with it as his core focus is ashmir movement ...

Anyways all this is off topic ...
So by your reckoning paf will lose fifty falcons for three hundred mki migs and mirages.

I admire the confidence or is it face saving bravado
By rough estimates, yes it's a well established fact.....and what exactly the IAF has achieved against PAF for me to put up any so called face saving bravado.....may i remind you that your present front line fighter doesn't have a single kill to it's name.
These falcons are fairly old machines there nothing like the Sufi falcons of Israel or block 60 of uae or f16v of USA
After upgrades they are very capable to handle anything out there....they also have much better operational and safety record than say the MKI.
J-31 with ramjet A2A missiles is Pak only hope. F-16blk 52 or even blk 61 is simply outclassed by Rafale with MICA and Meteor missiles.

Rafale is truly a beast of a machine.


Don't discount Pakistan so easily which also has the AIM-120 C5 to go with their F-16's.
Maybe because the author felt it necessary to mention Pakistan in the title.

India Is Buying 36 Rafale Fighters from France (and Pakistan Should Worry)
Guru, ho ja shru....:D

Forget Blk 52s which can carry up to six BVRs, ask your MKI pilot about the JF-17 incident which only carries two. :)
Sir we would like to hear the thunder incident ... can you please quote me the thread where it was narrated ... or can you please provide some details ..
I'm not convinced by a thunder

Chinease products are generally considered inferior and poor quality to western goods .

This currentv image and reputation will not change to military hardware.from western countries

The radar and small power of the thunder makes it very vulnerable to a massive threat of the mki pesa radars irst systems and Israeli jammers.

The difference in detection capability between a thunder and mki is far too wide.

There was no thunder incident or certainly not were the 70 million dollar super flankers did a runner from small budget Chinease fighter like the thunder
India wont be facing a two-front war, if that happen they will be toasted .. the talk of Two front war is just another BS by Indian Generals to swell the 56" Chest ..
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