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'India is a loser', says Sri Lankan media

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Calm down tamil boy you should know the LTTE kept the war they were never going to win, violence only breeds violence tamils themselves got what they deserved and Eelam is dead.

Lanka also needs to watch the tamils and spy on foreign tamils supporting a resurrection of LTTE, and if another war with the Tamils comes = Sri Lanka will go all out expelling all tamils back to tamil nadu.

Civilians die in war, Majority of the tamils supported LTTE, and this is going to hurt the tamils more then it helps them.
and you never will question your inteligence on why they fought, they were descriminated very badly at the begining so that they never wanted to be a part of SL and fought to the death. you talk as if the Tamils meaninglessly fought a war. if tomorrow some German Nazi thinks that you are a jew and descriminates you and abuses your sister and wife will you go and preach non violance to such a person.
these are the words of Gandhi - its better to be violent rather than cover the face with the mask of non violance to hide impotence
Srilanka and Bangladesh loll... hand in hand... coming from a bangladeshi
"Rab ne banai jodi , ik anna ik kodi" ...lmfao.

Kya baat!!Kya baat!!MOGAMBO KHUSH HUAN!!

Huh!A pack and that too of BD and SL to contain India-joke of the year.It's like a pack of a scooty and a try cycle trying to stop a bullet train!!Probably Mr idune has forgotten that what will happen to the scooty if it gets collided with the train.
Why India wants to interfere in SL. If india wants good relations with lanka they shouldn't offend them or threaten their territorial
integrity. NO body likes a bully and India is no US. Asia has numerous regional powers to balance the equation unlike N.America.
Let the SL gov solve the tamil issue and I believe the tamils in lanka are patriotic, if i am not wrong muttiah muralitheran
was a tamil and he is Srilanka's national icon.

Yes you are right no one likes an interfering bully that is simple and incredibly true
For Tamils, broader issue is simple, they want an independent homeland. Having largest Tamil population in Tamil Nadu, that is the best place for realizing their aspiration.
If thy want it we must support them
thanks, but no thanks, and this comes from a fiercy tamil who thinks Tamil first and INDIA next.
we know you'll use any thing to your advantage to break the spirit of Barath matha, but she will stand united and your pasha will not work out.
I earlier thought that you wanted peace with the INDIAN, but if this is waht you want we are ready to put up a fight any time any where, call is yours
and you never will question your inteligence on why they fought, they were descriminated very badly at the begining so that they never wanted to be a part of SL and fought to the death. you talk as if the Tamils meaninglessly fought a war. if tomorrow some German Nazi thinks that you are a jew and descriminates you and abuses your sister and wife will you go and preach non violance to such a person.
these are the words of Gandhi - its better to be violent rather than cover the face with the mask of non violance to hide impotence

Even if they were violence will not help. Yet you bring germans and nazi's in which is completely unrelated, The Tamils would have never won the war and they supported LTTE with a passion they themselves got the consequences of their mess. I'm sure it was ok to be violent when Gandhi himself was killed by a violent hindu.
Most of our neighbourhood Pakistan and China are with you. Obviously Indians have to take care not to offend Americans maybe??
A country who shamelessly back stabbed its key ally in WOT and who do not have any credentials in international diplomacy is speaking on itself , and its communist devil who do not know ,what human rights are.
Why? Bangladeshi always talk about separation and division?

First they separated from India and they separated from a muslim nation called pakistan. And now they don't have an reason which can divide them. So. They want to spread their dirt in neighbourhood.

No it is India that is dirt and alone in the neighbourhood

For Tamils, broader issue is simple, they want an independent homeland. Having largest Tamil population in Tamil Nadu, that is the best place for realizing their aspiration.

If thy want it we must help them with their aspirations any way we can
Nice Job Mahinda, Check out my thread on how sri lanka destroyed the LTTE

If thy want it we must support them

I will cut ur throat then and there , we(tamils) talked many things out of anger to fellow Indian brothers that's different those things are our internal issues.
No it is India that is dirt and alone in the neighbourhood

If thy want it we must help them with their aspirations any way we can
you have lost your credibility as a good blogger with your infinte loop just like a broken tape recorder. Good for you. the more you loss your credibility the less the trolling in PDF and a good way for intelects to have constructive debates.
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