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'India is a loser', says Sri Lankan media

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A lot of Tamils warned the indian government of supporting the SL in their ellam war, but it fell in deef ears, now do the INDIANs realize that the SL will any time back stab us and give space for CHINA, PAKISTAN, ETC in our back yards.
SL should have been kept the same way it was handled by Indra Gandhi, because later Congress leader Rajiv AKA A Hole took a back foot, look at the stage where every other neighbour is united against our good will.
Tamils in india are not happy as india did not support their arms and terror venture in SriLanka the way they wanted. But what if Tamils in india start seeing the light that they could and should do better on their own, outside indian union? That would be an ultimate irony? There are sure Tamil thinkers who are able and thinking on that line. Lets discuss the fall out from indian role on Tamils aspiration; would Tamils in india seek independence?

Oiii mate , ur bed`s wet !!!
Tamils in india are not happy as india did not support their arms and terror venture in SriLanka the way they wanted. But what if Tamils in india start seeing the light that they could and should do better on their own, outside indian union? That would be an ultimate irony? There are sure Tamil thinkers who are able and thinking on that line. Lets discuss the fall out from indian role on Tamils aspiration; would Tamils in india seek independence?

Do you think Tamils go against their mother India? never.
Why? Bangladeshi always talk about separation and division?

First they separated from India and they separated from a muslim nation called pakistan. And now they don't have an reason which can divide them. So. They want to spread their dirt in neighbourhood.
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Tamils in india are not happy as india did not support their arms and terror venture in SriLanka the way they wanted. But what if Tamils in india start seeing the light that they could and should do better on their own, outside indian union? That would be an ultimate irony? There are sure Tamil thinkers who are able and thinking on that line. Lets discuss the fall out from indian role on Tamils aspiration; would Tamils in india seek independence?

Arey bhai,kiser nesha korechen bolun to dekhi-ganja na afim??
. . . . . . . . . . . .
India Sided with the Losers of the war hence the tamils will suffer even more now.
India Sided with the Losers of the war hence the tamils will suffer even more now.
so to keep mum about the massacare is good for Tamils, we will die a painful death rather than go mum about the war crimes.
and who asked for your expert advice, you are no Singhala, and certainly not a Tamil, so you do not have stake here and you can fu#k off in some other thread.
India Sided with the Losers of the war hence the tamils will suffer .

just want to add few words in ur 2 cent..

India did not Sided with the Losers of the war hence making sure the ethnic tamils do not suffer even more now!

Im not saying what Tamils did was right , killing the innocents , but a volcano only erupts if the lava within increase to the max.. think about it!!
so to keep mum about the massacare is good for Tamils, we will die a painful death rather than go mum about the war crimes.
and who asked for your expert advice, you are no Singhala, and certainly not a Tamil, so you do not have stake here and you can fu#k off in some other thread.

Calm down tamil boy you should know the LTTE kept the war they were never going to win, violence only breeds violence tamils themselves got what they deserved and Eelam is dead.

Lanka also needs to watch the tamils and spy on foreign tamils supporting a resurrection of LTTE, and if another war with the Tamils comes = Sri Lanka will go all out expelling all tamils back to tamil nadu.

just want to add few words in ur 2 cent..

India did not Sided with the Losers of the war hence making sure the ethnic tamils do not suffer even more now!

Im not saying what Tamils did was right , killing the innocents , but a volcano only erupts if the lava within increase to the max.. think about it!!

Civilians die in war, Majority of the tamils supported LTTE, and this is going to hurt the tamils more then it helps them.
Why India wants to interfere in SL. If india wants good relations with lanka they shouldn't offend them or threaten their territorial
integrity. NO body likes a bully and India is no US. Asia has numerous regional powers to balance the equation unlike N.America.
Let the SL gov solve the tamil issue and I believe the tamils in lanka are patriotic, if i am not wrong muttiah muralitheran
was a tamil and he is Srilanka's national icon.
All south Asian countries should put permanent "HELL NO" sign in front of UN for any attempt by india to sneak into UNSC as permanent member. We can let Srilanka lead south asian pack for that opposition.

Completely agree whilst they are proxy for west we can not support Indian wet dreams
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