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‘India is a Hindu state now — we are second-class citizens’

India ab aik dhoobti kashti hai.
It’s funny how time changes, as I remember back in 06-07 Pakistan was 2nd fastest growing economy in the world under Musharraf and these Indians supported/funded TTP and we all know what Pakistan went through till 16 December 14 with Indian marking on it and still we aren’t fully recovered.
Now it’s karma bitch! What Pakistan couldn’t do, Modi did it for Pakistan without spending a penny to disrupt India. Indian economy performance is lowest in 42 years, and still going downwards, civil war type situation is starting to erupt and it won’t be long before someone picks up arm. So I say let them continue, grab some popcorns and enjoy the show. As long these Indians think they’re right it serves our purpose. So why stop them?
Have you been to Pakistan ever? Or are you going to start quoting the gow-mutra media? Do tell me how many people we lynch, for consuming alcohol, pig/swine or whatever? You do know a muslim in a Pakistan can't buy those but a non-muslim can even though they are less than 5% of the total population. Do tell me how in India, a muslim can consume beef in any state?

Then why claim the video is exaggeration? If we summarize he was saying the same no?

1. Please do share the case kidnapping of Hindu and Sikh girls and forced conversion. Please enlighten us on your use and misuse of the blasphemy law. Do you want me to quote your News media? Dawn or the nation on it?

2. He is exaggerating to the level of hyperbole to make the video more satyrical. That's it.

India ab aik dhoobti kashti hai.
It’s funny how time changes, as I remember back in 06-07 Pakistan was 2nd fastest growing economy in the world under Musharraf and these Indians supported/funded TTP and we all know what Pakistan went through till 16 December 14 with Indian marking on it and still we aren’t fully recovered.
Now it’s karma bitch! What Pakistan couldn’t do, Modi did it for Pakistan without spending a penny to disrupt India. Indian economy performance is lowest in 42 years, and still going downwards, civil war type situation is starting to erupt and it won’t be long before someone picks up arm. So I say let them continue, grab some popcorns and enjoy the show. As long these Indians think they’re right it serves our purpose. So why stop them?

Sure "the intention" might be to make it sarcastic, but doesn't change the fact that what he said is actually truth.
That was raw emotion, no intention or attempted "sarcasm"

"..what he said is actually truth"

It is, in that Modi and Motabhai have been handed unfettered constitutional power by the people of India to fully implement their agenda. This is a democracy, and that is how things work in one.

They (the opposition) can try in 4 years, make their message popular enough, and people may kick Modi/BJP out and install a commie regime.. who's to say ?

The rest is hyperbole, he's very very likely just fresh from escaping a bad situation with nasty riots and a belligerent police force responding type situation.
Do you want me to quote your News media? Dawn or the nation on it?

I did say gow-mutra media? You think some of our media channels are not gow-mutra? They are.

Please do share the case kidnapping of Hindu and Sikh girls and forced conversion.
Hindu girls I remember that case, in which the girls said that they willingly married. Meanwhile their relatives said they were kidnapped. So there you have two claim, and btw Islam preaches there is no compulsion in religion so thats the case. So it was about claims and in the end the hindu girls won the case against their family so what can I say, Justice served?
Sikh girl case? I don't really remember that but I do remember a recent sikh murder case where the sikh girl didn't want to marry the sikh guy so she paid some one for the assassination. Brother of Harmeet Singh, if I remember right. Sure there might be some un-justice against minorities in Pakistan but you have to remember they are less than 5% here so... And we try our level best to provide equal justice to them. And about blasphemy law, it isn't only for the non-muslims it is also for the muslims as well so... Btw, if you are innocent you get free as in the case of Asia bibi, sure that case dragged for long, but the new and subsequent cases will be handled more quickly. But in the end justice should and will prevail. Btw, why are you deflecting on me. I asked you about the lynchings and stuff.

He is exaggerating to the level of hyperbole to make the video more satyrical. That's it.

I didn't say it wasn't satirical, I said it was truth engulfed in satire sure, but truth none the less. It was you who claimed that Pakistanis see anything anti-India to be truth.
I did say gow-mutra media? You think some of our media channels are not gow-mutra? They are.

When it comes to harsh truths, you stoop to name-calling even your media.

Hindu girls I remember that case, in which the girls said that they willingly married. Meanwhile their relatives said they were kidnapped. So there you have two claim, and btw Islam preaches there is no compulsion in religion so thats the case. So it was about claims and in the end the hindu girls won the case against their family so what can I say, Justice served?
Sikh girl case? I don't really remember that but I do remember a recent sikh murder case where the sikh girl didn't want to marry the sikh guy so she paid some one for the assassination. Brother of Harmeet Singh, if I remember right. Sure there might be some un-justice against minorities in Pakistan but you have to remember they are less than 5% here so... And we try our level best to provide equal justice to them. And about blasphemy law, it isn't only for the non-muslims it is also for the muslims as well so... Btw, if you are innocent you get free as in the case of Asia bibi, sure that case dragged for long, but the new and subsequent cases will be handled more quickly. But in the end justice should and will prevail. Btw, why are you deflecting on me. I asked you about the lynchings and stuff.
just answer one question:
Is Asia bibi living happily in Pakistan after courts acquitted her?

I didn't say it wasn't satirical, I said it was truth engulfed in satire sure, but truth none the less. It was you who claimed that Pakistanis see anything anti-India to be truth.

When I say India, it is not the government. It is about the state of India and the 'Idea of India'. The idea that India is for everybody be it Hindu or Muslims. and he said no anchor has the will to talk anti-Modi. Please do watch Ravish Kumar show for one example, Ravish is tearing apart government on most issues. That is why I said the man in the Video is exaggerating.
Sometime people seem to forget there are multiple other minorities in the country. Muslims seem to have taken over the tag of minorities and demand the special treatment when they themselves are 200 million in the country. Instead, they should focus more on their own development both social and economic wise, so the rest of the country adopt them as progressives rather than the basket case they are seen as today.
just answer one question:
Is Asia bibi living happily in Pakistan after courts acquitted her?

She is living a better life, where ver she is no? Or you would have preferred that should have stayed in Pakistan. Thats not nice of you, I see lots of Indians who try their level best to get into western countries even illegally. If you can provide the same for those lynched victims, I would be satisfied. What was that case of Muhammad Akhlaq? First he gets lynched, then his family is forced to move from their original village. Am I remembering it wrong? Surely gov. of India can atleast send his family to west, no? Thats the least they could do after not providing any justice to that family, no?

When it comes to harsh truths, you stoop to name-calling even your media.

It's not me, you can ask any Pakistani here. Some times our media goes a little bit over board. And yes they do act like they have been drinking some of that Indian gow-mutra, some times. This has nothing to do with the truth, its mainly about sensationalize. I can bet you, if you came here in your personal capacity with out camera's and stuff and ask minorities about anything, most of the time you will see a response of satisfaction. Sure there is some discrimination, but it is usually based on class/poverty. And poverty isn't limited only to minorites here, poverty has effected muslims as well.

Please do watch Ravish Kumar show for one example, Ravish is tearing apart government on most issues.

But, he is only one. And he really is a respectable journalist.
India was at 1.8 when I started at PDF now at 2.8.
2009 when you started PDF India’s rank was 66th among 88 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI).
2019 India ranking 102nd place among 117 economies in the Global Hunger Index (GHI).:rofl::rofl::rofl:
2030----- Despite improvements in hunger and nutrition over the years, India still has a long way to go before it is able to achieve the United Nations goal to end hunger by 2030:close_tema:
what a load of crock.

All Indian citizens will be just fine.

They should stop rioting.
You just want them to be docile and quietly led to the concentration camps just like Hitler did to the Jews. The concentration camps are already under construction.
You just want them to be docile and quietly led to the concentration camps just like Hitler did to the Jews. The concentration camps are already under construction.
detention centres, not "concentration camps"

for illegal alien BD muslims

anyway, you guys will just not listen to reason, logic and truth and chose to be willfully ignorant in your blind hatred of India.

lagey raho, meanwhile Modi and Motabhai (Gujarat waale) have complete unfettered constitutional power and will go about implementing their agenda carte blanche these next 4 years. After which the people will hand them an even bigger mandate.

Uniform Civil Code and Population Regulation Bill/Act is next.

Tsunami of shitlib, commie and leftist tears incoming in 3..2.. :D
Pir Syed Jamat Ali Shah wrote this about Quaid-e-Azam.


It took Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan 72 years to come to this conclusion...

Our Great Baba told them this in 1940s... and they made fun of OurFather!

Should think before passing comment. Situation was different during that time to migrate in midst of misleading leadership and path to migrate has perished, was ambushed many on their way ultimately dissuaded majority.

Nobody was unaware of such reality, knew it all till present day reality.

Too late. Too late.
Totally incorrect and wrong.

India was, since 1947, a "soft" Hindu state, with Muslims, being it's Second Class citizens, ever since.

Now, BJP is trying to convert it into a "hard" Hindu state, with Muslims to be further degraded to a level of Third Class citizens.

That is the reality of the situation.

They planned from beginning and now succeeded after such duration of time. But Allah(swt) also plans and he is the best of planners. So let's wait and see the good going to be outcome of this injustice.
They planned from beginning and now succeeded after such duration of time. But Allah(swt) also plans and he is the best of planners. So let's wait and see the good going to be outcome of this injustice.

Fully agree.
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