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‘India is a Hindu state now — we are second-class citizens’

And it IGNORES hindus of Srilanka in the process.
There is a solid reason why.

Minorities were not mistreated in Srilanka as in fellow Islamic countries where they are called Kafirs.

Even in India, Kashmiri Pandits forced to leave the valley due to the growing Jihadisation of masses.
1. India had Muslim Presidents, Intelligence Chiefs, Missile Scientists, Billionares... With No chance of having these for Hindus in Pakistan, what is the audacity for pakistanis to discuss about Muslims in India, when Hindus are far far worse reduced to 1% from muxh higher than 47 ?

2. CAA didnt add Srilanka which could have beniffited our Hindus... Why ?

3. India is a Hindu Majority state, coz it was decised by none other than Sir Jinnah. It was for the betterment if Muslims.

While Indians ( Hinu + Muslims ), Bangladeshi Muslims did much much better pakistan is still knocking the doors of IMF. And no, its not a situation fr a few years...it has been 13 times in past 40 years...! The Point is, even with partition what has gone wrong with muslims in Pakistan ?
Yea and you have every right to open multiple threads on Pakistan as soon as you are let out of the cage.
I know it's hard for you to comprehend the gruesome image when shown the mirror but last i heard was Sunday Times is a very reputable British newspaper which is exposing your snow white image.
see this. Congress is now just fishing in troubled waters. Opportunistic liars.
Indiria Gandhi was not from RSS. Yet she was the one who split Pakistan. So when it co.es to dangers from outside, Congress or Saffron Bandits aka BJP make no difference.

And she was also the one who had lead pumped into her by members of another suffering minority. :lol:

Yea and you have every right to open multiple threads on Pakistan as soon as you are let out of the cage.
I know it's hard for you to comprehend the gruesome image when shown the mirror but last i heard was Sunday Times is a very reputable British newspaper which is exposing your snow white image.

What cage ? Comprehension is avirtue not limited for a few news papers.

You will be here windjammer for 20 more years doing the same shit. You will never understand the differnce of 2010 and 2020.

India was at 1.8 when I started at PDF now at 2.8... by 2030 you will be still busy unmasking our snowshite image ..for the rest of ur life rather doing anything meaningful...and India will be at 3.8 may be 6. By the time u reluze in all these years what contribution ..what real contribution you did to avet another IMF ?
And it IGNORES hindus of Srilanka in the process.
There is a solid reason why.

Indiria Gandhi was not from RSS. Yet she was the one who split Pakistan. So when it co.es to dangers from outside, Congress or Saffron Bandits aka BJP make no difference.
Makes no difference to us.
Makes one hell of a difference to the Indian Muslims.
And she was also the one who had lead pumped into her by members of another suffering minority. :lol:


Yes, indeed dont u know what happend with the men who built you nuclear bomb ?

Im referring to sir salam and bhutto...both.
Yeah yeah ppl know what Hinduism did to Muslims who were martyred, raped and forced to leave Jammu. Ryt?

Hindus are always peaceful and do not interfere with other's religions too until you do some obnoxious shit like burning trains.
Hindus are tolerant but some people start to think of it as cowardness, there is where people commit the mistake.
What cage ? Comprehension is avirtue not limited for a few news papers.

You will be here windjammer for 20 more years doing the same shit. You will never understand the differnce of 2010 and 2020.

India was at 1.8 when I started at PDF now at 2.8... by 2030 you will be still busy unmasking our snowshite image ..for the rest of ur life rather doing anything meaningful...and India will be at 3.8 may be 6. By the time u reluze in all these years what contribution ..what real contribution you did to avet another IMF ?
If you were worth the crap you post here a$$ wipe.....you wouldn't need to crawl on PDF.....repeatedly opening anti-Pakistan threads and dragging all other irrelevant nonsense in unrelated threads......
Hindus are always peaceful and do not interfere with other's religions too until you do some obnoxious shit like burning trains.
Hindus are tolerant but some people start to think of it as cowardness, there is where people commit the mistake.
Hindutva rats can only be brave when in India, outside even you Kathin Singh will pull down your pants and bend over just to save your life. I have witnessed this Hindu cowardness first hand.
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